How are you guys posting pictures?


5 year old buck +
Sorry if this has been asked, but now that photobucket is "gone", what are you guys using? I tried flickr, but it seems very confusing to navigate, tried google photos but for some reason, when I posted the URL link it gave me for my photo, nothing showed up?

I would like something that is easy to upload pics from either my phone or computer.

So what are you guys using?
What I do is a very long, around the bend way of doing it, and fairly archaic as well.

I do 95% of my web surfing from a lap-top......especially when I'm posting pictures. As such I simply load my pictures from my phone. I then open the picture and use a screen capture software (snipping tool) to then pull the image into Microsoft paint. From there I save the image as a jpeg file which reduces the file size by quite a bit and then upload into the thread.

I'm sure others have a much better process, but that is my process...... Just like with plotting you use what you have and do what works for you.
I post my pics directly fromthe photo library on my iPhone. Sometimes a pic might have too big of a file size to download. When that happens I just take a screenshot of that pic and the screenshot always uploads with no problems.
I post my pics directly fromthe photo library on my iPhone. Sometimes a pic might have too big of a file size to download. When that happens I just take a screenshot of that pic and the screenshot always uploads with no problems.

That's how I do it. I always use a screenshot because it reduces the file size and it uploads faster and takes up less space.
Cornfed, under the text box where you type in your post there is a button to "upload a file". That will let you navigate to pics on your system and let you upload them directly.
I was crushed when photobucket went Comanche...I'm using imgur now, very easy to use and very fast uploads with no annoying pop ups...and it's FREE!

Just upload your pic, click on it and use the BBCode to post on websites.
Thanks guys. I was mainly interested in a 3rd party hosting them and then linking them to threads, since some forums I'm on dont let me directly upload a picture.

I was crushed when photobucket went Comanche...I'm using imgur now, very easy to use and very fast uploads with no annoying pop ups...and it's FREE!

Just upload your pic, click on it and use the BBCode to post on websites.

Perfect. I'll give that a try!
I'll be dang....that was easy! I was messed up by photo bucket also but that's easy
Sorry if this has been asked, but now that photobucket is "gone", what are you guys using? I tried flickr, but it seems very confusing to navigate, tried google photos but for some reason, when I posted the URL link it gave me for my photo, nothing showed up?

I would like something that is easy to upload pics from either my phone or computer.

So what are you guys using?

Photobucket is not "gone", they essentially said, ...although we have supported 3rd party hosting for years with our free plan and we know you have hundreds or thousands of pictures being used this way, we are now blocking all your pictures from 3rd party sites unless you pay us...

Well, any of the free posting services could do the same thing at any time. Years ago, I bought my own URL and rent server space for web hosting and such of my own sites. So, rather than chance of having years worth of pictures suddenly blocked again, I decided to build my own personal image hosting site.

I downloaded all of my pictures from photobucket and will never use them again for anything. I kept the free account rather than deleting it just because, since they screwed me, I might as well cost them money having to maintain the account. Once I got the pictures locally, I've slowly been locating threads on here where I posted pictures that now have the Photobucket add telling you to upgrade instead. I edit the post and click on the image. This gives me the photobucket URL. The photobucket URL contains the original picture name of the pictures I downloaded. I then upload that picture to my personal image server and update the link to point there. The picture then shows up in the post here.

Never again will I need to worry about pictures I post suddenly being blocked. Since I own the URL, I can rent hosting space anywhere and point the URL there and transfer my pictures there. The links should all work again.

If you are only posting to this forum, you can simply upload them here. They will only be available in the thread where you post them here so you won't have an organized place on the web for all your pictures like with the image hosting services. However, they will be here as long as the forum survives.


I am using Google Photos but having an occasional issue.

This morning I am testing Imgur. Pic below is from imgur using I-phone just taken.

Tapatalk. Incredibly easy for a techno dope like myself.
It automatically resizes pics too, so there's no problem with file size.