Honey Bees

pollen starting to flow here

What do you recommend for honey left over winter?

I have close to 3 supers that the bees didn't use

Should i spin it down?


Are the supers still on your hives? If so I’d leave at least one super on each hive until the flow starts.
pollen starting to flow here

What do you recommend for honey left over winter?

I have close to 3 supers that the bees didn't use

Should i spin it down?


I would wait a little longer - maybe mid march - until the flowers really start to come out, and then harvest the honey. You probably have a mixture of spring, summer, and fall honey in those supers and going to be a little darker than pure spring wildflower honey. I would rob the honey, and put the supers right back on the hives. If only one hive, I would put the supers back on, let them clean them dry, then take the top two off and protect from wax moths and use them as needed when other supers get 1/2 to 3/4 full.
thanks to both

those were my thoughts

I will wait a little longer as winter has been really mild(see nearby ?Winter thread)

thanks to both

those were my thoughts

I will wait a little longer as winter has been really mild(see nearby ?Winter thread)


Mild winters are the biggest killer of my hives. Bees become active early - like now - and start building number earlier than the big nectar flow - and they are already getting low on their winter store of honey. They run out of last years honey and cant produce enough new honey with the early, lower quality nectar flow - and the hive dies.
It got up to 55 degrees for a day a couple weeks ago here and I noticed the bees were buzzing around searching. I keep top feeders in my hives and put a chick waterer half full of sugar syrup on top one of the hives with a bunch of pebbles in the fount to keep bees from drowning and help it not blow over for xtra food. Tried to leave them plenty of honey this year and have kept up with feeding so hopefully I don't loose half of the hives again this winter.

This week temps back down in the teens with sleet and snow, hope the girls are doing well.
Checked our lone KS hive a couple of weeks ago and it made it through the winter and looked pretty strong. Bees were bringing in a little pollen and the queen was laying a bit. Put a sugar syrup feeder in the hive to hopefully get them to draw a few new frames and make some stores for the new packages of bees coming in a couple more weeks. We have some extra frames that we spun the honey out of last fall so those will be helpful in starting the new packages on as well.
Temps are up and down here, still feeding. Lost my best hive this winter.
Others are doing fine added another set of frames to them.

Our August swarm didn't make it. Undeterred as always I've been making swarm traps the last few days, hope to get one set out near an old house I know a hive is in tomorrow.
Anyone have any tips besides a few drops of lemon grass oil?
I'm sure they'll swarm this spring and would like free bees to go along with the 2 nucs Chuck and I have coming.

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I'm curious about lures also.

I just got my first hive. It's a top bar. Hoping to get a native swarm to take over instead of buying bees.

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Im getting the itch again, but they are some damn fickle creatures
Our August swarm didn't make it. Undeterred as always I've been making swarm traps the last few days, hope to get one set out near an old house I know a hive is in tomorrow.
Anyone have any tips besides a few drops of lemon grass oil?
I'm sure they'll swarm this spring and would like free bees to go along with the 2 nucs Chuck and I have coming.

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I have had zero luck trying to catch swarms with traps. Splitting hives has worked out very good though.
Our August swarm didn't make it. Undeterred as always I've been making swarm traps the last few days, hope to get one set out near an old house I know a hive is in tomorrow.
Anyone have any tips besides a few drops of lemon grass oil?
I'm sure they'll swarm this spring and would like free bees to go along with the 2 nucs Chuck and I have coming.

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I have had zero luck trying to catch swarms with traps. Splitting hives has worked out very good though.

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I baited mine with Swarm Commander.....Will check them this weekend

Smells just like lemmon grass oil so I'm not sure what the advantantage is

Ive also read where using drawn comb and propolis works

Those look nice!

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Just watched a swarm leave from one of my hives - headed west. Maybe you guys in OK or TX will get them. I have tried everything. Drawn brood comb works best for me - by far. Hard to come by
Just watched a swarm leave from one of my hives - headed west. Maybe you guys in OK or TX will get them. I have tried everything. Drawn brood comb works best for me - by far. Hard to come by

That bites

Swarm season has started here also

Checkin my traps Saturday!

I set one out by the lake near my home, about 200yds from the old house the feral bees are in.
Plan on setting the other up at the farm tomorrow. I have several frames with comb and a little honey from the failed swarm we caught last August that I'm splitting between the 1st 2 swarm traps.

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