Heater Body Suit users - insight needed.


5 year old buck +
I have a Heater Body suit. Mine is probably 8 years old. It works and will keep you comfortable down to at least zero with heavy hunting cloths under it.
Sorry for transmitting the original message too early. I was about to say you can't wear a t-shirt under it, but it does work well. My problem is I hate carrying the darn thing in the woods. It weighs a TON! Are the newer versions any lighter?
Here is what I do which may or may not work for you. For gun season which is when I mostly use it. I put a tote at the base of my tree. When I get there in the morning I just grab it on the way up the tree. When I am done I put it back into the tote. If I decide to switch stands during the week I will eventually have to carry it out.

If you switch stands a lot maybe you can use the tote idea at some centrally located area so that way you don't have to carry it the entire way every day.
Not sure on the exact age of mine, maybe 6 years old. I just weighed it with my fishing scale and it is 9 lbs 10 oz. Suit, orange overlay and straps. It would be heavy to walk with a long distance with. I never had to wear heavy clothes with mine. Long johns and fleece. I also leave mine at the base of the stand the day before.
My problem is that I hang 25 stands to hunt out of every year. So leaving it at the base of the tree is not an option. But, I will say I think mine weighs about nine pounds as well. That alone is fine, but add a bow, rangefinder, binoculars, grunt tube, rattling antlers, an extra release, back pack, screw in bow holder and a few small screw in gadget holders, a head cover or two in the backpack, water bottle, lunch, some hand warmers, and a few other things and you are packing some weight.
I said this somewhere else, but I hate taking things in the woods with me in general. So, I most likely pack in less stuff than most (1 bottle of water, range finder, grunt tube, binocs and bow (with release strapped to bow, arrows in the quiver) is it for most trips...add antlers for stands I can see a good distance from). Also, I've never had to bulk up with extra clothing, as I must naturally run hot or something. I can't think of a time I wore more than long johns and a Scent Lok Suit when using the Heater Body Suit. So, that helps cut down weight, as well.

What I did is had them give me the pack they sell for the suit. I got it for free, so I couldn't tell you if it's a great deal or not, but it does work a lot better than the strap system they sell. I just stuff the suit and everything I'll be bringing, outside of the bow, in it. It's a no frills pack, but it's nice to only have to carry the bow. For whatever reason, if I have something in a pack it doesn't seem anywhere near as heavy to me.
I said this somewhere else, but I hate taking things in the woods with me in general. So, I most likely pack in less stuff than most (1 bottle of water, range finder, grunt tube, binocs and bow (with release strapped to bow, arrows in the quiver) is it for most trips...add antlers for stands I can see a good distance from). Also, I've never had to bulk up with extra clothing, as I must naturally run hot or something. I can't think of a time I wore more than long johns and a Scent Lok Suit when using the Heater Body Suit. So, that helps cut down weight, as well.

What I did is had them give me the pack they sell for the suit. I got it for free, so I couldn't tell you if it's a great deal or not, but it does work a lot better than the strap system they sell. I just stuff the suit and everything I'll be bringing, outside of the bow, in it. It's a no frills pack, but it's nice to only have to carry the bow. For whatever reason, if I have something in a pack it doesn't seem anywhere near as heavy to me.

Thanks Steve, I my radiator does not run as hot as yours for sure. I think I will see what type of pack they have, and also consider a larger back pack to use just of Heater days. I use Badland Packs and I know they have some large ones that would probably work. Sometimes we just don't think of the obvious. When I think about it the weight isn't quite as bad as the bulk and awkward nature of carrying the thing.
Holy smokes! After hauling and hanging 25 stands I would think a 9lb. heater suit would be a piece of cake. A large pack sounds like the way to go.
Holy smokes! After hauling and hanging 25 stands I would think a 9lb. heater suit would be a piece of cake. A large pack sounds like the way to go.

The scary part is that I have cut back. I use to hang 35-40. I just could not find time to hunt that many. Although, no matter where the largest buck spends the bulk of his time on the farm, I normally have a stand already hung close by :).
Went to Cabelas today and bought the three largest Badland packs they had. My NEW HBS was too large for all three!