hang in with me on site changes.

I get the same error when I try to add it back
Try it now. I just uninstalled TT and went back one minor version. It appears to be working from my phone now.

Sent from my Pixel 9 Pro using Tapatalk
Strange… I logged out and was able to change to dark mode but when I logged back in it went to light and now when I try to change I get an oops error message..
Strange… I logged out and was able to change to dark mode but when I logged back in it went to light and now when I try to change I get an oops error message..
Which browser/platform on you using? You may have to flush your browser cache with all of the changes.
I’m using safari on an Ipad. Just cleaned out all my history and cookies. Still get the same error message

Now TT is working for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just updated to 18.2.1 last Thursday
Yup TT working here too. Thanks, Gents!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just updated to 18.2.1 last Thursday
I just set one of the family ipads to update tonight. I'll see what happens tomorrow on the same version.
Just updated to 18.2.1 last Thursday
It's working on my iPad with this build. I suspect something old is cached on your iPad. It may expire out in a few days, but you can also force it out by clearing the cache.

What does TT do? I've never used it. Is it just where you talk into your phone?
What does TT do? I've never used it. Is it just where you talk into your phone?
No. Its an app where you can load and use forums. I find it easier to use on my smaller iPhone than having the site open on a web browser.
What does TT do? I've never used it. Is it just where you talk into your phone?
It allows you to browse many forums in one app. The forums have to specifically support it via an add-on. Not all do.
UPDATE: I brought some custom colors back to HT. It should function with light and dark modes. You can revert to the stock Xenforo white/blues by choosing the "Habitat Talk v2" option from the bottom. The gear still swaps light and dark. If there is anything you can't see/read, please let me know. It's probably 99% correct from what I can tell.

I like this better than the bright blue.
I like this better than the bright blue.
I'm not a fan of the blues. Too "standard". I used an online logo generator to come up with a quick logo and colors, and this is what it spit out. I think it did a decent job for free. I had to figure out how to apply the colors to the Xenforo themeing. Since I've done this once before, I knew what issues to look out for. If anything isn't readable, let me know. I don't think we have any white text on white backgrounds, etc.
Like this better too. Thx for jumping in and giving Bill a hand. Only like the blues when it's music.
It's working on my iPad with this build. I suspect something old is cached on your iPad. It may expire out in a few days, but you can also force it out by clearing the cache.

Works now for whatever reason. Thanks for the helpRGrizzzz
For some reason I never thought Grizz would be a computer whiz. But i am glad he is. Well done sir.