Habitat projects for the weekend?

I have been doing my post firearm season walk through. Many of these areas I haven’t been in for 3 months.

Planning begins on how much I need to do or have ambition to do.

Probably at most, I will drop some mature popple and shrink some cages on older apple trees. The apple trees will be spring projects.

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What age do you shrink the cages? And do you have bear in your area? I have been wanting to shrink my cages, but concerned about bear. But I guess a bear is going to destroy them regardless of cage size.
The tiller will probably turn up much more RCG seed if your situation is like mine.

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i was thinking of running the tiller shallow to chop up the rhizomes, then spray to try and get rid of as much as possible
What age do you shrink the cages? And do you have bear in your area? I have been wanting to shrink my cages, but concerned about bear. But I guess a bear is going to destroy them regardless of cage size.

We had a bear in the neighbors sweet corn but it looks like he left my apple trees alone.

I go by size of the tree and shape to decide to put a smaller cage on. It somewhat depends on high high I have the limb scaffold and also the location.

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My son's home from the service for a few weeks, so weather permitting, we're putting up a new box blind behind the house. First time I actually bought one, so I'm pretty excited.
How did you connect and tie together the timbers?

pre drilled & used timber screws. Just anchored at the ends & one in the middle.
Direct seeding sawtooth acorns, left row. Right row was planted in chestnuts back in October. My plan is to plant a double row of oaks and chestnuts all the way down this fence. Maybe someday it will help screen off the orchard just a bit.20230101_111420_HDR.jpg
Busy weekend in the woods. I got a bunch of oaks released, hinged about half acre, cut some shooting lanes out from Mrs Coyote’s box blind for her, refurbished and built a couple of new wood duck and flying squirrel boxes, checked hives and looked for sheds. Didn’t take a single picture cause I left my phone on the counter so nobody would bother me.
My wife and kiddo were out of town this weekend so I was real busy working on reducing the number of bush honeysuckle on my place. Did another 3/4 acre between yesterday and today and cut some sumac that was getting too close to my house. Also made tree ID tags from flashing with my engraver for the trees planted in November and for those that will be planted in the spring. And now I can go back to work for a break…
Fenced off a small 1/2 acre orchard to keep the cattle out of it next month and got the 1/4” plate steel tops cut for my welding tables.


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Fertilized my fruit trees this afternoon great weather for it 62 degrees
Got my box blade out of the shop after some repairs new cutting edge, built up the box edges and the area that the cutting edge is attached. Then I hardfaced the high wear areas. I got it out of the shop and ran it for several hours this weekend it’s working very well post rebuild. Still have to order a couple scarifiers to replace some missing ones but I don’t use them much anyway.
About all I did was clean up my wood area, dug out most of the snow, moved some logs around, waiting for snow to melt back some. I don’t have any huge plantings this spring, other then clean up about a quarter acre of some over grow tag alders and plant some ROD cuttings, transplant some pines I am going to rob from my brothers, thin out a few patches of some wild spruce trees, and transplant them. Maybe a couple weekends of work.