Habitat out loud

Is that pond connected to other water during flooding or was nature supplemented to give a jump start? I've never seen scuds before, but I know they're around and a favored fish food. They sound like a great addition to a pond.

That’s just a depression back there. If it gets high enough it does spill over and go south.

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I had mentioned I had some luck broadcasting rye into tight and lush white clover last fall. For years I’ve been trying to get it up in late summer, and the clover just never gave an inch.

Last year, I decided to try spreading rye mid October. It’s not ideal for hunting to be encroaching at that time, but mid October is also slow. The deer had the clover well on its way to being grazed off and I went for it. It’s the first time I’ve ever made it in an established stand. It’s not thick, but it’s worth further development.



It’s not enough to hold down the grass, but I’m gonna keep after it. This plot was planted in the fall of 2021. It’s starting to get grassy. Might have to zap the grass next spring.

Some spring barley punched thru this year too.



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Work on my doctorate in ROD restoration continues.


Caught a lot of luck with the rain this year.


Can’t remember if and where I talked about this before, but I ripped apart a massive dogwood cluster bare handed by my outhouse. It became 50 busted up transplants with roots. It’s doing very well.


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I also super caged a huge nature-placed cluster of severely browsed ROD I knew I had. It’s roaring back in a hurry. No transplants here, no mulch, nothing extra other than the fence and I removed all the other brush around it.


It was all browsed down to about 12” and crowded by a birch and some tag alder.


It is all ROD in there. I had done this when there was still frost. I had to go back and straighten the posts and pound them back in. Should be set now. All it needs is sun and time.


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I’ve got a real banger of a dogwood seed crop coming finally. The woods have been opened up, brush piles made for the birds to pop a squat and plant these berries.




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I’ve got a real banger of a dogwood seed crop coming finally. The woods have been opened up, brush piles made for the birds to pop a squat and plant these berries.




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It's a beautiful thing!
It’d be cool to see something other than the red AO and JBH berries at my place. Very nice

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