GP/LP 3P600 or 3P606NT user thread

It's a few pages back, but the talk a about top link adjust is interesting.
On the 606NT the drill has much more surface area and likely is more spread even across the ground. The 600 series are likely to be a little more dependant on the top link to keep them level in different conditions.
I could be wrong, I don't own either but love reading about them.
I'm surprised more of the 3P500 and 3P600 drills were not sold until the last few years. No doubt the no-till versions have sold well....but seems like a lesser number of the "minimum till" drills were sold until the Genesis and perhaps the Tar River came along. Did folks not expect them to work in light soils? I never even heard of these drills until doing some searching.....and then NO reviews of them in the inter webs. I find that really strange in light of what a great product they are. I'd be curious to see the optional weight bar mounted on one of these drills. I dont think I should ever need more weight.....I"m just curious to know what it looks like. And some guys with somewhat heavy soil may want to use the weight bar. Not sure how much weight they can hold?
Foggy: My 606NT has the optional weight bars on it. They are mounted on the front tool bar and allow one to put those suitcase tractor weights on them to add weight to the drill. I have not added any weight to my drill but the option is there.
Foggy: My 606NT has the optional weight bars on it. They are mounted on the front tool bar and allow one to put those suitcase tractor weights on them to add weight to the drill. I have not added any weight to my drill but the option is there.

Edit: Nevermind on the pics. I forgot that Bear posted a pic on post #110. I dont think I have enough room on my tool bar to do this. Gonna have a look and see about adding a few hundred lbs.
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Yeah, I have been reading the previous posts and saw where Bear posted those pictures.

It is kinda interesting to read all of the different opinions and ideas from the past posts. I got into the no-till game on the advice of my local Ag guy. I found my 606NT online and had no idea how to adjust or operate the machine. I did have to replace the hub on the drive wheel and the problem with the trunnions. Other than that I have not had a problem with mine. I planted 7 acres of wheat, winter peas, clover and turnips the last couple of days and everything is working prefect. Just need some rain to get the seed up. Any of you guys know a good rain dancer that I can hire?
Yeah, I have been reading the previous posts and saw where Bear posted those pictures.

It is kinda interesting to read all of the different opinions and ideas from the past posts. I got into the no-till game on the advice of my local Ag guy. I found my 606NT online and had no idea how to adjust or operate the machine. I did have to replace the hub on the drive wheel and the problem with the trunnions. Other than that I have not had a problem with mine. I planted 7 acres of wheat, winter peas, clover and turnips the last couple of days and everything is working prefect. Just need some rain to get the seed up. Any of you guys know a good rain dancer that I can hire?
yep....I do. I am a very accomplished rain dancer as you can see by my avatar. Send all the pre-pay rain dance money you can Foggy @ the FORMER QDMA Headquarters, Rain Dance Headquarters, Building 5, at the Deertopia Proving Grounds....PO Box BR549, Pequot Lakes, MN. 01234 No refunds allowed. Use discount code +10 $$$, Do NOT address to he will just drink up my profits again......and you (and I) will have nothing to show for your payments.

References are available with payment of $100 cash to above address. Patience is a virtue.

If at any time you are not satisfied with the results of my efforts....feel free to contact my attorney's: Wille, Cheatum, and Howe. TYVM
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The check is in the mail post dated for when the rain gets here. Son! I had a hard time with TYVM. Old dudes like me have a hard time with those “whatcha M’call it’s”.
Took me all night to figure that one out.
I've always heard the lawfirm Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. They must have made Wille a partner after Dewey left town.
Yep, those guys are probably gonna run for office and make big promises.
I've always heard the lawfirm Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. They must have made Wille a partner after Dewey left town. bad.
Hey Foggy:
Thanks for the rain dance. You can cash that check now (I know it arrived already). It rained here last night; first rain in a couple of months and really appreciated.
Hey Foggy:
Thanks for the rain dance. You can cash that check now (I know it arrived already). It rained here last night; first rain in a couple of months and really appreciated.
I bet that Art abounded with your dance payment already. Probably why I have not seen him around in the last few days. He's likely drunk or sleeping it off in an alley somewhere. Glad you got your rain. I think I'm gonna demand cash in advance from here on.
Got the call today my 3p600 has arrived and is ready for delivery. Going to the dealer tomorrow to make payment and should accept delivery next week. Looking forward to it, should have a few months of free time to familiarize myself before spring.
Got the call today my 3p600 has arrived and is ready for delivery. Going to the dealer tomorrow to make payment and should accept delivery next week. Looking forward to it, should have a few months of free time to familiarize myself before spring.
Big time. Hope you love it like I do mine
Got the call today my 3p600 has arrived and is ready for delivery. Going to the dealer tomorrow to make payment and should accept delivery next week. Looking forward to it, should have a few months of free time to familiarize myself before spring.
Nice. Post a few pics when you get it home.
Nice. Post a few pics when you get it home.
Will do, I'll see it tomorrow when I'm at the dealership too
Awesome and you will enjoy your journey!
^ Hope you got some space under a roof for the winter? If mice could be an issue....stuff some dryer sheets in those plastic seed cups. I'm told mice will chew on em (maybe its the grain dust? dunno).

I've always been baffled by the top link pin. (Mine came without one.). I have a cat. one top link.....and the machine is drilled for a category 2 pin. I had to get some shoulder bushings to shim the hole in the grain drill to mount properly. I suppose I could let the linking pin to "drift"......but I do not like that sort of thing. Pretty soon you got an elongated hole......and things get worse from there. I'm curious the diameter of that top link pin shown in your pic.