Glyphosate question


5 year old buck +
I ordered some gly from Rural king and apparently I didn't read the description very close. I could have swore it was 41% gly, but when I went to read the bottle last night it reads 34% Glyphosate diammonium salt. I have never seen that before. Question is what is the difference between glyphosate and glyphosate from diammonium salt? Unfortunately I now have 15 gallons of this stuff.
The difference is a diammonium ion stuck on the side of the glyphosate molecule. It shouldn't affect the performance of the gly, but it does affect solubility and concentration. Did it come with a chart for mixing different concentrations?
in a nutshell. rest easy. It's gly. People just don't realize that round up is sold under various formulations with different salts in it. I don't recall the rates on this, but just read the label and rest assured that whatever you spray it on death will incur. I think that 34% is the same dilution rate as 41%?? If my memory serves me right. Meaning you will use the same amount per acre as the 41%, It's been a while since I read that label but one pint per acre and it's gonna be a brown down.
Yeah, the label says same as 41% gly. 32oz per acre.
brush killer
brush killer

all gly is technically a brush killer. but I would not classify this as a brush killer, when I think of brush killer the products that come to mind are crossbow (combo of triclopyr, 24-d) , imazapyr, pramitol, I like a selective herbicide process so you can spray the unwanted guests but leave the invited guest list safe from the death zone. Round up.. kills almost everything. I like to target the species for death.

This gly he bought is extremely effective. I will bet almost anything that it is probably more effective than the standard gly he bought in the past.
all gly is technically a brush killer. but I would not classify this as a brush killer, when I think of brush killer the products that come to mind are crossbow (combo of triclopyr, 24-d) , imazapyr, pramitol, I like a selective herbicide process so you can spray the unwanted guests but leave the invited guest list safe from the death zone. Round up.. kills almost everything. I like to target the species for death.

This gly he bought is extremely effective. I will bet almost anything that it is probably more effective than the standard gly he bought in the past.

The stuff I bought is 34% Glyphosate diammonium salt. the link you listed is 32% from isopropylamine salt. And no, the stuff I bought is not brush killer.

I sprayed a plot last night for a full burn down at 40oz per acre, so we will see how it works.
The stuff I bought is 34% Glyphosate diammonium salt. the link you listed is 32% from isopropylamine salt. And no, the stuff I bought is not brush killer.

I sprayed a plot last night for a full burn down at 40oz per acre, so we will see how it works.

I'm sure it'll work just fine.

The whole salts thing is what confused me. I guess and I was under the wrong impression of what its ("salts") use was for. Doesn't sound like its even "salt"

Here is a great link to explain it. Seems to me really isn't much of a difference as far as killing stuff goes.
The whole salts thing is what confused me. I guess and I was under the wrong impression of what its ("salts") use was for. Doesn't sound like its even "salt"

It is not "salt" as we think of table salt. It is "a salt" as it forms an ionic compound with another molecule. Glyphosate is acidic, so they neutralize it for safe handling, and in doing so, it forms a salt(ionic compound).
It is not "salt" as we think of table salt. It is "a salt" as it forms an ionic compound with another molecule. Glyphosate is acidic, so they neutralize it for safe handling, and in doing so, it forms a salt(ionic compound).

Exactly what I gathered from above posted link.
The stuff I bought is 34% Glyphosate diammonium salt. the link you listed is 32% from isopropylamine salt. And no, the stuff I bought is not brush killer.

I sprayed a plot last night for a full burn down at 40oz per acre, so we will see how it works.

i bet you will buy the same stuff in the future.. people just don't realize that there are different types of gly. I have used the one you bought and it works great.