Getting out of stand at dark with deer present.


A good 3 year old buck
Ran into this problem this past week. Had a couple of does with fawns eating in my clover plot at dusk and they would not leave. I tried to wait them out but finally had to climb down and alert the deer to my location, not good. If I was hunting with a partner I would have had them drive the four wheeler to my stand but I was alone. What about setting up an electronic game call nearby set to coyote call or something to drive the deer away long enough to make my escape. Any ideas?
Hunt trails further away from the plot?

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I carry a coyote howler mouth call. Easy to use. Yes, having a 4 wheeler drive in is good, but if you now know where the deer are entering the plot, Catscratch nailed it.
Ran into this problem this past week. Had a couple of does with fawns eating in my clover plot at dusk and they would not leave. I tried to wait them out but finally had to climb down and alert the deer to my location, not good. If I was hunting with a partner I would have had them drive the four wheeler to my stand but I was alone. What about setting up an electronic game call nearby set to coyote call or something to drive the deer away long enough to make my escape. Any ideas?
I just asked this same question on a different forum. I also was thinking coyote call but a rabbit in distress call was recommended. I have seen does move against a coyote so a coyote call might not work. I would not use this to often as it could cause deer to avoid the plot.
I’ve used an electronic call. Any kind of distress usually gets them nervous enough to move on.

I’ve even barked from the tree myself. But some times there that one doe that wants to figure out how a dog got in a tree and she walks right under you....
I just do barred owl calls. Soft at first. Then louder and louder until they get a little nervous and move on. Usually works. They don't move off too far. My assumption is always that they are still close, but at least they won't see me climb down out of the tree.
If they are does you aren't shooting, then what does it matter if they know where you were?

Seriously, when a doe blows and runs away with tail high, does she have a way of telling the other deer there was a hunter, or do they just know there was some general danger?

If you wound a deer that lives, will it avoid that area forever now, alert other deer about that spot?

How sophisticated are their thought process and communication skills?
IMO I think it can blow that stand for mature deer at least for that season.
I just had a similar thing happen last week and was stuck in stand until an hour after dark. Waiting them out can take more time than I’ve got sometimes. I at least wait until they aren’t as close and again IMO think deer are less jumpy after dark. I get out as quiet and slow as I can and slip out of area with as little disturbance as possible.
If they are does you aren't shooting, then what does it matter if they know where you were?

I can only answer this in regards to my specific situation. I'm only on 30 acres...poor soil, low deer density, no ag, and no hard mast. I do not hold mature bucks on my property. I have a few small rye plots that act as social hot spots...lots of does and young bucks year round. However, once the rut hits I get matures bucks showing up on camera looking for the does.

So, I don't hunt does. But I do need them to feel safe and stick around my plots for as long as I can as they bring in the bucks during daylight.
I had that last night and once last week.

Last week I hit the rattle bag and the scattered. last night I did a coyote howl and they bumped off. I made tracks for the truck and the cams say they were back within minutes.
Ran into this problem this past week. Had a couple of does with fawns eating in my clover plot at dusk and they would not leave. I tried to wait them out but finally had to climb down and alert the deer to my location, not good. If I was hunting with a partner I would have had them drive the four wheeler to my stand but I was alone. What about setting up an electronic game call nearby set to coyote call or something to drive the deer away long enough to make my escape. Any ideas?

My primary method, and the best, is simply to wait until well after dark. Deer calm down substantially after dark and without any backlighting, I can usually climb down without alerting deer. I'm not at all worried once I hit the ground. Deer have predators walk by all the time and they don't seem to associate it with a specific location. However, for some reason, I find that once deer see you in a treestand, they will stop and watch that location to ensure it is safe before moving through. Deer do communicate. If does stop and focus on your stand to ensure there is no danger, other deer will stop and try to figure out if there is danger where they are looking.

On occasion I've had to leave early and could not wait. I just carry a coyote howler in my pocket and blow it a few times. Deer won't locate me, but it makes them feel uncomfortable enough to move on as others have said. No need for an electronic call.


I had to clear a plot out twice this year. First time I let my bow down and made it rustle in the leaves. That cleared the plot. Cam shows no worries. Second time I didn't have the pull rope with me and just tossed my thermacell puffy seat down to the ground...plot cleared. Cam again showed no worries. Would I suggest this every do what you must to be a ninja.
I can’t hunt my plots without spooking deer. I’m done hunting them now until I’m sure I’m gonna shoot a doe. It’s so damn frustrating!
Since spooking deer is so easy, I just figure every other property is spooking them equally as much, so it just keeps some parity throughout the woods. I always hear about these awesome drainage ditches that guys get to walk or swim thru for miles just to safely access their best stand, but that doesn't happen here! I do like the idea of an electronic caller placed strategically.
I just climb down... But that’s why I rarely hunt the same stand twice. Gotta keep them guessing!
A rope to a nearby small tree is priceless in this situation. I usually set the rope up to tug a tree around while rattling and calling. Just so happens what brings the bucks in can also clear the does out.
Tonight I had a button buck on the plot in front of me. I barked, nothing. I roared, nothing. I climbed down, I’m pretty sure he’s still there :).
aI usually do a snort-wheeze to run deer off the field. It’s a natural deer vocalization that usually just spooks them long enough for me to get down and gone. I had an interesting experience doing it last year around the rut just as it got dark. I had mature buck come charging in to about 40 yards and didn’t want to leave even after I got down. When my feet hit the ground the smell of rutting buck was STRONG…. I was just hunting a few hundred yards out my back door and had a mowed path back to the house through some thick understory…..I didn't have a big flashlight on me......all I had was my phone light that just lit up the path and that was about it. It didn’t scare him when I cut it on either and I had to holler at him to get him to back up long enough for me to get out of there. I had the safety clicked off of my gun and it pointed in his direction just in case he charged at me. It was one of the hairiest moments I’ve had in the woods deer hunting. I think he was tending to one of the does I was watching that evening and I was between him and her snort-wheezing.