Fruit Tree Fertilizer

I got a bunch of those Jobe's spikes (i think just general tree and shrub ones though) on sale last year and never got them in the ground on time. From what I've heard, spikes aren't recommended on fruit trees in the north because they could continue feeding late into the summer delaying the hardening off of the wood that is needed for winter survival. Putting them in very early should reduce/eliminate that threat. I may put mine in the ground this coming weekend.

....I got them the first week of April for under $3 per 15 pack after rebate from Menards. Hopefully they run a similar sale this April.
Hey Spiider I've also used some basic 10-10-10 spread under my trees in the past. Threw a little pel lime on at the same time.
I like the fruit tree spikes and add a bit of pel lime on top of the hole. sometimes I use a spadeful of chicken manure/bedding.

I met a guy on very light soil who uses foliar spray.