Food plots vs thickets

One thing I've done on oaks and chestnuts is to plant them I tight with other trees instead of out in the open. I let them set their feet a year or two and then open them up. Also, instead of planting them on a south facing slope plant them on a north facing. Maybe a later start would help them?

I'll send you some northern red acorns this fall. If you went to try those.

Thanks for the offer. I have two red oaks in my home yard that are loaded this year. Do I wait for them to fall or pick them off the tree? Also can I just stomp them in the ground this fall and have any chance they grow. I have no squirrels so don't have to worry about them digging them up.
I'd wait for them to drop and pick them up. I'd go to your land. Take a steel bar. Pop a hole an inch or two deep. Pop the acorn in and step down on it to close the hole. You could get 100 planted quickly. They grow fast on my land.
Thanks. I planted these five years ago. They were big nursery trees. Last year was the first year they had acorns. I thought they only had them every other year but this is two years in a row.