First try at no-till soybean mix and brassicas into rye

Hopefully they give it a chance to grow some.
Hopefully they give it a chance to grow some.
Part of the reason I'm glad the farmer got his black beans in, 57 acre food plot :)

5-6yrs ago I gave up on a summer plots mainly soybeans because I couldn't grow enough and the deer wiped them out before ever producing and pods so I didn't plant any for a couple years and my summer sightings of does and fawns and deer in gerneral went down. 3 yrs ago I started these rolled down plots and have added other seed to the soys and my sightings have came back up, I now plant these knowing that they are going to get hammered and not to expect much but the other seed I've added seems to last into the fall. Just my thoughts on soys.

Clover plot with some apple trees in it, scrape line running down the right.

Nice pics Scott! It's great to see the next generation use what you do for them.
We are supposed to be getting rain wed/thurs/fri so I planted my brassicas today, planted them in last falls rye. The rye wasn't quite as thick as in the past so grasses came up also, not bad still adds mulch.


Clover down in there.


I got my brassicas in today too. Line of storms is 2-3 hours out. Hopefully it holds together.
I got my brassicas in today too. Line of storms is 2-3 hours out. Hopefully it holds together.

Yea we've had quite a few storms that looked good leaving WI and broke up going across Lake MI. Pretty dry here.
A couple comparison pics, first one is 6 days ago and not much rain in the last month and the next is after a couple inches of rain, finally taking off.

We got another 3/4" of rain yesterday, this plot is finally starting to take off.

The throw and roll summer plot I did this year is kind of a bust between the deer, turkeys and little rain it didn't make much. The lightly disked side looks real good.

The brassicas are looking ok.

Missed some of the clover oh well.

Scott......Your thatch layer may be so thick that you're actually suppressing seedling growth with a clean pressed mat like that. Just something to consider. Be sure to watch that video "Undercover Farmers". Pay particular attention to the part where they're showing how well they suppressed weed growth by pressing a mat in the same fashion. The reason their seedlings were allowed to come through the mat is because they cut out opening in the mat with their no-till drills.
Scott......Your thatch layer may be so thick that you're actually suppressing seedling growth with a clean pressed mat like that. Just something to consider. Be sure to watch that video "Undercover Farmers". Pay particular attention to the part where they're showing how well they suppressed weed growth by pressing a mat in the same fashion. The reason their seedlings were allowed to come through the mat is because they cut out opening in the mat with their no-till drills.
If you plant it, they will come. :)

If you fear a heavy thatch layer in a field with lots of weeds and grasses, would you benefit by just spraying and not rolling or cutting? Or will everything lay down on its own quickly?

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Pretty dry here in MI this summer, my sorghum mix is doing ok and the deer are using it.

Found a sunflower, not too many left the mix.

Over 3" of rain this last week has the plots going again, brassicas are taking off now it's only been over a month.

Clover is waking back up.

Alfalfa strip next to the sorghum.

Scott, bout time for the rains ah, we got 1.12 between Saturday & Sunday. I was planting my foodplots on Saturday when it starting coming down sideways.
Scott, bout time for the rains ah, we got 1.12 between Saturday & Sunday. I was planting my foodplots on Saturday when it starting coming down sideways.
Glad to hear you finally got some rain!
Sorghum plot is looking good, lots of food in there.

Brassicas didn't get the rain in July but they are doing ok now just won't have the bulbs like usual.

After not getting the rain in July mid Aug I braodcast some rye and buckwheat into the brassicas because I didn't know what I was going to have.

Ahh brassica, the 2 of us never bound to be together. :'(