First try at no-till soybean mix and brassicas into rye

Wow! Did you hit that with any fertilizer after you planted?
Wow! Did you hit that with any fertilizer after you planted?
Yea I spread some urea mid Aug sometime.
Had a little more time today to check things out, there are a few bare spots in the brassicas but not bad.

Checked on the summer plot with rolled down grass and it looks like it's going be a good screen and some bedding.

I'm sure these won't amount to much but at least I got some to make pods.

Thought I got more pics yesterday but apparently not, they have started with the brassicas in the thick rolled down rye and there is some rye coming back up also.

Looks like the table is set Scott!!!
I moved a camera over the brassicas just to see when they start using them and how much.

That's the best looking rolled rye to brassica plot I've seen. Seems like a lot end up with thatch to thick for it all to punch through. Did you get a lot of rain to help them along?
That's the best looking rolled rye to brassica plot I've seen. Seems like a lot end up with thatch to thick for it all to punch through. Did you get a lot of rain to help them along?
The first month or so I thought this was going to be a loss but it took off, it didn't look real promising in the begining.
Should have left a camera up going to and from the summer plot, every deer that came into the plot last night went into it, I would have never thought that.

Here's a pic from the stand they would eat through the cereal grains and brassicas and end up in the summer plot, they would eat in there for 15min and come back out to the cereal grains.

All looks good Scott! Nice Job!
While hunting last night I noticed the deer starting to hit the brassicas.

This little area is clover but you can see the brassicas out in the plot, I have a stand about 30yds left of thid camers that I was sitting in last night.

Different plot

I said somebody else had the nicest looking brassica I'd ever seen. I'm taking it away and giving it to you.
Wait, it was you.
That is some tall Brassica there Scott, very nice!
Checked on the summer plot and they have all the beans and peas gone, there are a few brassicas and hairy vetch still going.

Turnips in the brassica plot are tennis ball to baseball size.

Took a walk around the plot before I came up today, things are looking good, they've started hitting the brassicas more.

Pretty good trail going out of the switch to the plots.

I threw some brassicas in the summer plot and they seem to be doing good in there.

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Haven't had much time lately for anything other than work, worked 14 of the last 16 days. Went back and pulled cards today and checked on the plots. Everything is doing good and being used heavily.

Have some pretty good sized turnips.

The rolled down rye mulch is still thick and covering the ground, also have some volunteer rye coming up, not a bad thing.

Most of the turnips in ours plots are baseball size but a few are quite a bit larger, once the tops have been eaten the turnips are showing better.

Most of the turnips in ours plots are baseball size but a few are quite a bit larger, once the tops have been eaten the turnips are showing better.

That's one of the better purple tops I've seen. What was your plant date?