First try at no-till soybean mix and brassicas into rye

Do you spray the gly before or after rolling the rye with the cultipacker?
Do you spray the gly before or after rolling the rye with the cultipacker?
I sprayed it while I was rolling the rye, rolled it the first time to kinda knock it down no spray and sprayed the second time over it.
Do you spray the gly before or after rolling the rye with the cultipacker?
I've done both. I like to wait a few days or a week so the grass can grow up through the flattened rye. Not sure if that is more efficient.
Ok I remebered my phone for some pics this time, the disced plot is taking off with the rain we received this last week. I can't call the no-till a total loss yet, the rye, oats and I believe buckwheat is coming up. I haven't seen any soys or peas coming up yet, they might be under the downed rye, I've picked some of it up but I haven't looked over the whole plot, time will tell.

Tilled side looks ok

Tilled side

No-till side

We put up exclusion cages on sat.

Went back to pull my cards on the trail cam and took a couple pics of this plot. Not much has changed on the tilled side but finally there is some action on the no-till side. pulled back some rye mulch and found some more.

Here's a pic of evrything, I stepped off the size of this just for grins 25 X 60 yds so it's just over 1/4 acre.

Some soys/peas and buckwheat coming up, notice the color of the soil from where I pulled the mulch back. The mulch isn't as thick as I thought it would be, next try I'll have a little thicker rye for this.

I keep calling this the tilled side but this was a milo/sorghum plot I had last year and killed with gly a couple weeks before discing it so it wasn't really tilled just run over with the disc twice, minimal till? Everything seems to be growing well on this side but time will tell.

Going to try this with brassicas this weekend.
Have a good weekend everyone!
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Scott we did the same thing you did at our farm. We've done it a couple times and it always works out well. We use corn, soybeans, rape, and chicory. Last year we also mixed some rye in however, this year we did not. I'll look back to see if I have any picture of how it turned out last year.

Here's some pictures of this years plots. The corn and beans came up first.


Scott we did the same thing you did at our farm. We've done it a couple times and it always works out well. We use corn, soybeans, rape, and chicory. Last year we also mixed some rye in however, this year we did not. I'll look back to see if I have any picture of how it turned out last year.

Here's some pictures of this years plots. The corn and beans came up first.

YoungGuns thanks for the pics, your plots look good! I'd like to see some of your last years pics. This is an experiment for me right now, just trying some smaller plots to see how it works. If this works with the soys I might have to invest in a e-fence so they'll be around longer.
Ok here's round 2, I planted a brassica mix this A.M. purple top turnips, rape and radishes was in the mix. I planted the brassicas the same as I planted the soy mix, broadcast the seed into standing rye and then flatened with a cultipacker and sprayed with gly. The rye in this plot was alot thicker than the rye I planted the soy mix into. We are supposed to get some rain tomorrow so I hope this works out good.



I'm going to split the clover plot on the right with brassicas and cereal grain mix

Looks good!

Based on trail cam pics my soybeans are a bit sparse in some areas. I won't get back til mid July. imthink I'll broadcast some turnips in the thin spots then.
After the rain we've had the last little bit the soys have started to pop, it has taken alittle longer for this side to take off than the tilled side. They both seem to be doing ok other than some browsing.

The rye and oats are starting to fill in also.

You can see the green starting to show through the mulch now.

Exclusion cage on the tilled side

I am suprised by the growth since the last time I checked.
Nice thread Scott. I tried similar to this last year with rotating my Dbltree cereal plot into Brassicas. Except all I did was cultipacked the Rye and Clover, no spraying, which apparently was a mistake... I only got a few radish and turnips, the rest went back to clover and rye. Which wasn't terrible but wasn't what I planned for either. This year I just recently mowed and sprayed the plot that I planted to the cereal mix last August. I plan to try the no-till Brassica mix again and see how it goes. I wanted to do like you did here, and will try this method with the failed Brassica plot from last year. I know it's worth a little trial and error, but for a small time plotter, I hate making mistakes...

Keep the updates coming!
Nice thread Scott. I tried similar to this last year with rotating my Dbltree cereal plot into Brassicas. Except all I did was cultipacked the Rye and Clover, no spraying, which apparently was a mistake... I only got a few radish and turnips, the rest went back to clover and rye. Which wasn't terrible but wasn't what I planned for either. This year I just recently mowed and sprayed the plot that I planted to the cereal mix last August. I plan to try the no-till Brassica mix again and see how it goes. I wanted to do like you did here, and will try this method with the failed Brassica plot from last year. I know it's worth a little trial and error, but for a small time plotter, I hate making mistakes...

Keep the updates coming!
Thanks Spiider! I think this will work from what I see, I think the brassicas should be alright. Try to get some pics this weekend.
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A family having their 4th picnic on the new plots. Everything is looking good on these 2 new plots. Many pics like this.

Looks Good Scott. A lot of variety! And everything is really green! Sweet!
Thanks MO, when I planted this we didn't get any rain for about a week or so, once the rains came everything popped good.
Appear to have got a good burn down in the brassica plot. We are supposed to get some rain today so hopefully that will help with the germination.

I can't believe how much both sides of this plot has taken off the last 10 days. We have had timely rains and plenty of sun lately, perfect growing weather.

Pic of both sides

No-till side, lots of rye, oats, buckwheat and some peas and soys.

Tilled side, everything seems to be doing well.

From what I've seen I think this little trial has been a success, like I said earlier that I have never been able to grow soys because the deer just devour them so not finding soys and peas on the no-till side doesn't mean thay weren't there. The trail cam I put over this plot has showed heavy browsing and I think the soys and peas stick out alittle more on the no-till side, just a thought.
Can't wait to see the progression of this plot comparison
Here's the brassica plot. Where the rye mulch isn't as thick the brassicas are taller.

Over all plot 2wks after planting

Where the mulch is thinner.

Where the mulch is thicker I had to pull it back to get to the brassicas

Here is what our plot of corn, beans, and brassicas is looking like. Not sure if I am happy with it our not. Our other plots of just brassicas the deer are really hammering!

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Here is what our plot of corn, beans, and brassicas is looking like. Not sure if I am happy with it our not. Our other plots of just brassicas the deer are really hammering!
Nice looking plot! only one pic came through on my end not sure if it my computer or what