Ferguson TEA-20

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Well kept and sturdy looking disc right there! That is a nice grab in itself!
One part seems to be replaced, otherwise, the disc is in pretty spectacular shape. The blade is alright, but I'm MUCH more excited about the disc!

I cleaned up the bearings and greased them up! Its sure heavy. I can squat 500lb, and I struggled to lift up half of it. I'd say it's at least 600lb. I lifted each end, and spun each by hand. They work well!
Well kept and sturdy looking disc right there! That is a nice grab in itself!

Yessir! That's why I figured $500 for that, and at least $1000 for the loader. So $3700 was a steal.
I am willing to be that under all that industrial loader paint, and cab.....lies one good looking Ferguson tractor. That loader is pretty heavy duty.

Yessir! It looked good! I even saw MF red at the hardware store today. I might get some sanding and painting done in the next few weeks (or year).

The loader seemed to have pretty good down pressure, it was able to lift the front up a bit, but it didn't really have the mobility to do much, but it didn't really struggle to lift what it was physically able to!
Power steering? That would almost be a must with a loader like that.

I like that the disk came with a beer holder like that. ;)
Power steering? That would almost be a must with a loader like that.

I like that the disk came with a beer holder like that. ;)

Yessir, power steering!

I could probably haul a few cases on that disc. I might just have to use some to weigh it down. :)
Well I got her today! I took the disk around for a few hours, and it worked great! I only made 2 big mistakes. #1 I didn't realize the loader arm was losing pressure, and suddenly the tractor stalled. I then realized the bucket was full of dirt! #2 I forgot my disk was down, and on the way out I disked one row of my native prairie. Overall no harm done!

I did run into a problem with the tractor, however. She seemed to be overheating. I smelled a bit of smoke every now and then. Today I'm going to check the oil level and radiator fluid's level. I may have ended up running her for a while after she was overheated. Hopefully I just find that the fluids are low.
You might want to check the air flow to the radiator, I know the radiators on our tractors get a lot of grass/debris from just being out in tall grass. I just blow it out with air compressor.
Will do! She got pretty hot, so I'm kind of worried that I ran it too long after noticing. There is no "red zone" on the water temp gauge, so stupid me thought that it meant it was alright. Other than hoses connected to the radiator and the previously mentioned things, what else could cause overheating? I know that if I don't keep RPM's up it'll be harder on it, but as far as malfunctions go.

Overall things I've noticed that I need.
1. Drawbar or crossbar
2. Buckle/latch that keeps the hood "locked" closed
3. Fuel gauge. I'm not sure whether the wiring is off, or if it is just the gauge itself that doesn't work, but it always shows E
Can't compensate for # 1

But 2 and 3 are a bungy strap and a stick.

I agree with Scott. When my newer tractor overheats it's usually pollen or seeds plugging up the radiator fins. Get you self some window screen and cover the fron of the radiator. Won't stop all the pollen but it does stop the seeds. I have it on everything tractor, 4 wheeler, anything with a radiator.
Well I was going through and checking the fluid in the radiator, and I started to refill it. It started pissing out of the front, so now I know the problem! We had a guy come out yesterday and he said it was just a minor puncture into the outside. There is a bar that jostled loose on our way home and vibrated enough to cause a bit of a hole. I'm sure glad that I know what the problem was!
If someone else needs one! Located in Hugo MN