I think we oughta load up a truck-load full of wolves......and deliver them to the state capitol. Lets see how those city folk like them in their neighborhoods. See how long the protection idea holds up then? ;)
Maybe SSSIt wasn't more than a few weeks ago, there were back to back issues with reports of muffin getting hauled off into the mist by wolves in Duluth. I can't for the life of me figure out how there were 6-10 incidents per week in the cuffs and collars section in ODN, and now there haven't been any for 2-3 weeks. It makes me wonder if this site is being trolled for sentiment and muzzles are being put on the COs and their wolf reports.
How far is Ferguson from Spanish Lake?
I have an 89 year old step aunt who is recovering from a stroke and hoped to go home. Her home has been ransacked. My step father feels it is related to the Ferguson riots. My step father is over 90 and could have things mixed up.
True or not, I do not know.
Are police not enforcing rules as they have in the past?
Are they afraid to take action?
3 cops murdered this weekend. Will the Pres speak out?, where are the protests? I would love to see it.....but won't I would bet!
Spot-on Observation. There is no more investigative reporting because it cost to much.The press doesn't care about the majority, they care about ratings and selling ad time.
Kids should be taught to respect other people and not pull guns out on cops! But they are not being taught that and get shot for trying to be a punk thug!
Agree, this is a symptom of a much bigger problem. This won’t be fixed unless we can have a frank conversation about what is at the root of the problem. Social norms of behavior won’t be met until they are required and they aren’t required in a welfare state. Change will not occur as long as the party in power wants reliable dependent votes instead of independent thinking citizens.
Same old crap.