5 year old buck +
I've planted WR, WW, Oats and Trit, in mixes and by themselves, and I don't see any difference with any of them. When the leaves fall off the trees and agricultural crops are gone, any of these grains will be a major draw for wildlife. I've had 6 to 8 inch tall green mixes mowed to the ground, within a month, come January and February. They also rebound in early spring and give deer a quality food source before spring green up. My choice is use a mix because deer are browsers and eat different things. In colder climates, that have frosts in September, I would eliminate the oats or not plant just oats by themselves, as oats will winter kill when the temps hit 20-25 degrees. IMO with PH's above 6, grains are Great, have their place in our food plots and provide quality nutrition well into early spring for our deer. Paul Knox aka Lickcreek / Doubletree has some GREAT reads on rye vs winter wheat and they can be found on this forum under the Lickcreek thread. Very informing.
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