Doohhh, I'm hunting alone next year.


My brother decided to join the fun.

Doesn't look like it from the pic but because of tine length and palmated main beams he grosses 154"

I got to lay off the garlic!


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Bill, I'm starting to feel bad for you. Everyone is getting a nice buck except you and its your land!

Nothing wrong with some alone time for about three weeks out of the year.

Congrats to your brother!
Bill you have some dandy bucks that called your place home. I hope someday to have a place of my own that I can share deer of that caliber. The biggest buck I saw today was a one antlered spike..... I guess he thought he should have been born a unicorn!:)
LOL, you should never run out of friends.:)
Wow, you have some very nice bucks on your place Bill. Your turn now.
He's a keeper
Nice socks. :)
Seriously nice deer.