Do I need watering holes?

I would highly recommend some. They are beneficial to a lot of different creatures. I dug a fairly large waterhole/small pond 6 ft deep. The first year it was getting pounded by the deer. I strongly believe that the are attracted to something in the freshly dug soil. I have lots of lowland the holds water here and there but they love the dug waterhole the best. The animals have a couple of good trails leading to the ponds but the usage is nowhere near like when it was first dug. Its cool just to see everything using it.
For me, a waterhole or two was an absolute must. I put them on the same level as food plots. We put them in a few years ago and the deer started using them almost immediately.


Tracks on the ice of one, and a solid path to another.

The wildlife attraction is amazing. I have one in my yard that always has frogs, tadpoles, birds, bees, etc using it (even though it goes dry often).

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And they get used all the time.




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The deer laying in them is amazing to me. The lab seems the most exuberant of the bunch though!
^^ Those pics were pretty cool, and yes, that dog loves those waterholes. She's in them every time we go to the property. The one buck didn't get to lay there long..



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My buddy puts them in with the skid loader when we have it down at the farm 1 day a year. In the right place they can be really good.

His brother hit (but didn't kill) the biggest buck he's ever seen late october over a kiddie pool. In the woods.
I have a stream, swampy area and existing 70 gallon stock tank. The deer drank the stock tank dry last summer. Also lots of scraping around thay water hole. Added another one (110) gallons friday. It was less than $100 and 1 hour to dig it into the ground!

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(Sigh) another project added to my list. This seems like a high efficiency one though.

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Wow, after seeing all of these pics, I don't see how it could do anything but help! Thanks guys! Thats going on my management list for sure!!!