Deal of the day

Devil is tempting me. My neighbor is selling a 6' king cutter brush hog. I already have one but lugging it between properties is a pain. It's basically new, he was hinting at $700. I might wait a week and tell him $500.
Devil is tempting me. My neighbor is selling a 6' king cutter brush hog. I already have one but lugging it between properties is a pain. It's basically new, he was hinting at $700. I might wait a week and tell him $500.
It may be gone in a week at that price.
^^ You'd think the builder of that planter would have made that a 3 point That long tounge would make it difficult to use on my land.
^^ You'd think the builder of that planter would have made that a 3 point That long tounge would make it difficult to use on my land.
I wondered about that as well foggy. I don't think it would be too awful hard to either shorten that tongue or even retrofit a 3pt mount onto that thing. I don't even know if you would need a welder, it may be able to be done with bolted connections and all one would need is a heavy duty drill.
It would be nice to pull with a wheeler but that tongue is way to long.
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I could see this being a good deal for someone with lots of logs or dirt to move. (Jim Timber?) Needs a little deck work.....but could move lots of material.

And here's an EZ Flow Spreader for $350.....

That looks like some kind of a grass seeder box on the back of that EZ-Flow? Never seen one quite like that before.
^ Yep.....does look odd. I thought it was some support bridging.....due to the wide width. Add says "needs work". Buyer beware. ;) Still.....if I needed a lime spreader......
^ Yep.....does look odd. I thought it was some support bridging.....due to the wide width. Add says "needs work". Buyer beware. ;) Still.....if I needed a lime spreader......
On those things, that usually means one thing, the agitator is either froze up or rotting away. Could be an easy fix or a PIA depending on what all is damaged.
Funny you should post that Foggy. I was almost going to buy a running gear last night, but there's a question of ownership and I don't trust either party anymore. Plus the tires are all shot and it's looking like a money pit to get it to where I need it to be for my usage.

Too rich for my blood though. :)
I've also been looking for a wagon with a hoist. Not coming up with anything close to me. Try searching for Barge Box/Wagon or Flare box/wagon. You'll get more hits.
I've just been watching the farm section every couple days.
Have had terrible luck running a lone doe decoy. Every she snorts blows stomps. Better with a solo buck or buck doe combo.