Dan Bussey's - The Illustrated History of Apples in North America book


5 year old buck +
The following link has information regarding Dan Bussey's new upcoming book series (seven volumes), The Illustrated History of Apples in North America:
I've had the pleasure of meeting Dan twice at weston orchards grafting class where Dan was the instructor. I'll be buying a set when it is available. Thanks for sharing.
I have been checking the publishers website every couple of months. Really neat project but not sure I'm willing to pay $250 for the books.
For all you apple nutso people out there this set is still available and now down to $150 clearance with $30 shipping. Ok I'm a little wacky too...
If you like growing the odd and unusual varieties you'll enjoy these books. I refer to mine often.
If you like growing the odd and unusual varieties you'll enjoy these books. I refer to mine often.

Does he do a good job at covering the apple crabs and the Prairie Province varieties? Does he cover applecrabs from rootstock?

I enjoy growing seedlings for cider and in hopes of a great apple. I prefer 50% crabs in cider.

I am waiting for some more crabs to bare. Martha, Geneva, some more dolgo seedlings, rootstock crabs including B118, and other seedlings that I can’t remember just now.

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