Cultipacker options


5 year old buck +
I’m looking for opinions and experiences on what folks are using for cultipackers-
What’s the pros and cons of 3 point vs tow behind

how much does one need to weigh to be useful

what are some good commercially available options if I can’t find a used one at auction.

my primary use would be food plots and crp planting.
Thanks in advance
Probably depends on what you have to pull it with. I’ve got a 4’ pull behind for the atv. Works just fine for my needs. I only do a little over an acre in plots though.
I have two pull behind styles for a ATV/UTV.

-Packermaxx PMX4HD (in WI)

-Kunz TP3272 (in MN)

The PackerMaxx is probably my favorite of the two but they both work good. The Kunz can be a pain to flip over and roll onto the receiver of my 4 wheeler for attachment and it's noisy. The Packermaxx is easier to attach and not noisy but I dont think it packs as well. Kunz also does the job quicker because it's two feet wider. Having the wheels on the Kunz is nice because I use it on a few properties that are a few miles apart.

If I could do it again, I would get the PMX6HD from Packermaxx, best of both worlds that I have experienced.
I looked at the Packermaxx. Do you find that it's heavy enough to be effective? I would go with the 6' version, but was concerned about weight.
The weight per foot is higher on the 4' model filled with water vs the 6' model filled with water. I rarely do any deep tilling so I don't need to compress much dirt and I think the Packer Maxx 4' is sufficient for me. You could always fill with sand if you wanted more weight?
I bought one of these last year because it was cheaper than the common 4' ones like king kutter and kunz and has a larger working width. I like it. Design is very close to the king kutter one but i prefer the pin hitch vs 2" ball on the king cutter because you don't have to flip the hitch tongue 180 degrees every time you flip between packing and transporting on wheels. Would like a little more weight but it works well enough for me. They are pretty local to me too.

I could see a heavy 3 pt one being nice too but more $. The little ATV ones are convenient for moving around.

Edit: I want to say it was $750-800 last year which is cheaper than a packer maxx.
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I have an old Dunham cultipacker that I had converted to a 3 point's six feet wide. I also have a tow bar for use with an ATV. But now I have quit with it has not rolled in two years.
I am curious if any has any reviews on the packer maxx roller crimper combo.
I am curious if any has any reviews on the packer maxx roller crimper combo.
If you got to will see lots of reviews on this product. For the money most people seem satisfied with the packer max. Jeff Sturgis is sponsored by this company and touts them as a good deal. No doubt they will work.....but a cultiacker with individual wheels would be better in my book. .....albeit at a higher price. With most of these tools....if you "graduate" to a bigger or better machine.....the used stuff Is still worthwhile to the next guy.
how much does one need to weigh to be useful
Bumping this thread from 2023...
I've been looking for a used cultipacker for a couple years on Marketplace without success. I'm not interested in the PackerMaxx, I want one with individual packer wheels. I'm thinking of buying a cheap Field Tuff for $800. It's 4' and weighs 308 pounds. Is that enough weight to be effective?
Field Tuff Cultipacker
I suppose one of those Field Tuff Cultipackers you show will work pretty good. Not sure of your location, and what might be available nearby.....but I sure would like the bigger wheels of the cultipackers of time gone by. I just did a quick search via google and saw this one on Craigs List. I would buy this over the one you show. Both will work.....but the larger wheels are better .....IMO.

OTOH....if you need to pull it some distance on roads.....then the flip-over with the tires may be a better option for you.

Got the brillon style, i like it on heavy clay.

Sandy soil makes cultipacking easier. Clay you need more weight.

Lot a rocks? Is the field leveled and big rocks removed? Would want a source of spare packer wheels. You can get those old brillions used, or buy new wheels the same diameters in/ out.

I took my 3ft brillion and removed 2 wheels so its about 3.5ft. For my heavy clay I add 200lbs of logs. At campnon sandy soil does almost too well.

One plot is too rocky for my liking. I use a tire drag with about 200lbs of logs ontop. Tire drag eith weight is pretty good. Without spraying gly last year, think its been my best stand of rye.
A tire or chain link fence drag is good for lots of stuff but for the really fine seeds like clover it gives inconsistent results. My guess is some gets buried too deep. My .02 just based on disked light soils.

In that case would drag first just to level stuff and after spreading small seed leave alone and hope for rain. Could do that for a number of years while waiting on a cultipacker deal .

However cultipack, spread seed, cultipack again gives great results with clover and small brassica seeds so still worth the effort to acquire.
I got 5ft tall golden rod. And then top layer of golf ball sized rocks.

Tire drag with weight ontop just surfs the weeds. In my case i plant clovern rye and let nature do what it wants in the summer.

I do mow trails in june, plots get tall.