New to cuddeback and I'm not having the best experience so far. Set out the cameras over the weekend, linked everything up got pictures while putting them out. Then found out that I needed to update the firmware to be able to control the cameras online. Went back out, updated the new firmware, and manually put the setting back on the cameras. I used the easy mode as I planned on changing the settings from my CPU. ran a test on the cameras those came through. received 2 reports see below and all looked well. I went into the setting on the cameras to name them and put 3 in surveillance mode, not the all-out surveillance mode, just where it will let you pick 3 cameras to send you images right away. clicked save. All cameras went to pending I read that this could take up to 24hr to go through. So I have been keeping an eye on the account over the last three days. Yesterday they went offline, and this morning I can even see the cameras on the account anymore. It looks like it did before I did the firmware update. Below is a screenshot of the report after I did the Firmware update. I also looked at the cell camera status, and it had 0 failers and 24 good transmissions with 0 timeouts. prior to them going offline. I called Cuddeback this morning, set on hold for 10 mins or so got to 2 in the queue then a message comes over and says they are limiting wait time to better SERVE ME and I have to call back WTF. I call back and make it to 3 in the queue, and the same thing happens.
The lease is 2 hours away so just running over there is not an easy thing. Also, the season opens at the end of the month, so I am trying to limit my presents in the woods, which is why I paid the money for cell cameras.
Is there anything Cuddeback will be able to do remotely to get this problem resolved without me having to go to the cameras? Any ideas of what the problem is in the first place.
It is so unfortunate that this system is not user friendly to new users. Once you get used to them it's great. I can say that it seems home/cell cams are touchy when reset and you throw online changes at them.
You don't need surveillance turned on with just 3 cameras and you they can't all be priority. I suspect this is your issue. Better choice is one hour cell rate and surveillance off.
Try not to send more than 2-3 command changes at a time. System tends to get overwhelmed and lock up. Try to focus on one cam, let changes complete, then next cam.
I suspect you will open home cam and see "cell tx" which is sending cell transmission mode. You'll have to disconnect external, remove internal batteries, press buttons till screen goes blank. Reinstall batteries and look for "welcome screen" meaning it has rebooted then go through every menu item to make sure all settings correct. Remotes will reconnect automatically.
Now I have no idea if it matters, but see cams had numerous pictures on cards. I'm assuming you didn't clear cards when you updated firmware. I would hit arrow key each of the SD card options and clear link (things in que) upon set-up, especially home/cell.
As far as stats on cell execution, those are "as last report", so if cell locked up, no new update to show.
If me, and only 3 cams, I would go in, turn off remotes, go to home cam, go through full set-up as above. Set one hour cell rate and EZ mode, 15 sec delay (more if on bait). Change channel to wider spread, say 02-18. Run a cell test with cam sitting in mount.
Once cell/home up go to remotes, reboot, update settings, clear cards within menu choices, reestablished link levels.
If possible hang out, checking system on Camp for cams to show up and send some pics.
From what I understand, surveillance is more of a priority setting. If home gets pics from multiple cams, it will send pics from priority cams before others. It's not designed to override cell rate setting and send pics ahead of next scheduled cell check-in. Home/cell can't talk to more than one remote or server by cell at a time. If it's communicating or if remotes are trying to talk to busy home, nothing is taking pics.
Good luck