Ok, new to Cuddeback, bought a used system, K home, 4 J-3s, oldest 8-2018. Been playing with them for two months at home, no cell activation. First thing I did was load 8.3 First noticed lack of photos from #2 and 4 like lawn mower going by. Updated to 9004 lenses, 15 sec delay, EZ mode, centered zone. Using 1 yr old SanDisk cards, full format to default, FAT32. Finally took a sawhorse mounting all 4 side by side. 2 and 4 will take pics for less than 24 hours, and lock up. Open door, display says "armed", no button response, have to remove batteries and drain capacitor. After welcome, time is something like 5pm and date set to last pic taken date. I switched cards between 1-2, 3-4. 1 and 3 still work as should, 2 and 4, still lock up. Last night I switched #4 to stand alone and now it's taking pics and not locking up.
??????? Help, customer support just saying bad SD.