The south side of my farm has more hills, and terrible Verizon connectivity (ATT was not available when I bought my home devices), so I've tried several locations with the G-series home device (no camera) to get good cellular and good camera connectivity. I even tried way up a tree, high as I could reach, while standing in an 18' tall treestand. So about 24' off the ground., hoping this location near the center of the camera cluster would minimize links. While that helped cellular service, it seemed to hurt camera connectivity. Not sure why up the tree failed, but it is now relocated and working fine, about chest height off the ground, on the eastern lobe of my camera cluster. Causes a few more links to the west (5 on one camera), but some dual power banks help with reasonable time between battery swaps. Point being - depending on topography and canopy thickness (I guess) - higher may NOT be better??? I may swap to an ATT home w/camera down the road and retry a normal height in the middle of my camera cluster, but am good enough for now. Though as I think of it, improved battery life, and the cost of batteries might pay for the device swap in a reasonable amount of time?
PS: some of my north bottom land floods regularly, and I have several of those cameras, and their home camera, mounted 8-10' up the tree and angled down about 20 degrees. Not ideal for image capture, but better than losing cameras to flooding. Good camera connectivity on this cluster, but not sure if the height helps or the very flat land, and flooding keeping foliage from growing 5-6' off the ground.