john volkman
5 year old buck +
if you will have 15 cameras or less in your network you are better off buying the cell home since a cell home and another camera(approx $400 total) is less expensive than a cell home camera(approx $450 total). IF someone wants 16 cameras operating in the network then the cell home camera would be the way to go. anyone using 15 or less is wouldn't need it.Will the home cell unit be just a cellular transfer unit or will it be a camera too?
I am waiting to make a purchase until I can get what I need......about 8-10 cameras linked to a single cellular home unit. If the home unit can take pics then it will likely reduce my cameras needs 1-2.
A cell home unit is also better on batteries, since its only job is to receive and send images. I am encouraging everyone to use a cell home for this reason.