Cuddeback's Cuddelink

How can I add additional internal batteries to solar panels? If so what kind?

Also you are talking the rayovac high energy for the internal batteries of the actual camera correct?
Thank you

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yes on internals. you can take the back off the panel and add another set of batteries. they are sold as an accessory - farmstead has them in stock
yes on internals. you can take the back off the panel and add another set of batteries. they are sold as an accessory - farmstead has them in stock

Thanks for the info- I’ll try what you are saying- a little disappointed in the solar setup to be honest, I just thought spending 60$ on each panel I wouldn’t have to be in the situation of buying more additional parts to make the system work. I don’t really want to walk into the areas these are to add things, that’s my whole reason for going to cuddeback. I appreciate your help - I haven’t been able to find info anywhere

Is this what you are saying is additional battery pack? If so do you know if there is an additional female plug to take that male adapter to add the battery pack?

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thats the one, you run them in sequence , solar only works when you have at least 5+ hours of FULL Sun 9 not daylight but full sun, i know people running the same setup for over a year without touching it when the site is correct. if you have consecutive days of clouds , rain etc like many areas have had this week solar cant always keep up , that is what the back up 4 d's are for. if yours are dying in a couple days and they are fully charged to start something is up and they need to be tested.
As an alternative, a G camera with a 6 d booster typically gives you 150-180 days before all batteires are dead . The exception to that would be very cold temps and a high volume of pics. also, Do not use ENERGIZER batteries in Cuddeback, i cant stress that enough!
thats the one, you run them in sequence , solar only works when you have at least 5+ hours of FULL Sun , i know people running the same setup for over a year without touching it when the site is correct. if you have congeal days of clouds , rain etc like many areas have had this week solar cant keep up , that is what the back up 4 d's are for. As an alternative, a G camera with a 6 d booster typically gives you 150-180 days before all batteires are dead . The exception to that would be very cold temps and a high volume of pics.

Thanks John-
Probably won’t switch and do boosters at this point
It’s on a farm with crop and trees so gets sun but not full sun all day-

Your saying wire it like this? Basically splice it into existing pack and use the existing single plug

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Thanks John-
Probably won’t switch and do boosters at this point
It’s on a farm with crop and trees so gets sun but not full sun all day-

Your saying wire it like this? Basically splice it into existing pack and use the existing single plug

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when you open the panel back it should be pretty clear how to add the battery, i would call when ordering to make sure you get what you want. they will know what you need when you explain it to them. if you are using these in side tree cover you will not be happy, they need direct sunlight.
when you open the panel back it should be pretty clear how to add the battery, i would call when ordering to make sure you get what you want. they will know what you need when you explain it to them. if you are using these in side tree cover you will not be happy, they need direct sunlight.

I mean aren’t most cameras meant to be hung on trees? Given you are going to have sunlight around 50% of the day- I didn’t think twice about it- it seems that panel needs to be bigger to capture more energy on the next models maybe- I wish I would of known before I bought all these- I’m sort of stuck now , I would have just went booster
Thanks for your help

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This repeater is going to put me in the crazy house :)

I was on the property 4 hours on sunday. I moved the repeater to within 100 yards of a remote camera/130 yards of home camera and the signal was no less than 60%. I checked the repeater 3 times and never had the signal drop below 60%. I did this intentionally to test repeater signal vs. report

Now on all of my reports the best signal is what's showing below.

I just don't get why the two never come close to what the repeater is showing on the screen. Any insight would be huge.

Also, are people arming the repeater before the hang it? Not sure the reason for this because there is no camera. FYI, I'm arming mine

As you see the repeater is placed to jump to the "Back Ridge" and "Mineral Lick" cameras. It seems the only camera that may be linked is the mineral lick. The leaves are coming off and these are in dense mountain forest.

Thoughts??? I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse but just not sure why the wide swing vs. standing at repeater vs. reports.
I was wondering if anyone could provide some guidance or feedback on the following photo for ways to improve the detection range at the location of the bedded buck. I have read this thread from the start and seen a couple of very helpful photos with an overlay of an approximate detection zone and image focus zone and took these into consideration when placing the camera. This is a G series with power house black flash and I have swapped out the fresnel lense to the 9004 centered version prior to placing it in hopes that it would detect movement at the location of the deer. Deer often enter or exit through the center and travel along the edge of a ledge just behind the backdrop of the photo. I had noticed a bed in this area last time I was out there and found it odd that I never saw a picture of a deer. I decided to put this cam on 6hr time lapse at night and picture delay of 5 seconds. The time lapse was just to get a couple pics each day but to my surprise I caught a photo of this nice buck bedded down. No photos were taken prior to this meaning the buck was able to enter the view, find his spot and lay down. I will say I did get one photo of the buck getting up to exit about 30min after the time lapse photo was taken. Does the camera need to be tipped up slightly more? raised in height? T_00001.JPG
Hi everyone,
New to the forum. I just linked up a cuddelink J series black flash last friday. I placed it on a tree with one of my older Coverts and have noticed it takes far fewer pics of animals. Tonight I was in stand and watched 8 deer slowly walk by, some even stopping and looking at the camera, all within 20' - not a single pic. 43 degrees, partly sunny and little wind. Version 7.10 what gives? Should I send all these back?

Thank you
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Hi everyone,
New to the forum. I just linked up a cuddelink J series black flash last friday. I placed it on a tree with one of my older Coverts and have noticed it takes far fewer pics of animals. Tonight I was in stand and watched 8 deer slowly walk by, some even stopping and looking at the camera, all within 20' - not a single pic. 43 degrees, partly sunny and little wind. Version 7.10 what gives? Should I send all these back?

Thank you

I feel like they take far fewer pic just due to the nature of the massive amount of data they would use if their sensitivity was as low as some cameras. Last couple nights I’ve had a scrape pole (4x4) break in half then the top half that broke moved 20 yards closer to my camera and I got none of what broke it and moved it. That being said I’m not disappointed In what I do get. I feel like I get a good amount of deer and other critters on camera. Give and take I guess.

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I was wondering if anyone could provide some guidance or feedback on the following photo for ways to improve the detection range at the location of the bedded buck. I have read this thread from the start and seen a couple of very helpful photos with an overlay of an approximate detection zone and image focus zone and took these into consideration when placing the camera. This is a G series with power house black flash and I have swapped out the fresnel lense to the 9004 centered version prior to placing it in hopes that it would detect movement at the location of the deer. Deer often enter or exit through the center and travel along the edge of a ledge just behind the backdrop of the photo. I had noticed a bed in this area last time I was out there and found it odd that I never saw a picture of a deer. I decided to put this cam on 6hr time lapse at night and picture delay of 5 seconds. The time lapse was just to get a couple pics each day but to my surprise I caught a photo of this nice buck bedded down. No photos were taken prior to this meaning the buck was able to enter the view, find his spot and lay down. I will say I did get one photo of the buck getting up to exit about 30min after the time lapse photo was taken. Does the camera need to be tipped up slightly more? raised in height? View attachment 32415
tipped up slightly yes but you have it very close to perfect, the thing is hes a ways off when it comes to cameras , what is the distance? if you expect detection past 15 -20 yards its not going to happen very often.
This repeater is going to put me in the crazy house :)

I was on the property 4 hours on sunday. I moved the repeater to within 100 yards of a remote camera/130 yards of home camera and the signal was no less than 60%. I checked the repeater 3 times and never had the signal drop below 60%. I did this intentionally to test repeater signal vs. report

Now on all of my reports the best signal is what's showing below.
View attachment 32399

I just don't get why the two never come close to what the repeater is showing on the screen. Any insight would be huge.

Also, are people arming the repeater before the hang it? Not sure the reason for this because there is no camera. FYI, I'm arming mine

As you see the repeater is placed to jump to the "Back Ridge" and "Mineral Lick" cameras. It seems the only camera that may be linked is the mineral lick. The leaves are coming off and these are in dense mountain forest.

Thoughts??? I know I'm kind of beating a dead horse but just not sure why the wide swing vs. standing at repeater vs. reports.
when you are holding the repeater its likely showing the signal to the closest camera., once its hung and in place the signal is to the home. in time it will always connect to home if it can. you are beating a dead horse and your system is working , you arent going to get better or more performance by forcing images(which you can't do anyways) thru the repeater in the situation you have.
Curious if anyone else with the 8.1 firmware is/was struggling with significantly delayed picture delivery? I ran 8.1 for a month or so, cam set to send hourly or at least every 2 hours and in some cases the pictures I was getting were already at least a day old. The camera's would take pictures and I could see in the device report that images were queued on the remotes - it just took forever to get them to send to the cell cam and off to email. I ended downgrading to 7.9 again - sucks though cause ya lose remote control.
Curious if anyone else with the 8.1 firmware is/was struggling with significantly delayed picture delivery? I ran 8.1 for a month or so, cam set to send hourly or at least every 2 hours and in some cases the pictures I was getting were already at least a day old. The camera's would take pictures and I could see in the device report that images were queued on the remotes - it just took forever to get them to send to the cell cam and off to email. I ended downgrading to 7.9 again - sucks though cause ya lose remote control.
I have been using 8.1 for about a month and 1/2 now and have not experienced that issue. Depending on if I am actively hunting or away for work I have changed the settings from sending pics every hour to every 4 hours and think I had it on every 12 hours for a little while with 2 reports a day. Sometimes I will receive pics within just a few minutes of being taken if a deer happens to go by the camera right before the send interval.
i will be off the grid the next week or so , i will try to answer questions in the evening but please know im not able ot check as frequently as normal.
Curious if anyone else with the 8.1 firmware is/was struggling with significantly delayed picture delivery? I ran 8.1 for a month or so, cam set to send hourly or at least every 2 hours and in some cases the pictures I was getting were already at least a day old. The camera's would take pictures and I could see in the device report that images were queued on the remotes - it just took forever to get them to send to the cell cam and off to email. I ended downgrading to 7.9 again - sucks though cause ya lose remote control.
8.2 will fix this for you.
I’m having issue with my cell cam that has worked flawlessly for last two years. Cell game is a G model and has been set to send pictures every 12 hrs...well in last two weeks it quit sending any pictures then all sudden it started sending batches of pictures to the last couple of days only sending pictures once a day in the morning. So today I just upgraded all my cams to 8.2 to see if it was a firmware issue and so far same thing no pictures tonight will see if it sends pictures in the morning cycle
I’m having issue with my cell cam that has worked flawlessly for last two years. Cell game is a G model and has been set to send pictures every 12 hrs...well in last two weeks it quit sending any pictures then all sudden it started sending batches of pictures to the last couple of days only sending pictures once a day in the morning. So today I just upgraded all my cams to 8.2 to see if it was a firmware issue and so far same thing no pictures tonight will see if it sends pictures in the morning cycle
Did you do a cell test after updating the firmware? That typically has been needed by me anytime I make changes to the cell camera.
No picture or report tho morning. Camera has been in same location for two years without any cell issues. Camera was acting funny before firmware update. I did not try a cell test after update will go back to property today and see if I can get a cell test to go through
I'm having issues as well. Acting funny last few days. Had no report one day then two the next. Now none the last two. Last report showed a low signal level (20) on my cell cam, but all my j's had strong signal.

I have 3 cell rejects in my k when I look at my device settings. Running most current firmware and haven't had these issues before. Cell cam always strong cell signal with Verizon and is in a wide open food plot.