Put out a new G powerhouse IR a couple weeks ago. Had it set to a 5 sec delay, no lapse. Noticed the first evening after I put it out that the first time it was triggered, it kept taking pics every 5 secs after the trigger, even when nothing was in front of it triggering it still. By the time I noticed I was already back home, several hours away. I changed my delay to 5 min in Camp so that it wouldn’t eat up my data.
Over the past couple weeks it has triggered a few times and only sent one pic, then at other times it will trigger and send a few pics that were taken 5 min apart. The first pic will be a deer, or something that triggers it, and then nothing in the rest of the pics.
This evening I had a pic of my dad driving by while mowing a trail at 3:05, then had an empty pic every 5 min after that until the next email was sent. It seems to reset when the next email sends. Emails are set to every 3 hours.
5:33 email
Pics from 3:05, 3:10, 3:16, 3:22, 3:27, 3:32, 3:37, 3:42, 3:47, 3:52, 3:57, 4:02, 4:07, 4:13, 4:18, 4:23, 4:28, 4:33, 4:38, 4:43, 4:48, 4:53, 4:58, 5:04, 5:09, 5:14, 5:19
6:07 email
Pic from 5:24
Then no more pics again.
I’m guessing the email from 5:33 reset the taking of pics, then there was still one pic in the queue from 5:24 that was received in the 6:07 email.
I’m sure lapse is off. It only starts taking the pics when it is actually triggered by something first. Only thing not standard is that the 9004 center fresnel lens was added.
Looking for any ideas?
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