Best I got was close to 300 pics on an 8GB card. And again..."Full". I think with the various commands/options not showing up and's time to give up.
1) When you format a 16 GB or larger SD card does the camera report back 9999 (7000+ with 8 GB card) when the red light stops blinking?
2) Look down into your SD slot and make sure there isn't some debris down there causing a miscommunication with the card. The upward facing SD slot can be a catchall for falling bits of bark, etc.
3) And... is P3 just flat missing or does it say P3:- - with no options? My IR model gives P1:- - with no options because the Strobe Power is obviously disabled when you don't have a strobe flash camera. Same would be true for video mode when you do have a strobe flash... there's no option because the only vids you can do are daylight.
Other than the above, I'm ready for you to give up too and it isn't even my camera!
Slot looks like new... shined a light down there and no debris.
P3 is non-existent. That's what I figured too..doesn't exist because it can only do daytime. Not seeing any videos though.
Last thing maybe is a reset if possible..take the batteries out and leave it "on" overnight maybe. Not seeing an option in the manual or on the cam to do it otherwise...
387 photos with just single photos and a 5 second delay. Doesn't say FULL this time. Same 8GB card as above. One last test with the 32GB card before I decide whether or not to deploy it in duck country.....
BTW..probably has nothing to do with it but I did take the batts out and turned it on overnight.
134 pictures..AND videos..with the same 32GB card as above. 3 picture burst is the next test. Maybe taking the batteries out and draining it of all power actually did fix it. Stealth had me do that for a cam that would only accept the 16GB card it came with. Then the discussions on here and elsewhere for the Cuddeback cells/links..for a different issue. can delete this thread if you want. Gave it the big test with a 5 pic burst and 5 sec delay. Close to 300 total piics then it was dark enough it started using the flash. Hopefully will be sharing wood duck pics in about a month.