Chummer - Just a thought about your clover. Ours wasn't getting hit this fall like last year. Big acorn crop this year kept deer away from our plots. Now that snow has covered our area and the acorns are decaying and harder to find, the deer are hitting our clover, rye, W. wheat, and brassica. To our dismay, they're coming to the plots way after dark so we had a lousy season seeing deer in shooting light. Tracks tell the story of where & what they're eating, so the green fields are just now becoming buffet #1. Tracks also show the deer are coming from a ways off - not just deer on our property. How they find our plots from far away is unclear. But they DO find them !!
As far as crabapples go, I don't think you can go wrong planting them. Every type we have at my camp is a draw for deer, grouse, turkeys. We have a variety of crabs - around 12 kinds - and will be planting more this spring. Less chance of disease or weather wipe-out that way. If you're gonna fence-in an area for the crabs, throw in a hawthorn or 2 with them. Fence will keep the deer off both kinds of trees until they get past browse-kill size. 2 food & cover trees in the same enclosure. You won't be sorry.