Get up here and get some work done. If you get stuck here I will meet you in Shell Lake an buy you a beer!!! They serve Corona at Lakeview.So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.
Get up here and get some work done. If you get stuck here I will meet you in Shell Lake an buy you a beer!!! They serve Corona at Lakeview.So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.
Thanks for validating my points. You can't fix what is broken in the machine without identifying the parts that need to be replaced.
Now get back to that trolling motor you are running ... lots of people you can stir the pot with here.
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.
Nice to see the death rate is to date much lower than originally forecasted. Originally around 3.4 and so far 1.2. South Korea the most dependable of the countries who have experienced this is at .7%.
Let's hope we can keep the death rate to .7 and flatten the curve.
Italy is probably not a good comparison to other modern countries.It's about 10% in Italy.
The comments are easily mistaken because that is what Trump haters do. Trump and Cuomo said basically the same thing yesterday but Trump haters spend 6 hours typing a response about bad man. I am not even going to tear apart that post because I couldn’t even finish reading it. I do find it so interesting how Trump haters turn their thoughts into his futures actions. Media is the best at it. Lt. Governor from Texas was on Tucker last night. He had a very heart felt message about at some point the country needs to go back to normal and seniors will take care of themselves (he is 70). He doesn’t want to transform the country and change the American dream for his grandchildren and the youth of the country. He said his generation is strong and we can figure it out. NBC starts their story with Lt. Governor from Texas says Seniors are okay dying so economy doesn’t collapse. No other quotes or context from the interview. In the same story they report someone from AZ has died from taking the malaria drug that TRUMP is pushing. The wife is also in icu from taking it. They did not have the virus and were taking it to prevent getting it. The reporter asks the wife if they took it because she heard trump talking about it, she says yes. You know where he is going with this interview because everything is bad orange man’s fault. He then says did you seek out a doctor to get this (leading the witness). She says no. They have a f-ing coy pond and they had the drug in powder form to put in the water. Obviously that ends the interview because how the hell is he going to pin that idiots move on Trump. Shockingly they still air it because enough Trump haters will parrot the story that Trump is recommending drugs that kill people.They’re not going to bring it all back at once. They are realizing that the continued economic shutdown is not going to work much longer. When Cuomo agrees with that you have to take notice. I’m not sure what could be mistaken about comments from both the President and from Cuomo. It couldn’t have been more clear. They will probably start out at bringing back a small percentage into certain business then ramp up as the weeks go on. Could take 2 months before the economy starts surviving again.
She is likely to work either 12 of 13 or 11 of 12 days and shifts have been stretching to about 13 hours a day. They are begging her to take more if she feels up to it.
It’s funny you mentioned this, we live in Wisconsin just outside the twin cities and our cabin is in Sawyer county wi east of Hayward wi. A buddy sent me a letter that the county posted online asking for anyone who’s not from the area not to head to there cabins to shelter because of the lack of heath care in the area and that a large portion of the population is older retired people etc. They also really defined saying absolutely nobody from Illinois either.![]()
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States with the most cases. NY and NJ could probably be combined. At this moment the number of cases really drops off quickly in most states. Hopefully the curve flattens quickly in the lower infected states as well as the infected states. Its obvious they need to restrict travel in NY.
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