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Ever hear "the art of the deal"?
Oakseeds 984 post ..... 1st sentence
"Since 2 of your last 3 posts reference something political, I guess it is OK to offer an alternative spin on Mr. Ryans departure."
BOLD = I dont want anyone to miss the main point of my post ... keeping people honest, so-to-speak / you write it, you own it

Tree Spud in post 995 said
"I wasn't referencing something political. I was commenting on the process. You can't fix the problems if the process is broken."

Perhaps these will refresh your memory ....

Tree Spud #958
There is an old saying ... keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. We have leverage with China and Trump understands this.
(Bold helps Spud recognize what part of his statement is political; apparently he didn't recognize it if he reviewed his 958 post)

Tree Spud # 963
If you want the US to become more self reliant, support Trump and eliminate Libs who want to attack industry and have created unrealistic liability to do business in the US. (Again, bold helps TS identify what is political in his statement)

Thanks for validating my points. You can't fix what is broken in the machine without identifying the parts that need to be replaced.

Now get back to that trolling motor you are running ... lots of people you can stir the pot with here.
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Wisconsin has now shut it down.
Chummer post #1016 - Trump was talking to Putin about building hotels and office buildings in Russia before he ever became President. So I'd say it's possible that he'd want to maybe do the same in a deal with Kim. Trump is all about making money - lots of it - his whole life. You can't re-write the script of his entire life.

He was in the business of building stuff. You know who Putin actually gave money to. Not perspective deals or future business but cold hard cash. The Clinton’s and Hunter. It’s not illegal so that means it’s okay with the left. Trump has been the most investigated person in US history. With the FBI, CIA, and every media source trying to take him out and they all found nothing. He has been tougher on Russia, Iran, and N. Korea than any other president. Two of the three you think he is making side deals with. Obama never said boo to Russia until after Trump won, then he did some slap on the wrist sanctions. Again, look at Trumps actions not his words.
Mass just issued an "Advisory Shutdown",.. WTF does that mean? LMAO!

PS Chummer,.. just a note ,.. I never listen to people words,.. why the heck would we do that?
Here in NY it’s the epicenter so it’s a bit different here but , as I’m listening to the Governor today. He’s acknowledging that the death rate and hospitalizations are going to be much lower than anticipated. He’s already coming up with a plan to get younger and healthier back to work. He’s coming to the realization the risk is lower and needs the economy to get going. That’s about as positive as I’ve heard him to date. He’s now talking about stratifying the risk and restarting the economy.
Here in NY it’s the epicenter so it’s a bit different here but , as I’m listening to the Governor today. He’s acknowledging that the death rate and hospitalizations are going to be much lower than anticipated. He’s already coming up with a plan to get younger and healthier back to work. He’s coming to the realization the risk is lower and needs the economy to get going. That’s about as positive as I’ve heard him to date. He’s now talking about stratifying the risk and restarting the economy.

I would have like to have heard that. Grand mom is homeschooling the kids so no CVTV for the time being.
I find it really troubling when I read some of the posts where people say this is all media hysteria and we're ruining our economy for no reason. You DO realize this is a global pandemic, right?? Are all the other countries of the world in a conspiracy with Dems or whoever else you'd want to blame?? If you don't believe this is a REAL threat and it's just "way overblown" - go lick some door handles at the post office, grocery store, and gas pumps. Be brave and tough and macho. Don't listen to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gottlieb and the other experts. It's all a liberal hoax.

The U.S. Surgeon General said in the news that this week is going to be really ugly. Maybe it's just political hysteria from the media.

Maybe BuckSutherland's wife is credible?? She's a nurse on the front lines. Maybe she's in on the liberal conspiracy??

That's sarcasm, Buck - no bad feelings here from me. I feel for your wife and all the other front-line folks. I'm praying for ALL of them.

Regardless of anyone's political leanings - I hope all of you and your families stay safe and get through this.

Let me know when the death total reaches 100,00 actual deaths caused by COVID-19

until then here is some perspective for all of you.
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.

in reality, even if you get in today your poised for huge gains in the next few years. Needy never greedy. LOL.
i got in on some stocks last week, and mutual funds 2 weeks before. The mutual funds will take time to come back. But the stocks should be a quicker turn around.
I would have like to have heard that. Grand mom is homeschooling the kids so CVTV for the time being.

Stratifying risk. You assume a large amount of the population has had it and have recovered. Isolate the most vulnerable not everyone. Start employing people again in the lower risk groups. I don’t think he means today. He’s talking about in the few weeks to come. In his words you just can’t halt the economy in this way for longer periods. Risk reward but, continue to protect the highest risk.
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.

I haven’t bought yet but my plan is to spread it out. Buy some this week (maybe), some in a week or three after that then wait and see with $ more on hand. Can’t predict the bottom but buying when it’s going down and even rising is never a bad idea.

no expert but I look for more losses. Then when it starts rising there will be more dips. This is going to be a wild ride..
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.
I put money in at 20k and promptly got slapped. Still holding dry powder so I guess I will keep buying on the way down. I think 17k is the new bottom overall but I also think many stocks are at their bottom. I just guessed the wrong one.
The cruise lines and airlines can't go much lower.
I was originally thinking 18,000 when the crash started with 16,000 being a possibility. But I did not envision it going down so far so fast. I'm going to start pouring in later this week if it doesn't jump up between now and then.
my guess is there will be a bounce up when they get the stimulus package done. I assume this week. Grab the gains and then hold out again Should happen this week. I know , I know. Don’t do it is the advice but people do make money doing that for sure.
I know timing the stock market is virtually impossible, but for those of us holding cash where/when do you think the bottom will be? I think it's getting close. Maybe 16,500 sometime in the next 10 days.

Somewhere between 17-18,000. I have been buying shares. I think it will go up fairly soon, when exactly--not sure, but my time horizon is 15 years. I felt comfortable with adding shares of 3M, Apple, Disney, Case IH, Blackstone, Valero Energy etc...

Didn't buy but really like...McDonalds, Home Depot, JP Morgan etc... If I were loaded I would add Boeing as well, that stock could easily triple in 10 years, but it is a short term risk.
Wisconsin has now shut it down.

So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.

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