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From your own link:

"Only five years ago Beijing was being ruled by a collective leadership."
That was five years ago. They did away with term limits in 2018. There is a dozen articles stating he is president for life. Here is another one. How are you arguing this? You also believe they they are not communist. They are.
They don't have fair elections. They have beaurocratic squabbling. Do you remember what happened to Deng Xiaoping?

He got Parkinson and died in 1997. He was the one that put in term limits so they would have a transfer of power and no president for life. 20 years late Xi got ride of term limits so he could be President for life.
Just an FYI. Back in the early 90’s when I was running an ISP we like everyone, set up chat rooms. They were very basic text versions of forums. It was then that world generally accepted that Typing like this meant you were pissed off and yelling.

Just saying, in case I’m older and that is no longer the accepted norm.
Oakseeds 984 post ..... 1st sentence
"Since 2 of your last 3 posts reference something political, I guess it is OK to offer an alternative spin on Mr. Ryans departure."
BOLD = I dont want anyone to miss the main point of my post ... keeping people honest, so-to-speak / you write it, you own it

Tree Spud in post 995 said
"I wasn't referencing something political. I was commenting on the process. You can't fix the problems if the process is broken."

Perhaps these will refresh your memory ....

Tree Spud #958
There is an old saying ... keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. We have leverage with China and Trump understands this.
(Bold helps Spud recognize what part of his statement is political; apparently he didn't recognize it if he reviewed his 958 post)

Tree Spud # 963
If you want the US to become more self reliant, support Trump and eliminate Libs who want to attack industry and have created unrealistic liability to do business in the US. (Again, bold helps TS identify what is political in his statement)
Oakseeds 984 post ..... 1st sentence
"Since 2 of your last 3 posts reference something political, I guess it is OK to offer an alternative spin on Mr. Ryans departure."
BOLD = I dont want anyone to miss the main point of my post ... keeping people honest, so-to-speak / you write it, you own it

Tree Spud in post 995 said
"I wasn't referencing something political. I was commenting on the process. You can't fix the problems if the process is broken."

Perhaps these will refresh your memory ....

Tree Spud #958
There is an old saying ... keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. We have leverage with China and Trump understands this.
(Bold helps Spud recognize what part of his statement is political; apparently he didn't recognize it if he reviewed his 958 post)

Tree Spud # 963
If you want the US to become more self reliant, support Trump and eliminate Libs who want to attack industry and have created unrealistic liability to do business in the US. (Again, bold helps TS identify what is political in his statement)

wasn’t calling you out. You’re not the only bolder. Just pointing out how it is viewed regardless of who does it.
No offense my good man; you do a great job in an often difficult digital environment. Simply wanted others to know there can be multiple meanings to language statements including some that are contrary to common usage.
AND, if you'll indulge me .... (regarding one of your earlier posts ... my unsolicited observation) .... listen to your wife, she is a keeper and obviously pretty intelligent / thank her for all of us for her medical service :emoji_wink:
i particularly like the the liberals who are against the bailout now. I am against it as a conservative and the fact that i'll be funding it, but because an R put the plan together, they're against it. Partisan as ever.
I don't think the liberals are against a bailout. They're against a bailout, which would see the big businesses lay off employees all while buying back corporate stock and giving bonuses to their executives with the bailout money, which happened in 2008. I don't blame them for not wanting that to occur again. However with the dire situation of things it will be interesting to see what happens.
I’d just like to see one thing added if they do it. Call me a curmudgeon...
They should include a law that says no longer can any aid, payment, entitlement etc be termed government provided.

All further payments should rightly be termed “paid by the American people”, “Or paid by your neighbors”

Then the guy at Home Depot pushing free solar panels would have to say “would you like information about getting free solar panels paid for by your neighbors.”
I don't think the liberals are against a bailout. They're against a bailout, which would see the big businesses lay off employees all while buying back corporate stock and giving bonuses to their executives with the bailout money, which happened in 2008. I don't blame them for not wanting that to occur again. However with the dire situation of things it will be interesting to see what happens.

Senator Wyden and Senator Grassley had an agreement for this whole thing. Then in the bottom of the ninth Nancy walks over and crushes the whole thing and all of her little lying dog-faced pony soldiers get in line. Nancy is trying to inject $10,000 debt forgiveness for student loans and election security among other things. Way to keep it clean. POTUS has been clear he wants zero stock buybacks and all money to go to workers and keeping companies alive.
It is curious how the Coronavirus thread is/becomes the defacto political forum,..

Why do you suppose that happens? Hmmm,..?
Chummer post #995 - The story about Trump talking to Kim Jung Un about building hotels along the shores in North Korea was because of a comment Trump made when he was over there. U.S. reporters from a variety of news outlets were following the group of dignitaries. Multiple sources reported what was said. If you choose to deny he said it, when multiple sources recorded it - I don't know what to tell you. Why on God's green earth would that topic / point come up when the real main issue and reason for the trip is missiles, bombs, and military saber-rattling??

I'm also aware that Congress has to - is SUPPOSED TO by law - appropriate money to whatever. But since Trump has usurped Congress on various issues by executive order - what's to prevent him from approving aid to N. Korea for corona virus control/mitigation by himself?? The very fact that he made that statement ought to rile the whole of the U.S. IMO. Shouldn't we be taking care of our own first??
I didn't watch the news all weekend and it was fantastic---now back at work trying to keep the doors open and everything is still chaos. That sure was a good weekend. The world is not going to end over this unless we make it end by ruining our own economy for no reason. Common sense has to come back doesn't it? American workers are a bunch of whiny little brats that don't want to do anything unless they are being way over paid and even when you pay them too much they still can't care about doing a good job. I'm living it. Open up some casinos that actually pay taxes and that would go aloooong way to helping with tax burdens.
Chummer post #995 - The story about Trump talking to Kim Jung Un about building hotels along the shores in North Korea was because of a comment Trump made when he was over there. U.S. reporters from a variety of news outlets were following the group of dignitaries. Multiple sources reported what was said. If you choose to deny he said it, when multiple sources recorded it - I don't know what to tell you. Why on God's green earth would that topic / point come up when the real main issue and reason for the trip is missiles, bombs, and military saber-rattling??

I'm also aware that Congress has to - is SUPPOSED TO by law - appropriate money to whatever. But since Trump has usurped Congress on various issues by executive order - what's to prevent him from approving aid to N. Korea for corona virus control/mitigation by himself?? The very fact that he made that statement ought to rile the whole of the U.S. IMO. Shouldn't we be taking care of our own first??
I think I remember that but I could be wrong. He was telling Kim that if he drops the BS he could join the rest of the world and have tremendous economic growth. It would come up because he is trying to show Kim another path forward. It is the classic carrot and a stick. I will wipe you off the map or you can get in line and join the rest of the world. If you think Trump is interested in building hotels in N Korea I don’t know what to tell you. He is offering assistance to all countries. Something I thought lefties supported. It is not financial or supplies. It is access to our doctors and research. He has said this multiple times but you would rather believe he is sending them money so he can get a deal on ocean from property. How are we not taking care of our own first? You are a classic Trump Derangement Syndrome person, you imagine things he is going to do or has done but it is never actually happens or happened.
I find it really troubling when I read some of the posts where people say this is all media hysteria and we're ruining our economy for no reason. You DO realize this is a global pandemic, right?? Are all the other countries of the world in a conspiracy with Dems or whoever else you'd want to blame?? If you don't believe this is a REAL threat and it's just "way overblown" - go lick some door handles at the post office, grocery store, and gas pumps. Be brave and tough and macho. Don't listen to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gottlieb and the other experts. It's all a liberal hoax.

The U.S. Surgeon General said in the news that this week is going to be really ugly. Maybe it's just political hysteria from the media.

Maybe BuckSutherland's wife is credible?? She's a nurse on the front lines. Maybe she's in on the liberal conspiracy??

That's sarcasm, Buck - no bad feelings here from me. I feel for your wife and all the other front-line folks. I'm praying for ALL of them.

Regardless of anyone's political leanings - I hope all of you and your families stay safe and get through this.
I find it really troubling when I read some of the posts where people say this is all media hysteria and we're ruining our economy for no reason. You DO realize this is a global pandemic, right?? Are all the other countries of the world in a conspiracy with Dems or whoever else you'd want to blame?? If you don't believe this is a REAL threat and it's just "way overblown" - go lick some door handles at the post office, grocery store, and gas pumps. Be brave and tough and macho. Don't listen to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gottlieb and the other experts. It's all a liberal hoax.

The U.S. Surgeon General said in the news that this week is going to be really ugly. Maybe it's just political hysteria from the media.

Maybe BuckSutherland's wife is credible?? She's a nurse on the front lines. Maybe she's in on the liberal conspiracy??

That's sarcasm, Buck - no bad feelings here from me. I feel for your wife and all the other front-line folks. I'm praying for ALL of them.

Regardless of anyone's political leanings - I hope all of you and your families stay safe and get through this.
Your my HERO.
Chummer post #1016 - Trump was talking to Putin about building hotels and office buildings in Russia before he ever became President. So I'd say it's possible that he'd want to maybe do the same in a deal with Kim. Trump is all about making money - lots of it - his whole life. You can't re-write the script of his entire life.
Chummer post #1016 - Trump was talking to Putin about building hotels and office buildings in Russia before he ever became President. So I'd say it's possible that he'd want to maybe do the same in a deal with Kim. Trump is all about making money - lots of it - his whole life. You can't re-write the script of his entire life.
Didn't realize you were standing there listening to that conversation---my apologies.
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