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I read the first 12 pages, just to see what you were referring to? OMG rolling on the floor for what? I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary (comments)?
PS Peppin nice call on the Market back then!

A lot of folks were non nonchalant,. no big deal,. fake news,. etc
I just think we need Natty Bumpo to get the CliffsNotes up to date. This is getting too substantial to know what I'm supposed to think.

Now that's funny right there! I'm on it.
PS Peppin nice call on the Market back then!

A lot of folks were non nonchalant,. no big deal,. fake news,. etc
You're just a joy to be around in real life aren't ya?

Probably one of those guys who uses the phrase "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist" a lot.

I have people like that in my life. They're not very enjoyable to be around.
PS Peppin nice call on the Market back then!

A lot of folks were non nonchalant,. no big deal,. fake news,. etc

Did Pepin call the big rally today? I was looking back didn't find the prediction? Hopefully everyone that could was buying the dip, adding shares of stock.
The complete end of anyone going to Las Vegas must be an exaggeration? MGM stock up 38% today!
Didn't you know, we're all gonna die. Heck 1 guy on here does 10,000 pushups a day, and is sure he's gonna die from it. We're all screwed.

and I'm ROFLMAO at the first 10 pages here.
15 yr fixed at 3%. Cant decide if I should lock or wait to see if it will go lower.
15 yr fixed at 3%. Cant decide if I should lock or wait to see if it will go lower.

Don't get greedy. lock er in and pay extra if you can

This advise is worth exactly what you paid for it
We have been paying extra. However the new payment would be less than our previous plus the extra we were paying. Will save 25k in interest if I lock.
15 yr fixed at 3%. Cant decide if I should lock or wait to see if it will go lower.
Wait. It will be 2.5% in a couple months. This advice is worth twice what you paid for it.
15 yr fixed at 3%. Cant decide if I should lock or wait to see if it will go lower.
Our 15yr is at 2.875%. On the 16th it was 2.75% so it's gone up. Not sure why it went up or what's going to happen. I'm guessing Trump's speech about wanting to get back to work had an affect... but I don't know these things.

We would have a one time refinance fee of $2500. Does your bank charge a fee?

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It went up because they are overloaded with applications in the pipeline. It will come back down.
The Furniture store I just bought a few things from was offering a deal if you went with their financing. I said what’s the rate. She didn’t know and handed me a brochure 29%. I said is that even legal. LOL. The difference in long term mortgage and borrowing is so disconnected from credit cards. And look how many people buy on these credit lines. Mind boggling. These banks ought to be tared and feathered.
The Furniture store I just bought a few things from was offering a deal if you went with their financing. I said what’s the rate. She didn’t know and handed me a brochure 29%. I said is that even legal. LOL. The difference in long term mortgage and borrowing is so disconnected from credit cards. And look how many people buy on these credit lines. Mind boggling. These banks ought to be tared and feathered.

It's stupid tax. If you're dumb enough to carry credit card debt at 24%, that's not the credit card's fault. that's yours.

If you're borrowing on a couch or a TV, you deserve the rate you get.
Buy a cheap couch, or 1 you can afford. Financing comsumer goods is embarassing.
It went up because they are overloaded with applications in the pipeline. It will come back down.
Thats part of it. The other part has to do with bonds. A inverse relationship exists.
You guys want to see something really comical,..

Read the first days of this thread and see what a bunch of knuckle heads some of you all were,...

Very funny to read page one of this thread NOW !!!!

OMG rolling on the floor,... I feel sorry for what some of you said back then,..


We all need a chuckle,.. so go and check out the first few pages,... Funny stuff indeed !!!

And to those who pegged this early on,.. A tip of the hat in your direction,.. well done indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You folks had the insight and vision !!

I dont know about anyone else, but in this house we are still avoiding having unprotected sex with domesticated and feral animals in response to post 282. That tip has been a life-saver and not sure where we would be without it. Now if i could just collect the $63k I am owed from insurance companies for hail remodeling I would be able to get all my inputs bought for spring planting. Its been a bit of a battle, but understandably so. :emoji_rage::emoji_rage:

I took the kids outside yesterday and split our wood pile and we got the trees I have been nursing in the basement some real sun. Hopefully tree planting this spring is twice as much stress relief as normal.

It went up because they are overloaded with applications in the pipeline. It will come back down.
I was told the rate went up because of the risk of people not being able to pay is greater now that no one is working. But not sure if that is true.
15 yr fixed at 3%. Cant decide if I should lock or wait to see if it will go lower.

I called Wells Fargo the day they cut the rate .5% and she told me 2.75% for 15 years. That seems like a long time ago. Haven't done anything since, but likely will at some point if things calm down. I expect at some point we might see even better then that. I am always one good hail storm away from just writing a check and being done with ever borrowing money again.
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