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Went to the local grocery store today. Needed an onion. And picked up some fruit.

Don’t know about the rest of the world but my community has seemed to calm down.
What do I know maybe the calm before the storm. Besides the grocery store we’re following the shelter in place because we’re Americans and we care. And the grocery store has gloves and hand sanitizer. x’s on the floor so we stand the right distance apart and even arrows for the isles so you don’t meet someone coming the other way.

meanwhile our deer population is frolicking about. Maybe they’ll miss our food plots. Maybe they won’t :emoji_thinking::emoji_relaxed:
You do have to find it’s so ironic. The three States most impacted, New York, California and Washington are the three States that have for 3 years completely snub their nose at the Federal Government. We Hate Trump and are going to do things our way like it or not. The Governor of New York actually said Conservatives and Republicans can all leave NY you’re not welcome here. His exact words. As this unfolded these States first response was that this should all be on the Feds. The Feds should be telling us what to do. LOl. How ironic. I actually think when they started calling Trump told them that fact and put it in perspective for them. These Governors are now really pleased with the President.
As for politics. I’ve let this one slide.

come October anywhere from .000001% of us to 50% of us won’t be here.
If I am, I’m locking 100% of the political threads.
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Sorry but so what at this point. Thats why folks get into Politics ... Why do you think Paul Ryan, the most noble is moving his family back to Washington ... knowledge of who knows what and insider trading is why these folks get rich ... they can also steer legislation = $$

Since 2 of your last 3 posts reference something political, I guess it is OK to offer an alternative spin on Mr. Ryans departure (man who - literally - slept in his office). Paul Ryan came to congress from WI as a deficit hawk who claimed he had a plan to handle the deficit. After Jim Jordan's posse (the Freedom Caucus) ran Speaker of The House John Boehner (Ohio Republican ... he's now on the advisory board for a weed/Mary Jane firm) out of congress, Ryan was only reluctantly cajoled into accepting the speaker position. Quickly, Ryan figured out the Freedom Caucus - a group of Republicans in the house of Representatives bent on influencing the larger Republican Caucus in the house to promote policies that Caucus members wanted - would create turmoil in the GOP. Shortly after President Trump's election DJT essentially called the Freedom Caucus an "enemy" for their position on some issues DJT quote "The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!." Probably out of fear of being primaried by a Trump backed candidate, caucus members quickly fell into line and many have become his strongest supporters/enablers (Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Bill Posey, Andy Biggs and Mark Meadows ... to name a few) I suspect Ryan (whom the F Caucus was only lukewarm on as a speaker) said it's time to split in hopes of living (politically) in order to fight again (return to politics at a later date). He may be, as you say, a noble dude, and I submit he is politically astute.
A side note ... the Freedom Caucus evolved from the old Tea Party. I suspect it was reconstituted when the creator of the Tea Party - see if you can guess the person given credit for the tea party - refused to allow them to take it over ... person said they intended to keep it going.
A final note ... check what Boehner said the FC wanted as members of congress .... ya, I know he's a RINO (sarcasm, it case you take that literally)
Happy to give you and others an alternative view. Peace

This one is for the Trumpers on here (please note the publication) ...
This one is for the lefties ....

Here they are .... 1584857076518.png Trump, Meadows, and Ryan / L to R

There you go ... Fair and balanced ... I'll bet some of you folks have heard that a lot :-)
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As for politics. I’ve let this one slide.

come October anywhere from .000001% of us to 50% of won’t be here.
If I am, I’m locking 100% of the political threads.

This forum provides a brief respite from the current pandemic /tragedy for all of us tree growing,beekeeping,food plotting,and hinge cutting addicts

Thank you,Bill

I talk to 15 to 20 people a day in my job. I have for over 30 years. Do you have any idea what percentage of 60+ year olds this nation has one or more of the things they list? A crap load. Easily more than 80%. Almost all of them if you make that list long enough. I am 62, workout on a HIIT cardio program 3 days a week, leg press over 700, bench over 300, dead lift just shy of 400. And that's because I don't lift much anymore. However, I have a stent in my heart, am very close to the borderline of Type 2 diabetes and elevated blood pressure because I need to drop 15-20 pounds of belly fat. None of my "co morbidities" should kill me anytime soon because they are all manageable. So am I healthy or not? You could say that statement about every death, car accidents, gunshots or whatever. "Oh, he wrecked because his blood sugar must have been off". All of those people drank a lot of wine and ate pasta throughout their life. I bet they all spoke Italian as well. There is nothing that proves that pre hypertension or any of these things actually contributed to the death from the virus. Pre existing lung disease, yes, I'll give you that.The bottom line is, the virus is killing a higher percentage of older people, and that's all you can really say. And at 62, that's all that matters to me.
Fred G in post #928 - I'm not on the Trump train!! I'm on the train for FACTS and TRUTH. The truth about China started long before some on this forum were born. Nixon was the one who opened relations with China for more business dealings. I don't know Nixon's interior motives, but business being what it is, saw the opportunity to get EXTREMELY cheap labor by opening sweatshops there. The really BIG flood began when NIKE left for S. Korea and the mass migration left for China. Remember the line in Billy Joel's song "Allentown"?
"They threw an American flag in our face ….."
They being so-called "American companies."

Since someone else brought this up a few pages ago - Nafta - which stands for North American Free Trade Agreement - was to create a tariff-free trade zone between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Just those three. And it wasn't perfect. George W. Bush signed a myriad of "free trade agreements" with countries all around the world before he left office. FACT. If all the companies that fled to COMMUNIST China had stayed here in THIS hemisphere, how much different would things be now? No oceans to cross in a time of crisis, and from a strategic view - defense and weapons systems all here together on the same land mass. Oceans and half a globe distances are important.

This morning I see Trump has offered corona virus aid to N. Korea and Kim Jung Un - his COMMUNIST DICTATOR buddy with another "love letter." WTF !!!!! We don't even have all the things WE need for the U.S.!!!!! I say let's get our doctors and nurses, the research scientists all the money and support they need to keep OUR PEOPLE safe first. Why in God's name is Trump offering aid - our tax dollars and/or equipment - to COMMUNIST N. Korea??? Trump isn't paying for that aid out of his pocket!!!!

Answer: Because Trump has already talked to Kim Jung Un about building hotels on the shores there. It's currying favor for future business deals with Kim Jun Un.

How do you good gents feel about having OUR money go to aid an enemy COMMUNIST state's virus efforts???????? Or would you rather any aid stay RIGHT HERE for our own??? I'll stand for our own doctors, nurses, lab technicians, researchers, scientists, virologists, PPE makers, etc. and OUR OWN PEOPLE.
What's with all the bold and all caps? Really annoying to read. It also loses it's intended impact when significantly overused
I talk to 15 to 20 people a day in my job. I have for over 30 years. Do you have any idea what percentage of 60+ year olds this nation has one or more of the things they list? A crap load. Easily more than 80%. Almost all of them if you make that list long enough. I am 62, workout on a HIIT cardio program 3 days a week, leg press over 700, bench over 300, dead lift just shy of 400. And that's because I don't lift much anymore. However, I have a stent in my heart, am very close to the borderline of Type 2 diabetes and elevated blood pressure because I need to drop 15-20 pounds of belly fat. None of my "co morbidities" should kill me anytime soon because they are all manageable. So am I healthy or not? You could say that statement about every death, car accidents, gunshots or whatever. "Oh, he wrecked because his blood sugar must have been off". All of those people drank a lot of wine and ate pasta throughout their life. I bet they all spoke Italian as well. There is nothing that proves that pre hypertension or any of these things actually contributed to the death from the virus. Pre existing lung disease, yes, I'll give you that.The bottom line is, the virus is killing a higher percentage of older people, and that's all you can really say. And at 62, that's all that matters to me.
I'm not saying the virus should be ignored. What I'm saying is it's not as bad as the worst of media and social media are reporting. There are definitely a boat load of unhealthy people out there, and I wouldn't draw the line at 60+ for those that need life sustaining treatment already, I'd put it at 30+.

What I am saying is that everyone needs to chill out. Stay home, stay calm, and encourage all you know to quit with the hoarding. The best response for America's enemies is for the American people to start losing their minds, start killing each other, and start pillaging their own cities. We can choose to pump our heads full of a bunch of stuff that is coming so fast that's it's impossible to verify, or sit back and get some home or habitat improvements done.

If there was ever a time to worry about fake news attacks, it's now. Weaponized hysteria.

Anything more then a couple weeks in confinement and there will be rioting and looting in masses. Once everyone gets a government check, and some get left out, let the violence start. Seems like the beginning of a Stephen King book.

Caveat - I am not sure at this moment who will and who will not get any govt checks and in what amount. But as I understand it, everyone under a certain income level will get say $1200. If so, why should someone who has not personally lost any money through this yet get anything or the same amount as someone that has been laid off or had their hours cut back?

I have some employees that I have kept on the payroll and have experienced no loss yet and I have others that I have had to lay off that of course have had their income reduced. Why the same measure of relief?
I am a self employed contracted employee, pretty sure I get left out, being I get left out of all tax deductions, and benefits.
Corona virus -- with most posts about the President, govt., geopolitical issue, panic, fear, economics etc. Once again just for chuckles, I'll take a different path.

The current events and folks response to it remind me of Jesus' parable of building your house on a rock. Briefly,--- for those that build their house on a rock, they will withstand rain, wind, storms and all forms of adversity. For those that build their home on sand, their house will fail, " and great was the fall of it " .

So what about each of us as individuals during our life ?
Did we build our physical house on rock with a focus on nutrition , fitness optimizing our immune system and optimizing the health of our physical body? Or has our lifestyle choices compromised the physical health of our body and the incredible immune system?
Did we build our spiritual house on creating joy, compassion, love and gratitude and seeing the beautiful in every moment of our life? Or do we judge, criticize, finger point, blame and attack?
Did we build our emotional house on peace, coherence, happiness, gratitude and other empowering emotions? Or do our emotions create stress, anger, blame, hopelessness and many other compromising experiences. Indeed emotions are laser like in their accuracy of showing healthy alignment.
Did we build our mental house on disciplining the mind with self awareness, focus, creativity, and self responsibility. Or do we let our minds follow any thought that crosses as truth focusing much of our thoughts on past events or concerns of the future?

How do all these things effect our response to current events?

One doesn't have to be religious or spiritual to see the wisdom of the parable. Is our health and peace of mind dictated by constantly changing external events or from a constant belief system of self empowerment and inner truth. The beauty of adversity is it can challenge us to go deeper within to find answers.

The hero is defined by the power of the villain.

As I said....just for chuckle
Caveat - I am not sure at this moment who will and who will not get any govt checks and in what amount. But as I understand it, everyone under a certain income level will get say $1200. If so, why should someone who has not personally lost any money through this yet get anything or the same amount as someone that has been laid off or had their hours cut back?

I have some employees that I have kept on the payroll and have experienced no loss yet and I have others that I have had to lay off that of course have had their income reduced. Why the same measure of relief?
Its not about the relief. Its about stimulating the economy.
Since 2 of your last 3 posts reference something political, I guess it is OK to offer an alternative spin on Mr. Ryans departure (man who - literally - slept in his office). Paul Ryan came to congress from WI as a deficit hawk who claimed he had a plan to handle the deficit. After Jim Jordan's posse (the Freedom Caucus) ran Speaker of The House John Boehner (Ohio Republican ... he's now on the advisory board for a weed/Mary Jane firm) out of congress, Ryan was only reluctantly cajoled into accepting the speaker position. Quickly, Ryan figured out the Freedom Caucus - a group of Republicans in the house of Representatives bent on influencing the larger Republican Caucus in the house to promote policies that Caucus members wanted - would create turmoil in the GOP. Shortly after President Trump's election DJT essentially called the Freedom Caucus an "enemy" for their position on some issues DJT quote "The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!." Probably out of fear of being primaried by a Trump backed candidate, caucus members quickly fell into line and many have become his strongest supporters/enablers (Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Bill Posey, Andy Biggs and Mark Meadows ... to name a few) I suspect Ryan (whom the F Caucus was only lukewarm on as a speaker) said it's time to split in hopes of living (politically) in order to fight again (return to politics at a later date). He may be, as you say, a noble dude, and I submit he is politically astute.
A side note ... the Freedom Caucus evolved from the old Tea Party. I suspect it was reconstituted when the creator of the Tea Party - see if you can guess the person given credit for the tea party - refused to allow them to take it over ... person said they intended to keep it going.
A final note ... check what Boehner said the FC wanted as members of congress .... ya, I know he's a RINO (sarcasm, it case you take that literally)
Happy to give you and others an alternative view. Peace

This one is for the Trumpers on here (please note the publication) ...
This one is for the lefties ....

Here they are .... View attachment 28554 Trump, Meadows, and Ryan / L to R

There you go ... Fair and balanced ... I'll bet some of you folks have heard that a lot :-)

I wasn't referencing something political. I was commenting on the process. You can't fix the problems if the process is broken. Right now this Covid issue is a serious issue that some are over blowing to take away our civil liberties. These are the same folks who use every "crisis" to create fear & anxiety to shut down opposing views.

We are seeing the govt take over and shutting down large segments of the economy, religious freedoms, education, etc. without any dialogue. I am not saying I disagree with some of the things being done, the fact that Govt is the only one making these decisions should be a concern.
Fred G in post #928 - I'm not on the Trump train!! I'm on the train for FACTS and TRUTH. The truth about China started long before some on this forum were born. Nixon was the one who opened relations with China for more business dealings. I don't know Nixon's interior motives, but business being what it is, saw the opportunity to get EXTREMELY cheap labor by opening sweatshops there. The really BIG flood began when NIKE left for S. Korea and the mass migration left for China. Remember the line in Billy Joel's song "Allentown"?
"They threw an American flag in our face ….."
They being so-called "American companies."

Since someone else brought this up a few pages ago - Nafta - which stands for North American Free Trade Agreement - was to create a tariff-free trade zone between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Just those three. And it wasn't perfect. George W. Bush signed a myriad of "free trade agreements" with countries all around the world before he left office. FACT. If all the companies that fled to COMMUNIST China had stayed here in THIS hemisphere, how much different would things be now? No oceans to cross in a time of crisis, and from a strategic view - defense and weapons systems all here together on the same land mass. Oceans and half a globe distances are important.

This morning I see Trump has offered corona virus aid to N. Korea and Kim Jung Un - his COMMUNIST DICTATOR buddy with another "love letter." WTF !!!!! We don't even have all the things WE need for the U.S.!!!!! I say let's get our doctors and nurses, the research scientists all the money and support they need to keep OUR PEOPLE safe first. Why in God's name is Trump offering aid - our tax dollars and/or equipment - to COMMUNIST N. Korea??? Trump isn't paying for that aid out of his pocket!!!!

Answer: Because Trump has already talked to Kim Jung Un about building hotels on the shores there. It's currying favor for future business deals with Kim Jun Un.

How do you good gents feel about having OUR money go to aid an enemy COMMUNIST state's virus efforts???????? Or would you rather any aid stay RIGHT HERE for our own??? I'll stand for our own doctors, nurses, lab technicians, researchers, scientists, virologists, PPE makers, etc. and OUR OWN PEOPLE.

Sometimes I think you are writing for the onion. I will bite. Trump is building hotels on the shore in N Korea? Who would stay in these hotels? Did CNN give you that one. I could be wrong but I believe congress approves who gets aide. You do know that Trump has increased the crippling sanctions on N. Korea. I guess he is trying to drive the property values down so he can buy cheap? Trump has cut billions in aide around the globe and your left criticizes him every time. Let me know when we give anything to N Korea and I will happily vote Dementia Joe. Of coarse I heard Hunter has his eye on some lots there so that might not work either.
I don’t see how they are not a dictatorship when their “president” is elected for life.

Where on Earth do you get this information? It is totally inaccurate.
2018 they removed term limits. He is there as long as he can keep the throne.
Are you going to tell me they have fair elections and he can be voted out.

They don't have fair elections. They have beaurocratic squabbling. Do you remember what happened to Deng Xiaoping?
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