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There is nothing to cure and never was. It's widely known now, that the death counts were wildly overstated by our bureaucrats and our media. Age and other pre-death ailments were left out of the analysis when we needed them most, as we all too gladly turned out the lights on America, not a bomb dropped or bullet fired. Any buy-in to the cure conversation will only legitimize this dry run of the police state.

We're rooting for a cure to a pandemic that didn't happen. Don't tell me social distancing worked, not when you cram 20,000 people into each grocery store every 7 days. What happened to the wave from Florida's spring break? The dictators (governors) are going to claim their lockdowns were justified and saved trillions of lives. Don't buy into it.
I am literally sitting here with my mouth gaping open at this thread. Somehow, it's become a prime example of how to discount anything you disagree with and make anyone who disagrees with you the enemy. I am firmly in the middle politically, but I see BOTH sides doing exactly the same thing. But it's not my politics that most strongly impact my response. It's the fact that I have 30 years of experience in medical research, and in fact have used chloroquine extensively as an autophagy inhibitor. I understand in great detail the process through which vaccines are created. And I can tell you that the FDA's first job, which they've done better than any other similar agency in the world, is to protect people. I believe in science, not politics. I believe in making informed judgments, and not acting on gut feelings. I just don't get the blanket statements that folks are making based on misinformation, internet rumors, and anecdotal evidence. Is nobody open-minded anymore? I will tell you this: you don't have to believe in a virus for it to kill you.
Please close your mouth as it's not safe now days to have your mouth open---you might catch the virus and die.
I am literally sitting here with my mouth gaping open at this thread. Somehow, it's become a prime example of how to discount anything you disagree with and make anyone who disagrees with you the enemy. I am firmly in the middle politically, but I see BOTH sides doing exactly the same thing. But it's not my politics that most strongly impact my response. It's the fact that I have 30 years of experience in medical research, and in fact have used chloroquine extensively as an autophagy inhibitor. I understand in great detail the process through which vaccines are created. And I can tell you that the FDA's first job, which they've done better than any other similar agency in the world, is to protect people. I believe in science, not politics. I believe in making informed judgments, and not acting on gut feelings. I just don't get the blanket statements that folks are making based on misinformation, internet rumors, and anecdotal evidence. Is nobody open-minded anymore? I will tell you this: you don't have to believe in a virus for it to kill you.
It is wonderful that we have a medical expert in our midst, one who has actual experience prescribing Chloroquine. It surprises me that you champion the FDA on this. Perhaps I misunderstood what I’ve been reading on this. I got the impression that the FDA is restricting the use of this drug for treating Covid-18 to not using it until the patient is severely ill. There is large amount of evidence that this drug is effective treating this virus, especially if administered early (what the FDA is restricting). Did I get that wrong? I understand the caution in approving a new drug, especially in the case when you give it to a healthy person (such as with an immunization), but allowing use of a drug that has been prescribed for decades makes no sense to a non-expert like me. Politics come into play here because of the political reaction resulting by the president touting this drug.
Yes. Let’s listen to the science. The same science that got this all wrong right from the begining
the science that said 1-2 million deaths. Creating mass panic. That science
then the science that said 1-2 hundred thousand That science.
the science that said we can’t do things fast as we set records on treatment timelines. Even Fauci said he’d never believe what they’ve done
the science on this has been wrong right from the start causing this whole mess we’re in

we have 3 hospitals to this date there has been no one hospitalized. No one!!!!!! Everyday the politicians are in the paper. The hospitals are in the paper. We’re in dire need they say. We’re preparing for the surge they say. What!!!!! No one has even been admitted and we’re a month into this. That’s 3 hospitals. Mass panic for what.

only the political left is opposing trying drugs to combat symptoms. Follow science they say. Yeah right. They’ve lost all credibility with the people.
Yes. Let’s listen to the science. The same science that got this all wrong right from the begining
the science that said 1-2 million deaths. Creating mass panic. That science
then the science that said 1-2 hundred thousand That science.
the science that said we can’t do things fast as we set records on treatment timelines. Even Fauci said he’d never believe what they’ve done
the science on this has been wrong right from the start causing this whole mess we’re in

we have 3 hospitals to this date there has been no one hospitalized. No one!!!!!! Everyday the politicians are in the paper. The hospitals are in the paper. We’re in dire need they say. We’re preparing for the surge they say. What!!!!! No one has even been admitted and we’re a month into this. That’s 3 hospitals. Mass panic for what.

only the political left is opposing trying drugs to combat symptoms. Follow science they say. Yeah right. They’ve lost all credibility with the people.
Thought this has some good insights on the difference between science and economics/business.
I believe in science, not politics. I believe in making informed judgments, and not acting on gut feelings. I just don't get the blanket statements that folks are making based on misinformation, internet rumors, and anecdotal evidence. Is nobody open-minded anymore? I will tell you this: you don't have to believe in a virus for it to kill you.

I think the problem that a lot of people on here have, myself included is that we are missing a shitload of science and data from all of this. Problem number 1 is NOBODY knows the true infection rate, NOBODY. So if that's true (which it is) you cant come up with anything else. The denominator is the most important part of the equation. The death rates become guesstimates, the hospitalization rates become guesstimates, the ICU rates have become guesstimates. That is so far from science that its laughable. How many people are walking around with this shit and have no idea they even had it (asymptomatic)? The guesstimates from CDC is 25-50% last I heard. My wife sends home 98 of 100 people without a test it seems like when the HAVE symptoms. How many of them were infected?? Can Covid 19 kill me?? Absolutely. Is the virus real?? Absolutely.

What people dont believe in is the bullshit fake news. I can get you thousands of examples if you need, specifically related to this. What people dont believe in is politicians fear mongering and making power grabs during all of this. What people dont believe in is inflated death counts that ASSUME covid, but dont have definitive scientific proof. What people dont believe in is a bunch of shitstain politicians loading a stimulus bill grotesquely full of pork at a time of national crisis. What people DO believe in is that losing our entire economy, our way of life, and our freedoms is every bit as bad as contracting and possibly dying from this Chinese virus.
I will tell you this: you don't have to believe in a virus for it to kill you.

And you don't have to shut down 30-40% of the economy, put 22 million Americans out of work in 3 weeks, shutter 10,000's business', stripping away constitutional rights destroying millions of people's lives to deal with a virus either.
Protest in Madison next week. Might have to take a vacation day. There is not a county north of HWY 8 that has double didgit cases. This Everes is a fricken moron. Basically all of the hospitals in Northern Wisconsin are empty. Why?
I think the problem that a lot of people on here have, myself included is that we are missing a shitload of science and data from all of this. Problem number 1 is NOBODY knows the true infection rate, NOBODY. So if that's true (which it is) you cant come up with anything else. The denominator is the most important part of the equation. The death rates become guesstimates, the hospitalization rates become guesstimates, the ICU rates have become guesstimates. That is so far from science that its laughable. How many people are walking around with this shit and have no idea they even had it (asymptomatic)? The guesstimates from CDC is 25-50% last I heard. My wife sends home 98 of 100 people without a test it seems like when the HAVE symptoms. How many of them were infected?? Can Covid 19 kill me?? Absolutely. Is the virus real?? Absolutely.

What people dont believe in is the bullshit fake news. I can get you thousands of examples if you need, specifically related to this. What people dont believe in is politicians fear mongering and making power grabs during all of this. What people dont believe in is inflated death counts that ASSUME covid, but dont have definitive scientific proof. What people dont believe in is a bunch of shitstain politicians loading a stimulus bill grotesquely full of pork at a time of national crisis. What people DO believe in is that losing our entire economy, our way of life, and our freedoms is every bit as bad as contracting and possibly dying from this Chinese virus.

exactly. And as the numbers continue to improve they are now trying to pad the numbers to keep the gloom and doom up. It is nothing more than a power grab at this point. Let the health experts fumble about behind the scenes with their statistics and stupid models that are all grotesque guesses. This shutdown will go down as the biggest sham of all time.
When your leg is getting wet and the politician standing next to you has his zipper open your supposed to believe it's raining because that's what he told you.jmo
Knehrke. “I will tell you this: you don't have to believe in a virus for it to kill you.”

a lot of things can kill you. What are the real odds of you dying from this. All guesses. But way way lower than these experts are saying. These experts that threw out these models should be arrested for causing a riot. Actually treason
I'd like to see charted, the death rates of the country from December 1st through today and compare those lines to each of the last three years. If the CV was ripping through America like the pandemic it's claimed to be, wouldn't there be a deviation in total deaths? That analysis would skip right over the trickery going on with "count everyone" causes of death.
I wonder if the people that are said to have died of the Corona virus, how many of them would have been taken from the annual flu, regardless if there wasn’t a Corona virus. In MN, the mean age is 87, with less then 100 deaths from Corona.
Our hospitals are so empty they are sending our nurses to NYC. Makes sense that outside construction workers are shut down.
Our hospitals are so empty they are sending our nurses to NYC. Makes sense that outside construction workers are shut down.

They laid a bunch of my wife's friend's off this morning (med surg nurses). She said yesterday she walked over to urgent care. From 7-1130 am ZERO patients through the door. They typically see 75-80 per day.
Yes. Let’s listen to the science. The same science that got this all wrong right from the begining
the science that said 1-2 million deaths. Creating mass panic. That science
then the science that said 1-2 hundred thousand That science.
the science that said we can’t do things fast as we set records on treatment timelines. Even Fauci said he’d never believe what they’ve done
the science on this has been wrong right from the start causing this whole mess we’re in

we have 3 hospitals to this date there has been no one hospitalized. No one!!!!!! Everyday the politicians are in the paper. The hospitals are in the paper. We’re in dire need they say. We’re preparing for the surge they say. What!!!!! No one has even been admitted and we’re a month into this. That’s 3 hospitals. Mass panic for what.

only the political left is opposing trying drugs to combat symptoms. Follow science they say. Yeah right. They’ve lost all credibility with the people.

I think you have been confusing newsmedia with science. The science on this has been mostly clear and consistent throughout the process. A prediction of 1-2 million deaths, for example, is not science. That's just sloppy journalism.
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