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I read that the chloroquine is most effective in the treatment when used early-on with Covid-19 but less so later (too late if already intubated) and that the FDA was fighting that (only use as a last chance) because they hadn’t “approved” it for that use. BS! It has been in use for decades with virtually no bad effects (very low percentage). All they are arguing about is efficacy. More BS. There is a lot of anecdotal cases to show it is miraculously effective when used early. What we have is a bureaucracy that is all hung up by process and protecting their rice bowl. Seems like a case of subverting the good in pursuit of the perfect (in the middle of a $hitstorm). Besides, I’ve never trusted the French on anything after the made us fly around their country to bomb terrorists in Libya (and made a nuclear plant for Iraq, forcing the Israelis to bomb it).
Hope I didn’t offend anybody.
I believe these trials are covering all aspects of use. I know healthcare workers are taking a daily dose as a prophylactic. some Doctors are giving it to all patients admitted and some doctors just using it on the worse cases.
I believe these trials are covering all aspects of use. I know healthcare workers are taking a daily dose as a prophylactic. some Doctors are giving it to all patients admitted and some doctors just using it on the worse cases.

That would be nice if prophylactic use works. That would be a big breakthrough.
I believe these trials are covering all aspects of use. I know healthcare workers are taking a daily dose as a prophylactic. some Doctors are giving it to all patients admitted and some doctors just using it on the worse cases.
Just read there are 142 registered trials currently under way. Obviously a lot of doctors and researchers feel this is worth looking into. Just because Trump says the name the media wants to discredit it. What happened to him owning stock in it. That fake news story died quick.
Just like the flu antivirals I think it works best the sooner you administer it. This drug is not a corona antiviral but because of it’s known history over 75 years they know it shows antiviral properties. It will work for some And has. My thinking is if it helps even 10 percent that’s 10 percent you don’t have to worry as much about
Just read there are 142 registered trials currently under way. Obviously a lot of doctors and researchers feel this is worth looking into. Just because Trump says the name the media wants to discredit it. What happened to him owning stock in it. That fake news story died quick.

He doesn’t directly own stock in it. I believe a couple of his trusts funds might have it in it’s grouping though. But that’s probably not why he’s pumping it so hard without medical data backing it. I’m sure he’s just trying to project a ray of sunshine in rather dark storm. Some people need to hear that. It’s also readily available so why not try it first. That’s how I looked at the situation anyway.
Just like the flu antivirals I think it works best the sooner you administer it. This drug is not a corona antiviral but because of it’s known history over 75 years they know it shows antiviral properties. It will work for some And has. My thinking is if it helps even 10 percent that’s 10 percent you don’t have to worry as much about

Yeah I think at this point you take what you get. I’m also interested in the Ebola drug redemsiver? I think it’s called. That’s administered in an IV.
Gov. Evers extends Wisconsin's safer at home order thru May 26th.
.....At least golf courses will be open finally. Trying to find the silver lining... 26th of May is a ways out. I would have liked to have seen a mid May date instead incase things were looking more positive and the mass testing needed was put in place.
Time to protest at the capitol like other states I guess.

Back in the day they called it civil disobedience. These days, I like to call it social disobedience because it is disobedience to social mandates which are not governed by laws that are founded in the constitution. These kind of impositions on our freedom must be backed by laws enacted by the legislature and not by fiat by a governor.
.....At least golf courses will be open finally. Trying to find the silver lining... 26th of May is a ways out. I would have liked to have seen a mid May date instead incase things were looking more positive and the mass testing needed was put in place.
This is the part that drives people crazy. I live on a county line. One county courses are open one they are closed. I am 5 hours from NYC and we are paying the price for their outbreak. We have very few cases and death but are on same shutdown as city. However, then by county they throw their own touches on it to make it more confusing. Mandatory masks starts tomorrow, seems like things are getting worse despite what the numbers suggest. Cuomo has been getting a lot of credit for managing the biggest disaster in the country. He has impressed me (even though I hate him) but a lot of his moves have proven to be very late. Media saves that criticism for Trump despite they say a lot of the same things on a daily basis.
This is the part that drives people crazy. I live on a county line. One county courses are open one they are closed. I am 5 hours from NYC and we are paying the price for their outbreak. We have very few cases and death but are on same shutdown as city. However, then by county they throw their own touches on it to make it more confusing. Mandatory masks starts tomorrow, seems like things are getting worse despite what the numbers suggest. Cuomo has been getting a lot of credit for managing the biggest disaster in the country. He has impressed me (even though I hate him) but a lot of his moves have proven to be very late. Media saves that criticism for Trump despite they say a lot of the same things on a daily basis.

I think you know the reasons. Numbers are starting to look a whole lot better than anticipated. They sense loosing the control they have so they are tightening the grip. There is no doubt some of these Governors are going to keep this power hold on their citizens for as long as they can. just like the virus, the body’s first repose is to raise temperature and you get fever. These governors responses are the same. It’s going to get worse as they Feel the threat of losing this power they’ve been wielding
Anytime the government intentionally panics the people you know the problem is being handled incorrectly. Now we get to spend the rest of our lives paying higher taxes to pay for this gigantic mess. jmo
Here is an article about what seems about something simple that has been helping covid patients breath better. Patients with low blood O2 levels can improve when moved onto their side or stomach. Says it hasn't worked as well on older patients. Trying approaches like that and holding off on intubation as long as they can.
That recommendation came out of Italy weeks ago. doctors and nurses in Italy were saying ramp up on the oxygen therapy because you will need that more than ventilators
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