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......I love this forum

So basically the Chinese are already admitting their numbers were bullshit.
So basically the Chinese are already admitting their numbers were bullshit.

I think people will laugh at those new numbers also
They laid a bunch of my wife's friend's off this morning (med surg nurses). She said yesterday she walked over to urgent care. From 7-1130 am ZERO patients through the door. They typically see 75-80 per day.
Alot of people will die in rural areas after this blows over and there are no longer any hospitals or healthcare providers. 45 minute ambulance ride to get to a large city doesn't bode well for folks in the golden hour.
Ambulatory surgical centers also with elective surgery. Even though it’s not an emergency doesn’t mean it’s not needed or important. There’s lot of people putting off health procedures now that’s going to be not good going forward.
Since we can only blame Trump I am not going to say Cuomo’s decision to not allow elective surgery for the last month is a catastrophic mistake. While we wait for a wave that never came all these surgeries are getting backed up. My SIL found a match for a kidney transplant. A monumental moment in her life, surgery was schedule, now she is waiting for who knows how long. Hindsight is tough, but since we hold Trump to the perfection standard, I won’t say why didn’t we keep doing the surgeries until some resemblance of a wave started. Now the hospitals sit empty for at least another month. If hospitals are normally full how do you make up 2 months of back logged procedures. I wish maybe the media would cover these stories but hey we can only criticize Trump.
From the start of initial stay home orders I've had the same opinion, either a total lockdown stay on your own property for 21 days or let it run wild. To be Frank the world is way overpopulated and things like this should be expected. We know not to have hundreds of deer in a single food plot, why do we think it's acceptable for hundreds of humans to be held up in such confined areas? .

Now we're going on a month of this crap, I've got 9 of 12 employees staying home as cosmetic construction didn't make the essential list if reading the fine print and I don't want liabilities of playing gray areas. Meanwhile a buddy of mine with an appliance store stayed open since appliances are evidently essential to human survival. He had higher than average sales during the stay home order and still received almost 400k in the paycheck protection act. I didn't want to apply for handouts unless necessary, go figure yesterday when our dictator governor extended the order till may 26th the sba loans also ran out of funding.

Sorry I needed to rant I guess. Could be worse, Michigan's governor banned motor boating and visiting second homes for its residents. For some reason she still welcomes us non residents. And im assuming I'll be scoring some good cash deals on boats and more land from those who can't use them.
I truly hope that everybody who has discounted my opinion is correct. Because that would mean that less people die. There's lots of "facts" being touted on this thread that are anything but - you know, I'm too tired to argue. I'm going to grab a chainsaw and engage in some social distancing this morning. When all is said and done, we can look back with 20/20 hindsight. Based on what I've seen so far, even folks who were wrong will be right eventually. There's an awful lot of that going around.

And just to be clear, somebody above stated that I am a doctor who has prescribed chloroquine. That is not correct. I am a Professor of Medicine who runs a large research lab focused on molecular genetics. Chloroquine came out of a screen we'd done for cardiomyocyte susceptibility to hypoxia-reperfusion injury. I don't want to operate under false pretenses - and my bona fide credentials should stand alone anyway, unless you've jumped on the anti-science bandwagon.
Every time there's an outbreak, there's rumors that it started in a lab. As somebody who is a University researcher (not a virologist - I'm in molecular genetics), I tend to think that the evidence points toward a natural evolution, but I acknowledge that transmission could have occurred through faulty safety measures in a lab. I emphasize that this is a possibility, but much like throwing darts and randomly hitting a bullseye, it's only one of several, and not the most likely. We can never know for certain. But there will nevertheless be folks who presume that they know the truth, regardless of the facts. My hat is off to their uncanny insights. Now if only they could do the same with the stock market lol. Be safe.

This is the only opinion of yours I could find. Are you still backing natural evolution? Still think leaking from the lab is not likely. What are your other opinions? Should we stay locked down until there is a vaccine? I get you don’t like anecdotal evidence. Your career is based on not accepting it. In a situation like this anecdotal has to be used until trials can be done. Are you suggesting that people shouldn’t be getting these therapeutic drugs until trials are done? How many extra people would die if we did that. Are we not to believe the testimony of actual patients that it saved their lives? Do we have to wait for a guy in a white coat to verify through months of test what patients are telling us? You are implying you have all the answers, please share.
I truly hope that everybody who has discounted my opinion is correct. Because that would mean that less people die. There's lots of "facts" being touted on this thread that are anything but - you know, I'm too tired to argue. I'm going to grab a chainsaw and engage in some social distancing this morning. When all is said and done, we can look back with 20/20 hindsight. Based on what I've seen so far, even folks who were wrong will be right eventually. There's an awful lot of that going around.

And just to be clear, somebody above stated that I am a doctor who has prescribed chloroquine. That is not correct. I am a Professor of Medicine who runs a large research lab focused on molecular genetics. Chloroquine came out of a screen we'd done for cardiomyocyte susceptibility to hypoxia-reperfusion injury. I don't want to operate under false pretenses - and my bona fide credentials should stand alone anyway, unless you've jumped on the anti-science bandwagon.

My apologies, from what you said I inferred that you were practicing and prescribing the chloroquine drug. Not sure where I saw it on the news, but there was a doctor who had prescribed it hundreds of times with great success. Not a study, only anecdotal (tell that to the many people who's lives have been saved by this drug). I also stand corrected on the FDA approval (see attached), although it seems pretty half hearted. I stand by my contention that this has only gotten so political because the president has touted its use. If he hadn't, there would be no firestorm over it.
This is from IMHE (the people doing all the coronavirus modeling). I was looking at their DATA last night.


Hospitals running at about 5% capacity. In MN we are sitting at 111 deaths. The average age last time I looked was 87 years old. Total deaths of 195 by August 4th? Today is our peak? We had first case 5 days after New York.

Stanford data is suggesting infection rate is 50-85 times higher than we are confirming.

Is this why states like MN and the MN ministry of health cant get off their ass and get any testing done? We have the great infectious disease expert Dr Michael Osterhomo here, we have the U of M here, we have the Mayo Clinic in our state. Why dont they go into a town like Rochester, MN and test 5,000 people to see how much of this is out there. With all of these studies finding the infection rate is MUCH higher than advertised its gonna blow a giant hole into the story that we have been told. Its gonna mean the death rate and hospitalization rates are way lower than advertised.

I truly hope that everybody who has discounted my opinion is correct. Because that would mean that less people die. There's lots of "facts" being touted on this thread that are anything but - you know, I'm too tired to argue. I'm going to grab a chainsaw and engage in some social distancing this morning. When all is said and done, we can look back with 20/20 hindsight. Based on what I've seen so far, even folks who were wrong will be right eventually. There's an awful lot of that going around.

And just to be clear, somebody above stated that I am a doctor who has prescribed chloroquine. That is not correct. I am a Professor of Medicine who runs a large research lab focused on molecular genetics. Chloroquine came out of a screen we'd done for cardiomyocyte susceptibility to hypoxia-reperfusion injury. I don't want to operate under false pretenses - and my bona fide credentials should stand alone anyway, unless you've jumped on the anti-science bandwagon.

I am not anti science

i do question the church of darwinism,global warming ,etc and refuse to genuflect to the shrine of academia

I truly hope that everybody who has discounted my opinion is correct. Because that would mean that less people die. There's lots of "facts" being touted on this thread that are anything but - you know, I'm too tired to argue. I'm going to grab a chainsaw and engage in some social distancing this morning. When all is said and done, we can look back with 20/20 hindsight. Based on what I've seen so far, even folks who were wrong will be right eventually. There's an awful lot of that going around.

And just to be clear, somebody above stated that I am a doctor who has prescribed chloroquine. That is not correct. I am a Professor of Medicine who runs a large research lab focused on molecular genetics. Chloroquine came out of a screen we'd done for cardiomyocyte susceptibility to hypoxia-reperfusion injury. I don't want to operate under false pretenses - and my bona fide credentials should stand alone anyway, unless you've jumped on the anti-science bandwagon.

your opinion is just that. The Fact is just about every medical facility in NY is using hydroxychloroquin, remdesivir and plasma treatments in patients right now. Doesn’t matter that you believe that’s not science. You gotta start somewhere. Right. And it’s showing good promise so I’m told :emoji_astonished:
your opinion is just that. The Fact is just about every medical facility in NY is using hydroxychloroquin, remdesivir and plasma treatments in patients right now. Doesn’t matter that you believe that’s not science. You gotta start somewhere. Right. And it’s showing good promise so I’m told :emoji_astonished:

I think they will find that part of the reason the numbers are so low is because of the early virulent flue outbreak starting in November was actually Covid-19 as a result of thousands of infected Chinese flying direct to our country at the same time the Chinese government was restricting their travel within their country. Found this interesting:
Entirely possible. We‘ll find out later when they do community testing. My wife works in a medical office. And they had lots of flu like illness in January that came back negative for flu. You never know. One thing that’s puzzling is that right now around These parts you have to be showing symptoms to be tested. In our County over 400 people have come back negative for Covid with only 25 positives. So do these people have the flu? I don’t know
I think they will find that part of the reason the numbers are so low is because of the early virulent flue outbreak starting in November was actually Covid-19 as a result of thousands of infected Chinese flying direct to our country at the same time the Chinese government was restricting their travel within their country. Found this interesting:

NO SHIT!!!! I said right from the start that we already had it, It is no big deal, and that something else is going on. Our government just bent us over, took away our freedom, bought votes, increased inflation, lowered the value of the dollar ****ing over anyone with a savings account, lined their dirty pockets, manipulated the stock market, etc., etc.,etc.

This needs to end and someone needs to be held accountable for it!!!

Not surprised at all. Some of you might recall I posted this on March 24th.

Just wondering if anybody thinks they've already had Covid-19. Back early February I caught something nasty, and I never get sick. And I'm not exaggerating....I never get sick. I had all kinds of experimental anti-chemical and anti-anthrax vaccines when I was in the military...had to sign a waiver that I would never discuss of acknowledge them. My wife says nothing will grow in my body. Well, I got something...fever, chills, aches, headache, severe fatigue. Called in sick 2 days in a row...don't think I've taken a sick day in the past 10 years, and I'm a high school teacher. Cleared that major stuff and then had a 3 or 4 week nagging nasal thing with a cough. While at that was happening I also had the shortness of breathe that seems to accompany this. I went for a walk and got 5 minutes out the back door and had to stop to catch my breathe. Climbing a flight of stairs sent my heart racing. Finally, I also had a total whacked out sense of taste, which seems to be another symptom people are experiencing who had Covid-19.

I'm convinced I either already had it, or had something very similar in that Corona family of viruses?

Anybody else?
What’s your take on San Francisco‘s idea for just giving every student all A’s for the year?

Is this why states like MN and the MN ministry of health cant get off their ass and get any testing done? We have the great infectious disease expert Dr Michael Osterhomo here, we have the U of M here, we have the Mayo Clinic in our state. Why dont they go into a town like Rochester, MN and test 5,000 people to see how much of this is out there. With all of these studies finding the infection rate is MUCH higher than advertised its gonna blow a giant hole into the story that we have been told. Its gonna mean the death rate and hospitalization rates are way lower than advertised.

View attachment 29200View attachment 29201

this points out a couple things. Antibody tests are supposed to determine if you’ve had the virus in the past and are no longer capable of spreading. What they don’t want is antibody tests that Can’t determine if your still contagious Hopefully that has been worked out in the new tests out now. Regular Covid tests to see if you currently have the infection and antibody tests that say your past infection and contagious . That’s the key here. Although the fact remains that there’s still a huge percent of the populations that has or did have it already. All this will have to come out in the light over the next month I think.
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