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Perhaps what I wrote was unclear. Its my wife grandpa, who also doubles as a dear friend to me that has the liver and lung caner. I have probably hunted and fished the last 12 years with him more than anyone else I know. His brother who is also a dear friend of mine also has lung cancer. I have probably stayed at his house up north over 100 evenings the last 10 years for fishing and he has always treated me like royalty. They are both in their 70s. We have had countless good times and memories together. And my best friend who is a year younger than me has an older brother with kidney caner. I believe he is about 47 years old. We used to do more ice fishing and beer drinking and I have a bunch of great stories from things we have seen and done in the past. I will miss them all when the time comes. F**k cancer.
My sentiment stands. Sorry that you're having to to go thru this.
are we done with this puppy? What did we decide?
I decided the Govt. over reach was criminally unacceptable.I decided any politician I am associated with will be grilled on his philosophical view on circumstances like this and that will determine my vote and donation. For the govt. to educate, inform, suggest, research, and manage international issues is ok by me. For the govt to mandate my behavior regarding my health , my worship, my travel, how close I stand next to someone, my ability to gather as I wish [ peacefully ] and other such constitutional privileges is totally unacceptable to me.
Buck - How's your wife holding up?? Have enough PPE yet? Praying for all in the medical fields.
I decided the Govt. over reach was criminally unacceptable.I decided any politician I am associated with will be grilled on his philosophical view on circumstances like this and that will determine my vote and donation. For the govt. to educate, inform, suggest, research, and manage international issues is ok by me. For the govt to mandate my behavior regarding my health , my worship, my travel, how close I stand next to someone, my ability to gather as I wish [ peacefully ] and other such constitutional privileges is totally unacceptable to me.
couldn't agree with you more. But that sentiment, and $0.50 will buy you the paper tomorrow.

I think I'm officially, disenfranchised.
I decided the Govt. over reach was criminally unacceptable.I decided any politician I am associated with will be grilled on his philosophical view on circumstances like this and that will determine my vote and donation. For the govt. to educate, inform, suggest, research, and manage international issues is ok by me. For the govt to mandate my behavior regarding my health , my worship, my travel, how close I stand next to someone, my ability to gather as I wish [ peacefully ] and other such constitutional privileges is totally unacceptable to me.

Whats next? .......govt mandating tree tubes?

are we done with this puppy? What did we decide?
not yet,Roy

its over when we reach tubes v cages

all threads end there

Buck - How's your wife holding up?? Have enough PPE yet? Praying for all in the medical fields.

They are doing quite well on gear now. Corona is kinda disappearing and taking a back seat. Big problem now is mental health. People are going nuts. The other night when she was working one of the security guards found a homeless guy sleeping by the dumpsters. He tried to boot him from the property and got stabbed in the femoral artery for his efforts. They took him right into surgery and got him fixed up. We are having way more than normal domestic shootings/fights, meth use is way up, and normal people are going crazy. She worked a big stretch so I took the kids up north and we got a bunch of work done in the woods. Too my surprise the woods was all thawed out and we planted a bunch of spruce transplants among other things.

They are doing quite well on gear now. Corona is kinda disappearing and taking a back seat. Big problem now is mental health. People are going nuts. The other night when she was working one of the security guards found a homeless guy sleeping by the dumpsters. He tried to boot him from the property and got stabbed in the femoral artery for his efforts. They took him right into surgery and got him fixed up. We are having way more than normal domestic shootings/fights, meth use is way up, and normal people are going crazy. She worked a big stretch so I took the kids up north and we got a bunch of work done in the woods. Too my surprise the woods was all thawed out and we planted a bunch of spruce transplants among other things.

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Looks like you had some good help but you worked her too hard :emoji_grinning:
I was liking hte pic of you planting trees with the kids. Not the fact that people are losing their minds.
I was liking hte pic of you planting trees with the kids. Not the fact that people are losing their minds.

We raked about 6/10 of an acre of the old food plots out so we could frost seed switchgrass too. That was A TON of work and effort to get that done. I am skeptical if its gonna work, but we exposed a lot of soil. We also inspected all of our old spruce plantings and put weeds mats around about 200 of them. It looks like we are finally gonna win the battle to get spruce established. Our 15 year old daughter gave me a ton of help, but would be PO'ed if I put her on here. We got lots of work done.

200+ trees cared for? That's a lot man. That's a lot of work.

I was flipping thru your itasca thread and am planning on plugs for next year. Sounds like spending the money is worth the buck to got something worthwhile.
Looks like confirmation that it started in the lab. China can’t hide now. Dems still want to back the WHO and pretend this came from a bat. The WHO also spent 200 million in 2018 on travel, including first class flights, presidential suites, and limos. Nancy thinks it reprehensible that we would question them and suspend payments. Only because Trump is bringing it to light does the left oppose it. If there was ever common sense in Washington it would be to investigate the WHO. Liberals will be the down fall of this country, at least they are trying their best.


The timing of the whole damn thing is still SO suspicious to me. We smack them with the tariffs and really hammer them economically for two + years. By all objective measures they were getting their ass handed to them with the worst economy in decades. Then the deal is getting close and the virus gets out/released/deployed. A few weeks later China sends some other guy that isn't even president to sign the trade deal. They still havent bought anything meaningful from us, we still have a fork in their eye over Taiwan and Hong Kong. I dont believe they have any intention of honoring the trade agreement and the virus was an attempt to kill us economically. They arent gonna beat us in a shooting war when we have 7,000+ nukes and more allies and they have a few hundred with few allies. Things are not good between our two countries.

The alternative is that one of their scientist was watching porn hub and forgot about one of the safety steps in the bio lab and strolled out and spread it all over Wuhan unintentionally. Hell of a coincidence and some timing on his part. Maybe that idiot that runs the house intelligence community could start looking into that instead of the Russia Russia Russia bullshit we have had the last 3 years. All along its been China China China. They are the true geopolitical foe of this country.
Looks like confirmation that it started in the lab. China can’t hide now. Dems still want to back the WHO and pretend this came from a bat. The WHO also spent 200 million in 2018 on travel, including first class flights, presidential suites, and limos. Nancy thinks it reprehensible that we would question them and suspend payments. Only because Trump is bringing it to light does the left oppose it. If there was ever common sense in Washington it would be to investigate the WHO. Liberals will be the down fall of this country, at least they are trying their best.

these labs have been studying bat coronaviruses for at least 30 years. So it did come from a bat one way or another. If there was an accident in this lab I’m afraid we may never find out. More than likely anybody with knowledge has been silenced in one way or another. The WHO is like many of these World organizations, corrupt. The guy that runs it doesn’t have the best reputation. I like what Trump has proposed. Put aid directly where it’s needed not through the fingers of WHO.
I decided the Govt. over reach was criminally unacceptable.I decided any politician I am associated with will be grilled on his philosophical view on circumstances like this and that will determine my vote and donation. For the govt. to educate, inform, suggest, research, and manage international issues is ok by me. For the govt to mandate my behavior regarding my health , my worship, my travel, how close I stand next to someone, my ability to gather as I wish [ peacefully ] and other such constitutional privileges is totally unacceptable to me.

Funny Baker ... many of us were criticized early on in this thread for having those exact views. The snowflakes socialists on here and elsewhere demanded we bow to Gov't control as they know best and our lives are supposed to be controlled by fear so that our liberties can be stolen.

Good post ... time to challenge and push back!
Willing to die for your freedom.
Funny Baker ... many of us were criticized early on in this thread for having those exact views. The snowflakes socialists on here and elsewhere demanded we bow to Gov't control as they know best and our lives are supposed to be controlled by fear so that our liberties can be stolen.

Good post ... time to challenge and push back!

looks like people starting to push back in North Carolina and in Michigan already. Just the start if things don’t start straightening out after May 1. I thought Cuomo was going off the deep end but at least he admits if the whole State didn’t listen to him there wasn’t much he could do about it. The Governor of Michigan is doubling down though.
Willing to die for your freedom.


I wore this to the grocery store in NJ because they kicked me out for not having a mask on!

I’d go today without a friggin mask if they would let me in. Our state tyrant has doubled speeding fines with a required court appearance. Why? And more...

next he “Will” buck the president and make us stay locked down for at least a month longer than everyone else.

yet my son is fighting a tonsil problem going on 6 weeks and we can’t see a doctor. I have 3 nurses in family out of work because they are not front line ER nurses. And I have a good friend who is an ER nurse that only see’s people who have mental issues from being in lock down.

I’m willing to risk it.

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