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During a global pandemic sounds like an excellent time to cut funding to the WHO. That'll teach them. No way that could backfire on us or make things worse.

I would guess this was intended to just be some tough talk, someone new to blame for a news cycle or two. But now that the head of the WHO has publicly challenged our manhood...
just to be clear, am I supposed to take advice on what's going to happen in the future from a guy who's username is a callback to a panicking fowl who immediately assumed the worst in a situation? Asking for a friend.
Just think for yourself, Roy.
During a global pandemic sounds like an excellent time to cut funding to the WHO. That'll teach them. No way that could backfire on us or make things worse.

I would guess this was intended to just be some tough talk, someone new to blame for a news cycle or two. But now that the head of the WHO has publicly challenged our manhood...
So you have no problem with how the WHO handled this? No problem with them saying it couldn’t spread from human to human? No problem with them covering for China. All that is fine and we should just keep handing them millions. Trump confronts them so you automatically take the other side. We are not the only country saying they screwed over the world in an attempt to cover for China. China is responsible for this and the WHO is an accomplice. Let’s just blame Trump, after all everything bad in the world is his fault. We wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling at the WHO.
Two weeks ago I went to the grocery store and probably made funny faces at the people wearing masks. Went today and I was getting funny looks for not wearing one. I really got a chuckle when I drove passed a couple riding bikes along the side of the road alone, in masks. We’ve eclipsed Stupid..
take a look at other drivers. i'm seeing all kinds of idiots wearing masks inside their cars with the windows rolled up.
Another thing I’m seeing. All these States that banned plastic bags, straws , take out containers, cups are now rolling back all those laws. They’re actually banning the reusable bags they forced everybody to use. LOL. Plastic is the new rage! Environmentalists are up in arms LOL. Quite frankly it makes these States look ridiculous.
Some interesting comments from Dr Birx today. Fast forward to 1 hour, 34 mins and 55 seconds to hear the question from fake news Jim Acosta and the response from Birx.

"The majority (wish they would give the percentages) of Italians that succumb to this had 3 or more comorbidities." Meaning high blood pressure, diabetic, overweight, cancer, COPD, asthma, alcoholics, smokers and other problems. I have heard that number is as high as 90% in Italy (3 or more preexisting conditions), but am not sure on the source. Not to say that a regular healthy person cant die, but the risk of death to a healthy person is vastly lower than those that don't have the healthiest lifestyle, especially if you are younger. I think its been difficult to get data and acurate facts about WHO exactly is dying in our country. I know in MN we have had 34 deaths. Range of 58-100 and median age of 86.
As Dr. Birx said today. We are very liberal in counting deaths by this virus. You don’t even need to be confirmed positive to be counted just assumed is good enough. Depends on the doctor. They are going back and reclassifying cases now in Italy. Probably won’t be the case here as the government is reimbursing hospitals for Medicare and Medicaid coronavirus cases. Sad to say but the death classification could be influenced by money.
That doesn't sound accurate. I'm a Prof of Medicine in Rochester, NY. I can't speak for Italy or NYC, but all of our deaths are confirmed positive, and there's a good chance we're underrepresenting mortality due to deaths that occur outside of a hospital setting - comorbidities exacerbated by COVID.
That doesn't sound accurate. I'm a Prof of Medicine in Rochester, NY. I can't speak for Italy or NYC, but all of our deaths are confirmed positive, and there's a good chance we're underrepresenting mortality due to deaths that occur outside of a hospital setting - comorbidities exacerbated by COVID.

Our own expert... Would be nice to hear more of your thoughts. What do you think of the hydroxycholoroquine? Seems to work good for a lot of people if administered EARLY enough and you just cant save some of these people that are so fragile to begin with. I think the arguments about the safety of the drug is complete bullshit. If I might die in the next two weeks I could really care less about the side effect years down the road. Seems to be plenty of data and doctors saying its making a difference in a bunch of their patient. I bet hyrdroxychloroquine is a lot safer then some of the girls I used to bring home on Friday and Saturday nights.

Also, I have 3 very important people to me that are very close to the end with stage 4 cancer. One has liver and lung cancer and has stopped all treatment, his brother has lung cancer and was getting infusions, but they might be stopping and the other has kidney cancer. If any of them get Covid we are supposed to assume they were killed by that. I think that's BS. They are gonna be dead cause this worthless f*****g cancer shattered their immune systems. They would likely die if they got the normal flu given their conditions. It sucks not being able to visit them.
That doesn't sound accurate. I'm a Prof of Medicine in Rochester, NY. I can't speak for Italy or NYC, but all of our deaths are confirmed positive, and there's a good chance we're underrepresenting mortality due to deaths that occur outside of a hospital setting - comorbidities exacerbated by COVID.

. Are you saying Dr Birx is giving inaccurate information? What are the CDC guidelines for reporting these deaths?
My understanding from our family is the last thing that gets you goes down as cause of death. At least in some cases. We had a family member with cirrhosis spent last three months in hospital with one organ after another failing and cause of death was listed as cardiac arrest. No where was cirrhosis listed.
Also, I have 3 very important people to me that are very close to the end with stage 4 cancer. One has liver and lung cancer and has stopped all treatment, his brother has lung cancer and was getting infusions, but they might be stopping and the other has kidney cancer. If any of them get Covid we are supposed to assume they were killed by that. I think that's BS. They are gonna be dead cause this worthless f*****g cancer shattered their immune systems. They would likely die if they got the normal flu given their conditions. It sucks not being able to visit them.

Man, all things aside, i'm sorry to hear about this. I've had some people close to me deal with cancer that claimed their lives, but never 3 at once, and never a sibling. Statistics aside, sorry that you have to go thru that crap. That's a hard row to hoe
I would echo those sentiments.
Crazy times we’re living in when the strongest show of love and support you can give your loved ones susceptible to this virus is to stay away to protect them. None of it seems fair when all you want to do is help.
In truth, you are correct. I have no way of assessing the accuracy of Dr. Birx's remarks overall. Hence the comment "doesn't sound accurate" = which is a measured response that indicates some uncertainty - is intended to convey my opinion, based solely on my own experience and word of mouth from care providers. However, the statistics that I have seen suggest that the death rate from unconfirmed but suspected COVID-19 is likely to be small compared to the in-home death rate from untested individuals. It may be that my issue with accuracy lies in your interpretation of Dr. Birx's remark - no offense intended, just a disagreement. I believe that she was suggesting that other countries may be underreporting COVID-19 related mortality, rather than suggesting that we are overreporting it.

Of course, there's lies, damn lies, and statistics.

One thing we can all agree on is that this is a terrible situation to endure. Tough times, indeed
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Well said Knehrke.
Man, all things aside, i'm sorry to hear about this. I've had some people close to me deal with cancer that claimed their lives, but never 3 at once, and never a sibling. Statistics aside, sorry that you have to go thru that crap. That's a hard row to hoe

Perhaps what I wrote was unclear. Its my wife grandpa, who also doubles as a dear friend to me that has the liver and lung caner. I have probably hunted and fished the last 12 years with him more than anyone else I know. His brother who is also a dear friend of mine also has lung cancer. I have probably stayed at his house up north over 100 evenings the last 10 years for fishing and he has always treated me like royalty. They are both in their 70s. We have had countless good times and memories together. And my best friend who is a year younger than me has an older brother with kidney caner. I believe he is about 47 years old. We used to do more ice fishing and beer drinking and I have a bunch of great stories from things we have seen and done in the past. I will miss them all when the time comes. F**k cancer.
Perhaps what I wrote was unclear. Its my wife grandpa, who also doubles as a dear friend to me that has the liver and lung caner. I have probably hunted and fished the last 12 years with him more than anyone else I know. His brother who is also a dear friend of mine also has lung cancer. I have probably stayed at his house up north over 100 evenings the last 10 years for fishing and he has always treated me like royalty. They are both in their 70s. We have had countless good times and memories together. And my best friend who is a year younger than me has an older brother with kidney caner. I believe he is about 47 years old. We used to do more ice fishing and beer drinking and I have a bunch of great stories from things we have seen and done in the past. I will miss them all when the time comes. F**k cancer.
That all sucks. I lost two to cancer last year. I would let corona run it’s coarse if it meant no more cancer. #Fuc*cancer
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