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There's plenty not to like about Cuomo in normal times. But he's smart and organized. He knows how government works and how to get things done. He's making decisions based on what is actually happening instead of on hopes and fantasy. Compared to a President who doesn't have any of those skills, it's not hard for him to impress people.

it’s hard to actually take this seriously. First, NY had nothing as far as preparedness. If not for the Feds, NY would be a goner by now. And as far as hope and fantasy. LOL. Trump has a 60% approval rating on how he’s handling the situation. Never Trumpers will never relent their attacks no matter what it seems. Trump is leading and making hard decisions and using the best people in the World for advisement. Cuomo whines on tv every day.
And here is some more solid advice from NYC mayor Bill De Blasio. This is from March 10th. First positive case in NY was March 1. I wonder if cryin Chuck Todd and Morning Joe will ask this loser if he has blood on his hands like they are saying about the POTUS. This was over 40 days after Trump closed off travel from China. This was only 19 days ago, but its all Trumps fault.

Saw this elsewhere.

Ok my turn to get political before locking things down.

As of “this moment” worldwide Covid 19 deaths = 33,976
2019 worldwide abortions = 42,400,000

42,400,000-33,976 = 42,366,024.

I guess 42 Million deaths worldwide in one year are ok because we said so. But 33 thousand by a germ are horrific. Maybe Someone’s telling us something.

“Just sayin”. To try and put things into perspective.
Please don’t lock it down Bill. Stress is understandably a little high right now and this is a decent place to blow off a little steam. I haven’t been offend by anyone yet. Skin is plenty thick on most of us. This is one of those moments we will talk about for decades.
Please don’t lock it down Bill. Stress is understandably a little high right now and this is a decent place to blow off a little steam. I haven’t been offend by anyone yet. Skin is plenty thick on most of us. This is one of those moments we will talk about for decades.

I’m not going too yet. I’ve enjoyed lots about this thread and rolled my eyes on both sides of the politics. I just don’t personally get to interject very often because I try to distance myself from the R&D in all things here.
I think we all have opinions on the actual CV-19 that change daily as things progress.
Just trying to add some real statistics that none of us really ever think of.
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It's getting bad here. Two weeks from now Chicago will be New York today. Lots of stuff happening that's not being reported in the news.
Kudos to the President for extending the social distancing guidelines for a month and to Fauci and Birx for convincing him things will get much worse before they get better.
Bad news from reported in the LA Times about what appears to be a big airborne spread at a choir practice in Washington on March 10. Says they were taking some precautions and no one had symptoms then but it likely spread through airborne particles from singing. 45 of the 60 people are now showing symptoms or have tested positive. Sounds like everyone wearing masks in public would be a good idea to further slow this down.
It's getting bad here. Two weeks from now Chicago will be New York today. Lots of stuff happening that's not being reported in the news.

Examples? I'm in the area so I'm curious.
All I can say is the number of deaths here is either being under reported or the reporting is delayed.
I’m not going too yet. I’ve enjoyed lots about this thread and rolled my eyes on both sides of the politics. I just don’t personally get to interject very often because I try to distance myself from the R&D in all things here.
I think we all have opinions on the actual CV-19 that change daily as things progress.
Just trying to add some real statistics that none of us really ever think of.

Statistics and perspective are important and seem, as you point out to be lost in the hype. New statistics out of Italy show over 80% of deaths had 3 or more underlying issues. Those that have died younger were found to have had some form of heart disease nobody could ever know about. Heart disease seems to be a big problem with this virus. In my County and the County in PA to the South. 60,000 people. Of all the confirmed cases there have been none hospitalized. None. 90% have not shown one symptom they had been tested because they came from NYC. The only cases that have shown symptoms are mild and recovering at home. A large number of people are in mandatory isolation because of contact with these people and have all come back negative so far. With everything you hear , you just have to remember it’s not a big deal for another statistic by Dr Birx. 86% negatives. I’m now limiting my news watching to 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. I’m finding this much better for my health
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Statistics and perspective are important and seem, as you point out to be lost in the hype. For instance more people die everyday in NYC than have died in the last 3 weeks in NYC From the virus. New statistics out of Italy show over 80% of deaths had 3 or more underlying issues. Those that have died younger were found to have had some form of heart disease nobody could ever know about. Heart disease seems to be a big problem with this virus. In my County and the County in PA to the South. 60,000 people. Of all the confirmed cases there have been none hospitalized. None. 90% have not shown one symptom they had been tested because they came from NYC. The only cases that have shown symptoms are mild and recovering at home. A large number of people are in mandatory isolation because of contact with these people and have all come back negative so far. With everything you hear , you just have to remember it’s not a big deal for another statistic by Dr Birx. 86% negatives. I’m now limiting my news watching to 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. I’m finding this much better for my health
That is 100% not true
Change order
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Almost 8,000 Americans die every day.
400-500 people die in NYC everyday for whatever reason. That was pre virus. There’s a lot of people there.
Again not true, and really not even close. That would be ~164,000 a year, when the true number about 1/3 of that, ~54,000 a year or ~150 a day.
Table M4 has and interesting data point. Top line clearly indicates that 100% of the dead people are dead.

sorry, just something I picked up. ;)
Again not true, and really not even close. That would be ~164,000 a year, when the true number about 1/3 of that, ~54,000 a year or ~150 a day.
View attachment 28714

I checked again. I will delete that post. It’s 400-500 people in NY state.
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