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Since I can't read it, I'll ass/u/me your expert is talking about estimates of what proportion of the U.S. population ((biggins like 60-70%) have been estimated to perhaps contract the virus. Go to my post 1175 and note I'm talking about a finite number, 70 million Americans (lessd than 25%). Perhaps you could summarize your expert's position.

I don't like to be abrupt with folks who seem to have reading comprehension issues; however, when people attack me, telling me essentially I'm all wrong ... sure, I'll defend myself ... and throw a little bovine-dodo back at them.

they are not my experts. They are yours also. The task force team! Completely explained yeasterday. These extreme models that are coming out simply do not reflect what is really happending in any Country with boots on the ground data.
I was proud of myself yesterday. Played golf. I only went in to clubhouse to pay for our group. We didn't touch the flag, puts under 6 ft were given so as not to touch the flag, and most importantly we didn't grab each others balls!!!!:emoji_sunglasses:
The only bad thing as I ran into a guy hadn't seen for a while and while he half my age, he stuck out his hand to shake. I politely refused and we talked for a while. It about killed me to not shake. Woke a couple times last night with that on my mind. I don't like that as shaking a persons hand and looking/reading their eyes is important/ that is why social media is so deceptive. We require at least some social/skin contact as a human group. Even your dog lies next to your feet for social contact. If this is the society we will be permanently, then honestly I want no part. Good news is exposure rate of testing in this state is less than .5/10 positive. False reading I know, but no deaths in a upper age group state so far is good news. Fishing today, and free fishing license to beat that temporary.

very difficult with people you know not to shake their hand. I would not hesitate to do so if they’re not obviously sick. Then you whip out your hand sanitizer and your good to go.
Oakseed, just so I'm clear, you wrote 67% rather than 67 million. Then when you got called about it, made the guy who noticed your flaw feel like he was in the wrong? Maybe next time just say, "oops, i meant a finite number not a percentage" You were wrong and saying you were wouldn't have been that hard. And it'd add credence to your future posts.

As it is, everything you post from here out regarding this will appear to have a giant "everybody panic" agenda.

Its worse out there than I thought it'd be. That said, I don't know 1 human being, personally, who has this thing. And i live in a rural, blue collar community, so we just keep right on ticking.

We'll be here to carry you out when you give up.


Sorry, I dont agree with your morbid assessment of 2.5-5% of all grandmas and grandpas will die Oakseeds. 3.5 million dead is not based on any type of facts at all, instead just reckless speculations. It is the worst, of the worst, of the worst case scenario. That's the only way to get to that number.

keep digging.jpg
When your plan is to line your pockets with "free" government money you want the numbers to sound as bad as possible.
You get $1,200...congress gets $25,000,000 / $46k per member and their "staff". Right?
I don't understand why anyone would be embarrassed to be careful these days. I don't shake hands. I wear nitrile gloves in the supermarket. I wash my hands immediately when I get home from work. I am not embarrassed by any of this. Everyone should do it.
I’ve spent 9 days out of the last 10 on a plane for 10 hours a day... I’m sure I’ve had someone on my flights that has it.
I had originally intended to pick up another 3 days starting tomorrow for time and a half, but I’ve decided that I’m taking my son to the farm instead. I’ll run a chainsaw, and he can play on the 4-wheeler and fish.

That will give me 6 straight days off for things to settle a little before getting back on a plane. Maybe the feds will wise up and shut down air travel for a few weeks. Lots of my fellow flight attendants have started getting notifications of CoVid19 positive people having been on their flights prior to showing symptoms and getting tested. Those flight attendants are being told to quarantine for 14 days minimum. I’d rather not have to do that.

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I just booked 2 flights with American. They’re offering free rescheduling if I have to change flights.
It ain’t much but it’s some revenue.
Here is some confusing data from the MN ministry of health.

So we have 441 confirmed cases on 3/28. The article say 220 people no longer need to be isolated (recovered is my guess, but I am not certain). We didnt have 220 cases until 5 days ago in 3/23 when we had 235 confirmed cases according to the graph. The wife says they send all kinds of sick people home and tell them to quarantine for 2 weeks without testing them. I'm not sure what I should make of that data. Only about 2.8% of the tested cases tested are positive for coronavirus.

Doing pretty good with 5 dead out of 5.7 million population so far, 57 hospitalized through the entire pandemic and 30 that are currently hospitalized. I believe all 5 of those that died were in rough shape to begin with. Maybe we can go back to work around here a couple weeks from now and just practice social distancing and good hygiene.

I will be following along on the ministry of health website from now on.
Buck - How's your wife doing in her hornet's nest? Do they have enough PPE and such?? I really feel for those medical folks anywhere these days. I'm hoping she stays safe. Please let her know people are thinking of her and her team mates.
Buck - How's your wife doing in her hornet's nest? Do they have enough PPE and such?? I really feel for those medical folks anywhere these days. I'm hoping she stays safe. Please let her know people are thinking of her and her team mates.

They are doing OK. Supplies are pretty low. 3M is just down the road from the hospital so they are helping as best they can. One of the issues they have been having is methheads that think they have coronavirus and other people freaking out in general. They had 2 guys in a chick come in all methed out. They wanted to be tested for HIV cause they were all screwing each other and sharing needles. She said the two dudes were dressed in taped together walmart bags and had taken baths in bleach to kill the corona and they wanted to be sterile. Some people doing some odd shit being in quarantine. She is certain she has seen plenty of corona people but they are all sent home without a test unless the area getting admitted or are a healthcare worker/first responder. The state and private labs cant keep up. They have the rapid test on order but not delivered yet.

Their main concern from what I gather is if one of the local nursing homes gets hit. Hopefully this shit goes away with some warmer weather and all these measures in place allow them to stock up on gear.
NJ Governor asked that all retired healthcare workers register to volunteer. Their reopening a 300 bed hospital about 10 miles from our house and some more facilities up north.

My wife registered this morning. Thankfully were in the southern part of the state and haven’t seen number like they have up north closer to NYC.

I’m hoping they don’t call because she’s a hard head and will go.
Louisiana has a strict stay at home policy. Many small businesses are shut down creating havoc and economic turmoil for many.


I went to Lowes today and there were more cars in the lot than I have ever seen. Place was packed. People buying bar b q pits, outdoor furniture, garden supplies, flowers, etc. Lawn center was raped . Isles were packed. Everyone was pushing a cart. A few people had masks on but most had no protection of any type. Its spring In La. and with folks sequestered to there house it looked like preparation for a giant garden party.


Out of an abundance of caution the check out isles had tape on floor every 6' marking where you should stand. The tellers had a plexiglass barricade that you had to walk around to hand them your purchases for bar code reading. I cant speak for anywhere else but I sense the social distancing concept is difficult to apply effectively certainly for an extended period of time.
NJ Governor asked that all retired healthcare workers register to volunteer. Their reopening a 300 bed hospital about 10 miles from our house and some more facilities up north.

My wife registered this morning. Thankfully were in the southern part of the state and haven’t seen number like they have up north closer to NYC.

I’m hoping they don’t call because she’s a hard head and will go.

New York had their first confirmed case on 3/1. Over one month after the POTUS closed all travel from China. On 3/2 New York City mayor Bill De Blasio was telling the people of his city to get out on the town and enjoy the city. It was the same day the NBA suspended the season. He was also very slow to close the schools. A week later it was all trumps fault and the travel ban was racist.

Out of an abundance of caution the check out isles had tape on floor every 6' marking where you should stand. The tellers had a plexiglass barricade that you had to walk around to hand them your purchases for bar code reading. I cant speak for anywhere else but I sense the social distancing concept is difficult to apply effectively certainly for an extended period of time.

Went for a drive just to see something different today. Never got out of the truck. Same here, lots of car at Lowe’s.

I went for groceries yesterday and it was the best trip I’ve ever made. I hope this Social distance thing is here forever. There are directional arrows on the isle so you don’t meet someone coming the other way. Marks everywhere to alert you how far away to stay. People were following the rules there. I self checked out and didn’t have to interact with any idiots, quite an enjoyable trip to the market.
Plenty of politicians and non-politicians underestimated and downplayed what was coming. Some continue to do that and some quit hoping and get to work. I thought Cuomo waited too long to shut the NY schools down but I think he's done a solid job since he accepted what was really happneing. He's working the issues, planning, getting help, putting pressure on the Feds and getting them to act. I think most governors have fallen into that bucket of being a little slow to act but quickly ratcheting up the response as things deteriorate. DeBlasio has seemed less effective but I can't think of anything he's done well in the past. I'm a long ways from NYC so maybe I don't see his positives.
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Plenty of politicians and non-politicians underestimated and downplayed what was coming. Some continue to do that and some quit hoping and get to work. I thought Cuomo waited too long to shut the NY schools down but I think he's done a solid job since he accepted what was really happneing. He's working the issues, planning, getting help, putting pressure on the Feds and getting them to act. I think most governors have fallen into that bucket of being a little slow to act but quickly ratcheting up the response as things deteriorate. DeBlasio has seemed less effective but I can't think of anything he's done well in the past. I'm a long ways from NYC so maybe I don't see his positives.

Speaking of Cuomo....

I will bet anyone on here that wants $100 that the election this fall is gonna be Trump v Cuomo assuming they are both alive after corona. There is no way in hell they (DNC) are gonna put Biden out there. I think Biden is intentionally tanking and making gaffes now and will eventually pledge his delegates to Cuomo. I dont think Biden really wants to do this anyway. He will slip away as some great statesman with a medical diagnosis and that will keep him from being investigated. He has to finish Bernie off first though. Then Cuomo (the crisis manager) can UNITE THE PARTY (including the Bernie bros that Biden cant get) and HEAL THE COUNTRY. Biden had a disastrous week from his bunker and is just not fit for the job. The man cant even form coherent sentences most of the time.

Tell me this doesnt look like an awful acting job....

Hahaha.... heal the country...
You’ve got some jokes.

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Not that the press would hold Cuomo accountable but there are a lot of skeletons in his closet. He started a corruption task force and when his own people got caught up in it he shut it down. He has said republicans are not welcome in NY, that would make a great trump add.
Cuomo is a non starter. Too late anyway I think. But, I won’t take any bets. LOL
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