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I hope you're a good swimmer 'cause you just shot a hole in the bottom of your boat! :emoji_smirk:

If I'm wrong, I can take the heat ... I'll dog paddle until you get back to me.

On another note, I almost fee like I'm a quasi-okie since I'v been in and out of Stillwater OK a number of times visiting their great petroleum engineering school. Mr. T Boone Pickens was certainly generous to their athletic program - both football and basketball. At 25,000 students, OSU is about half the Stillwater OK population (49,000) .... so, as a non-urban setting, we can all hope you and other stillwater'ers(sic) - only 248 confirmed cases to date - escape this dreaded disease. So far, in OK, Love's has closed one location ,schools are closed for the rest of the year and today --- Tulsa closed the parks. Tulsa and Oklahoma City will ramp up case load soon.
F me, I've just been thrown into this shit storm.

Asshole comes into work monday after having guests over from all over the US to goose hunt. Dosnt tell anyone, starts not feeling well and leaves.

Just found out he got tested this morning.

So much for trying to do my part.

Just thought I'd give a quick update, no one probably cares. But I'm stoked.

Jackasses test came back negative.
Pumped to get back to work after a forced closer today. (Although it was nice to get alot of work done out back of the house)

Clock is ticking and spring waits for no man.

Wife was freaking for a bit with the asthma an all. Now shes on me even more to steer clear of people. Fine with me.

I would like to share this with you from the briefing today. One of the leading experts in the world doesn’t share your morbid view of how this will play out.

I hope she is correct, I guess I will take her word for now. In the meantime let’s hope the supply chain gets a chance to catch up a little cause it surely needs it.

Also, Dr. Fauci announced that Trump has green lighted several of the promising vaccine candidates to go straight into production shortly. They will be mass produced while the final testing goes on. Usually they need to pass the final testing first and then go into mass production. This might cut 6-8 months of the time for the vaccine.
Did I hear the President say in the briefing today that ...
1. the war powers act had been used twice... "you'll be hearing about it" ...I think he said .... maybe I was dreaming or hoping like buck
2. Also wasn't willing to say what country would get Carnival Cruise Line money ...
I guess that type of transparency - or lack thereof - is OK with some folks

I would like to share this with you from the briefing today. One of the leading experts in the world doesn’t share your morbid view of how this will play out.

I hope she is correct, I guess I will take her word for now. In the meantime let’s hope the supply chain gets a chance to catch up a little cause it surely needs it.

Also, Dr. Fauci announced that Trump has green lighted several of the promising vaccine candidates to go straight into production shortly. They will be mass produced while the final testing goes on. Usually they need to pass the final testing first and then go into mass production. This might cut 6-8 months of the time for the vaccine.

belive it or not my primary doctor went to college with Dr Birx . Right down the road a few miles.
I really think what Fauci said about the vaccine production is brilliant. Start now so if it pans out you don’t have to wait 6 months to produce it. They are really pushing to get this out by Sept or Oct. in Case it comes back.
Did I hear the President say in the briefing today that ...
1. the war powers act had been used twice... "you'll be hearing about it" ...I think he said .... maybe I was dreaming or hoping like buck
2. Also wasn't willing to say what country would get Carnival Cruise Line money ...
I guess that type of transparency - or lack thereof - is OK with some folks
The President said it’s very difficult to give money to a company from another Country. It would be a loan. He’s very much in favor of them changing their registration to the USA and supports the position that if they did that they would be eligible for the loans.
This is what I read from Yahoo news.
I would like to share this with you from the briefing today. One of the leading experts in the world doesn’t share your morbid view of how this will play out.

This is what appears; maybe you could sharpen your posting skills ... I'll stand by all my statements, we'll see who is most correct when it's over.
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
Why not try a search to find something else?

Fauci was on another network tonight saying/implying a county-by-county relaxization "opening" probably won't work without extensive testing and a system (infastructure) to track contacts when someone gets infected; otherwise, you get community spread ... ultimately, possibly leading to "hot spots." My belief is that the scientists (the 2 major ones on the task force) tolerate ambiguous (perhaps goofy) statements by the President in order to keep him in check (DJT's unrealistic/aspirational thoughts). Twice this week during briefings, Trump called each to the podium (alone) to defend/substantiate his statement. Dr. Birx was called when Trump got into his usual dust-up with the press and he ask her twice (essentially lightly badgering her) about when all the chairs in the press room would all be filled (something about people who didn't like him), When she didn't respond the first time, DJT pushed her (figuratively) and she side-steped it graciously.
When Trump got started on how the WHO favored the Chinese, (talked about red flags) he called Fauci to the podium (I don't think Fauci was paying much attention; he ask the reporter what the question was .... and Dr. Fauci abruptly said sternly, "I am not going to answer that." Fauci then immediately went on to praise the head of the WHO. Later, when the same reported ask Fauci another question, Fauci - upon -stepping forward - apologized profusely for being curt/rude. ... saying that's not his nature. He essentially got drug into a Trump rant. These professional have to live in a world of peers(data and truth win the day; they aren't doobies who can be played).

And Dr. Birx said, you could be thinking about it. You need protocols to make these choices; no medical person would accept making decisions by him/her self by whatever criteria s/he accepted (ya, they do have a conscience.)
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emoji could go either way.

But I’m so ready to get to the farm.
I canceled my last trip. My buddy didn’t, he got on the airline I was supposed to be on. Went to his farm down the road. He shed hunted and got ready for spring. Me I stayed at home and didn’t spread or get the germ.

Either he’s an ass or I am.

Time will tell
Since I can't read it, I'll ass/u/me your expert is talking about estimates of what proportion of the U.S. population ((biggins like 60-70%) have been estimated to perhaps contract the virus. Go to my post 1175 and note I'm talking about a finite number, 70 million Americans (lessd than 25%). Perhaps you could summarize your expert's position.

I don't like to be abrupt with folks who seem to have reading comprehension issues; however, when people attack me, telling me essentially I'm all wrong ... sure, I'll defend myself ... and throw a little bovine-dodo back at them.
After 49 pages, it's my opinion the conspiracy theorists and others have driven most of the better informed - and rational thinkers - off this thread.

Read the first article below for a reality check; then read the second article for how to very seriously mismanage a public health crisis, and help spread the virus when spring breakers return all across the U.S. TX is essentially doing the same thing!

And all you folks over 60 who seem to be worried about your freedoms, run down to Fl in about 10 days and visit groups of folks in diners and hotels ... might be your best shot at dying earlier than you ex[pect

Light me up boys, go ahead, light me up!

The post above was the first I made on this thread.

Hey Dudes, I called this to several people over 9 days ago ... light years in terms of how this is developing. The average age in many enclaves in the Sunshine state ... over 65 ... just like Italy.
DeSantis has got it taken care of .... got social distancing mechanism in place ... no problem. I hear the horse; close the door. Prunes, he's already out.

I prefer staying on Sanibel Island. Point Santo complex is right on the nose of the island (wonderful shelling) and close to the Over Easy Casfe (great place for breakfast on Tarpon Bay road. The new Doc Fords and Gramma Dots are tourist traps ... each with great seafood sandwhiches. Cheeseburger, cheesburger, cheesburger has great burgers for lunch and milk shakes. Island cow is a little more casual, and a real favorite of families and kids. The Timbers is one of the 2 best seafood restaurants for evening dining. Try it.
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Japan is the outlier here. As old a population they have just not a lot going on over there. 1 new death today.

Japan is a totally different culture from ours. Social responsibility is probably more important to them than in any other culture. They are probably much better at social distancing than we are, as it has become a social duty.
Did I hear the President say in the briefing today that ...
1. the war powers act had been used twice... "you'll be hearing about it" ...I think he said .... maybe I was dreaming or hoping like buck
2. Also wasn't willing to say what country would get Carnival Cruise Line money ...
I guess that type of transparency - or lack thereof - is OK with some folks
You need to listen more, Instead of thinking you are the smartest guy in the room. Carnival isn’t getting money because they are not a US company. That was his point. They are trying to make them register here if they want any money but as of now they are getting nothing. You were probably to busy watching his hands or how he was standing. You also didn’t listen well on the WHO questioning. The reporter slammed them and wanted Trump to. Trump played both sides in his answer, said they do a good job but screwed up here. He then asked Fauci to give his opinion on it. He gave them compliments and said he doesn’t play the political game. He later apologized for being short with the guy. Everything else is what you made up in your silly head. I bet last year you were posting articles and insulting everyone else’s intelligence about Russian collusion. I’m sure you had your own evidence and maybe even knew the prostitute who gave Trump the golden shower. Don’t you get tired of always being wrong. You are like the weather guy that gets 27 forecasts wrong in a row then brags he nailed one. Hopefully you continue to be wrong since you would trade anything to get rid of Trump.
Oakseed, just so I'm clear, you wrote 67% rather than 67 million. Then when you got called about it, made the guy who noticed your flaw feel like he was in the wrong? Maybe next time just say, "oops, i meant a finite number not a percentage" You were wrong and saying you were wouldn't have been that hard. And it'd add credence to your future posts.

As it is, everything you post from here out regarding this will appear to have a giant "everybody panic" agenda.

Its worse out there than I thought it'd be. That said, I don't know 1 human being, personally, who has this thing. And i live in a rural, blue collar community, so we just keep right on ticking.

We'll be here to carry you out when you give up.
Took my wife to the local clinic yesterday. She just got over a sinus infection, but now has a low fever, aches, cough, shortness of breath and chest pains when exerting at all. Doctor told her she has ‘something viral’, but they’re only testing hospital admits for coronavirus. Gave her a note saying she could return to work. Work told her not to come in as long as there's a fever.

I guess we're slightly confused.
Took my wife to the local clinic yesterday. She just got over a sinus infection, but now has a low fever, aches, cough, shortness of breath and chest pains when exerting at all. Doctor told her she has ‘something viral’, but they’re only testing hospital admits for coronavirus. Gave her a note saying she could return to work. Work told her not to come in as long as there's a fever.

I guess we're slightly confused.

I'd recommend drinking, junk food, and watching Tiger King. You'll feel better about yourself afterwards.
Took my wife to the local clinic yesterday. She just got over a sinus infection, but now has a low fever, aches, cough, shortness of breath and chest pains when exerting at all. Doctor told her she has ‘something viral’, but they’re only testing hospital admits for coronavirus. Gave her a note saying she could return to work. Work told her not to come in as long as there's a fever.

I guess we're slightly confused.
I hear of this over and over. Just wait till it runs like crazy in a few factories. We(Wisconsin) have pretty low published positives but it's obvious that it's higher than we know. I understand there's limited test kits and they don't fix anything anyways but sending someone with symptoms to work?? I closed up shop and have been at the cottage all week while my guys aren't working. Pretty sure im giving up and get back to work next week. Everyone else seems to think they're essential and it's going to spread anyways with current fake restrictions. No sense losing more money
I was proud of myself yesterday. Played golf. I only went in to clubhouse to pay for our group. We didn't touch the flag, puts under 6 ft were given so as not to touch the flag, and most importantly we didn't grab each others balls!!!!:emoji_sunglasses:
The only bad thing as I ran into a guy hadn't seen for a while and while he half my age, he stuck out his hand to shake. I politely refused and we talked for a while. It about killed me to not shake. Woke a couple times last night with that on my mind. I don't like that as shaking a persons hand and looking/reading their eyes is important/ that is why social media is so deceptive. We require at least some social/skin contact as a human group. Even your dog lies next to your feet for social contact. If this is the society we will be permanently, then honestly I want no part. Good news is exposure rate of testing in this state is less than .5/10 positive. False reading I know, but no deaths in a upper age group state so far is good news. Fishing today, and free fishing license to beat that temporary.
Speaking of Coronoa... I packed up the family and we went to the liquor store and loaded up on beer and wine and dropped off a little liquid gift to our friends in the area to have a reason to get out the the house. On the last drop off for the night, saw a big pile of posts in their driveway that were going in the garbage that night. 25+ posts and a lot more getting pulled this week! Will be put to use in my apple orchard plot expansion this spring! Corona score


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