I hope you're a good swimmer 'cause you just shot a hole in the bottom of your boat!![]()
If I'm wrong, I can take the heat ... I'll dog paddle until you get back to me.
On another note, I almost fee like I'm a quasi-okie since I'v been in and out of Stillwater OK a number of times visiting their great petroleum engineering school. Mr. T Boone Pickens was certainly generous to their athletic program - both football and basketball. At 25,000 students, OSU is about half the Stillwater OK population (49,000) .... so, as a non-urban setting, we can all hope you and other stillwater'ers(sic) - only 248 confirmed cases to date - escape this dreaded disease. So far, in OK, Love's has closed one location ,schools are closed for the rest of the year and today --- Tulsa closed the parks. Tulsa and Oklahoma City will ramp up case load soon.