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Watching CNBC now. Guy named Paul Tudor Jones predicts the next 2 weeks will peak out. He sees 300-400K cases most likely. Said absolute worst case is 1 million cases with 4% mortality rate. I think this guy is a financial expert and not a medical specialist. Who knows. He's been on for 15 minutes. I'd summarize his take that it's serious and the worst is yet to come, over the next 2 weeks, but that he thinks it's being overblown.
He's still on. Just said "we're going to kick this bugs ass." Lol. I like the optimism. Breath of fresh air.
I have this feeling that my fire will rage hot. i'll probably cram about 100 years of living into 60 years of life, then go out in a blaze of glory. Hopefully a heart attack while dragging a 200" buck out of the woods or with a black marlin on the other end of the line.

If I make it that long, its been a heck of a ride. If I don't, I know where I'm headed and it's better than here anyways.

I have been debating for a long time now whether I’d like to go out in a fight with a mountain lion in the Rockies or just in my sleep. Still deciding. :emoji_thinking:
Watching CNBC now. Guy named Paul Tudor Jones predicts the next 2 weeks will peak out. He sees 300-400K cases most likely. Said absolute worst case is 1 million cases with 4% mortality rate. I think this guy is a financial expert and not a medical specialist. Who knows. He's been on for 15 minutes. I'd summarize his take that it's serious and the worst is yet to come, over the next 2 weeks, but that he thinks it's being overblown.
I would encourage you to listen to people who base their projections on sound statistical facts. This persons numbers look like their meant to get ratings instead of inform people of what is probable. A 4% death rate is not even close to where we will end up and not what most modern healthcare countries are experiencing. Why CNBC would allow this kind of reporting is beyond me and I think for the nation irresponsible.
My rough math tells me death rate of roughly 1.4%. 60k cases 1k deaths. You also know all deaths have been counted while who knows how many infected have not been counted. Should come in well under 1%. My county is up to 81 cases with one death. The obvious concern is the hospitals max out then the deaths go up. What will not be measured is how many people die because they didn’t get care or preventative care because this has taken over the entire health care system. Just in my family I have a sister in law who had a kidney transplant postponed. FIL who should be in hospital but is ridding it out at home, he was in grave condition before this started but this is going to shorten his life without getting it. My parents had their annual physicals at the VA cancelled. Last year they found skin cancer during that visit. How many people with cancer are having their diagnosis delayed and will loose their fight because of it. There are no clear answers to this but every decision does have an unattended consequence.
Related to ksgobbler's 1170 post ....

In 2016, 68.7 % of the U.S. population was over 60 years of age. About 22.5% of the 325 million Americans in 2017 (consistent with your graph). Actually, it's about 330M today even though Trump said there were 350M Americans during his press briefing today (census must have missed some he knew about ... my opinion).

Let's estimate there are probably at least 70M Americans over 60 years of age in 2020. If only persons over 60 were killed by the virus (after all, everyone knows it only kills senior citizens (sarcasm), and if disease-surges overwhelm the health care systems of several states, is a death rate of 2.5% unrealistic? Heck it's only 1.75 Million Parents and Grandparents! A 5% mortality rate would be only 3.5 Million old folks!
Someone should send that to Glen Beck who said we should send folks over 50 out to work (restart the economy) and keep young people at home

When the President was asked in his press briefing today (3-3-25), how many lives he was willing to lose (yes, I know it's a dump question), the President responded appropriately with NONE(my opinion). These statistics should sober up some people who think it is just the flu; or, that the flu is just as deadly.

Mostly facts here folks, no political judgments! :emoji_relaxed: Peace

I gotta call you out oak cause this post is about as dramatic and over the top as you can possibly get.

1. 68.7% of the US population IS NOT over the age of 60 in 2016.
2. We have ZERO clue what the death rate is cause we dont know how many people are infected. Not one damn clue. To go from a couple thousand test kits at the end of January to testing the whole country in under 60 days would be IMPOSSIBLE, and I don't care who the president/king/emperor is. It just flat out impossible.
3. You say you are presenting FACTS, but then go on to estimate that 70M Americans are over the age of 60.
4. The Johns Hopkins data suggested early on that 13-15% of cases required hospitalization. Yesterday that same data said that 4% of cases require hospitalization.
5. We will NEVER know the death rate since we dont know the infection rate. The WHO (World Organization of Health) and all of the experts at CDC are telling us that people can have this and NEVER show any symptoms. Others are just attributing it to a cold or seasonal flu and never get tested.
6. The Surgeon General has said and Dr Brix said in the press conference yesterday that high mortality rates (like the fictional 5% you are assuming) would assume that we took absolutely no protective measures and let the virus rage across the country.
7. There are immense consequences (financial well being, mental health, and other people's physical health from unrelated illness to consider here). I know some of the media darlings and politicians are just appalled at the thought of try to get the economy moving again, but it has huge consequences if we dont. I have known several fellow farmers that committed suicide cause they lost the farm. Same goes for other business owners and people who lose their jobs.
8. I agree with the president that 1 death is unacceptable, especially if it is someone very close to me, but he still has millions and millions of other people, our entire economy, and the well being of our country for decades to come to think about.
9. We have taken the most dramatic steps to slow this crap down that have ever been taken.
10. The president and nobody in this country is to blame for ANY of this crap.
Yep, we will never know the real death rate of this. Just estimates at the end of it. My wife had a guy come into the office yesterday (medical office) with a mask on. They took his temp and asked if he had appointment. He said he needed to be seen right away as he’s scared to death of getting the virus and is there anything they can do! The panic out there is getting unreal. Cliche by the President but, for sure at this point many more people are hurting in some way by the fear and not the disease. Time to end it. The economy and jobs went down the tubes in a week. it will take a whole lot longer to start up again. Gradual at first and then continued as the weeks go by. It’s the best thing this Country could do for the people right now. They’re putting the money and structure into the healthcare where it’s needed. They will continue that support and I’m sure they are also committed to fast tracking vaccine and other therapy. Start the process in a week or so.
He said he needed to be seen right away as he’s scared to death of getting the virus and is there anything they can do! The panic out there is getting unreal. Cliche by the President but, for sure at this point many more people are hurting in some way by the fear and not the disease.

I believe the fear is hurting far more people than the disease. Here is a poem for the day hopefully to inspire:

Fear knocked at the door
Faith answered
No one was there
Pretty pathetic that our crooked leaders can handle something like this sooooo poorly.
My wife sent me this a little bit ago.

Talked to my cousin in who is working in China last night. He has been working 70 plus hours a week trying to find masks and ventilators to ship to the US. Hopefully they start making there way here soon.
I gotta call you out oak cause this post is about as dramatic and over the top as you can possibly get.

Bucky ... you and the boys certainly got me!

1. 68.7% of the US population IS NOT over the age of 60 in 2016. My late night calulation was an initial attempt to frame this post in relation to ksgobblers post on % of population over 60 ...I goofed; however, if you read closely - instead of playing "gotcha" - you would figure out I used the correct statistic (Let's estimate there are probably at least 70M Americans over 60 years of age in 2020). An absolute number not a percent, Hello ... NOT A PERCENT!
2. We have ZERO clue what the death rate is cause we dont know how many people are infected. Not one damn clue. To go from a couple thousand test kits at the end of January to testing the whole country in under 60 days would be IMPOSSIBLE, and I don't care who the president/king/emperor is. It just flat out impossible.
3. You say you are presenting FACTS, but then go on to estimate that 70M Americans are over the age of 60.
4. The Johns Hopkins data suggested early on that 13-15% of cases required hospitalization. Yesterday that same data said that 4% of cases require hospitalization.
5. We will NEVER know the death rate since we dont know the infection rate. The WHO (World Organization of Health) and all of the experts at CDC are telling us that people can have this and NEVER show any symptoms. Others are just attributing it to a cold or seasonal flu and never get tested.
6. The Surgeon General has said and Dr Brix said in the press conference yesterday that high mortality rates (like the fictional 5% you are assuming) would assume that we took absolutely no protective measures and let the virus rage across the country.
7. There are immense consequences (financial well being, mental health, and other people's physical health from unrelated illness to consider here). I know some of the media darlings and politicians are just appalled at the thought of try to get the economy moving again, but it has huge consequences if we dont. I have known several fellow farmers that committed suicide cause they lost the farm. Same goes for other business owners and people who lose their jobs.
8. I agree with the president that 1 death is unacceptable, especially if it is someone very close to me, but he still has millions and millions of other people, our entire economy, and the well being of our country for decades to come to think about.
9. We have taken the most dramatic steps to slow this crap down that have ever been taken.
10. The president and nobody in this country is to blame for ANY of this.

Yes, but we can hold people responsible for how they reacted /handled it (their response including timing and adjustments along the wasy
Excluding points 2-9, it ain't worth the effort and not relevant to the point I was attempting to make ... yes, my death rate examples - reasonably low - are ESTIMATES.

How to estimate the US population over 60 in 2020 ...
From ..


It is commonly accepted that there are about 325 million persons in America; if you use Trumps statement of 350M in his briefing recently, the death numbers I suggesrt get even worse.

Now, being conservative in an estimate, start with figuring 1/5 (20%) of 325M ... 65 Million But the chart above says there are 22.2 % in 2020 NOT 20% ... so we add a few ... 1/5 of 65M is about 9 million ... so conservatively, I added only 5 more million to my estimate to get to 70 M ... 22.2% times 325 is ACTUALLY over 72 M.

Ya, I know you might find other population estimates for 2020; go do your homewoork and see if you can DRASTICALLY change my numbers. And, when you read something in the future, my advice cis .... look before you leap. I accept your apology!
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Here is a very brief sampling of causes of annual [ every year! ]deaths to offer perspective.
Over 607,000 people in the U.S will die of cancer this year
Over 647,000 people will die of heart disease in the U.S this year.
Arguably many of those deaths directly attributable to lifestyle choices.
61,000 people died from the 'common' flu in 2017-2018
Over 36,000 people will die in an auto accident in U.S. this year.

Total deaths in U.S from covid -19 --so far--1070.

A few facts with no opinion or narrative
Here is a very brief sampling of causes of annual [ every year! ]deaths to offer perspective.
Over 607,000 people in the U.S will die of cancer this year
Over 647,000 people will die of heart disease in the U.S this year.
Arguably many of those deaths directly attributable to lifestyle choices.
61,000 people died from the 'common' flu in 2017-2018
Over 36,000 people will die in an auto accident in U.S. this year.

Total deaths in U.S from covid -19 --so far--1070.

A few facts with no opinion or narrative

And ... 490 homicides in Chicago in 2019 and 89 so far this year ... that is an area of 234 sq miles ... perspective
And how many of those homicides in Chicago were by repeat offenders that should have been locked up or just plain executed before the most recent homicide was carried out?
Please be sure and hit the expand on my last post; otherwise, you are liable to miss what the post is all about. I'm certainly not throwing in the towel to Bucky.

Here's another one for you ...
Germany has 40,000 cases but only 200 deaths; why
This article says young people may bring it home from sky trips (kinda of like spring break). I give you the source to check the stats. The article does say - assuming the youth bring it home to others - the infection (and death rate could go up. Time will tell.

Other sources acknowledge the level of testing is the answer, and say the government made a political decision to get on it early. Jake Trapper, on CNN, reports that Germany made one - if not the first - test for the cvovid-19 virus and shared it with everyone. You guys check it out and let me know ...OK?
Please be sure and hit the expand on my last post; otherwise, you are liable to miss what the post is all about. I'm certainly not throwing in the towel to Bucky.

Here's another one for you ...
Germany has 40,000 cases but only 200 deaths; why
This article says young people may bring it home from sky trips (kinda of like spring break). I give you the source to check the stats. The article does say - assuming the youth bring it home to others - the infection (and death rate could go up. Time will tell.

Other sources acknowledge the level of testing is the answer, and say the government made a political decision to get on it early. Jake Trapper, on CNN, reports that Germany made one - if not the first - test for the cvovid-19 virus and shared it with everyone. You guys check it out and let me know ...OK?
I hope you're a good swimmer 'cause you just shot a hole in the bottom of your boat! :emoji_smirk:
All I can say is WOW. there’s Not even words to say how you could have made such a wrong conclusion on those models. But the papers ran with it.
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