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Sorry, with all the "sky is falling" news we are receiving from the online news media who are only looking for internet clicks, we are not getting any perspective in reporting. Just trying to pass on some info that might add balance ...
Just sharing some info based on some people who are worthy of info to be passed on ... China just had 2 days of testing where no positive test for Covid-19 occurred.

Star Bucks is at this point planning to open all Starbucks restaurants in China by the end of March.

The point of the virus appears to be the rate of infection curve. If China is on the down side of the curve that is important news and they ordered (I know maybe to late) for people to quarantine to stop the spread.

Take this info for what it is worth, these are people I trust and have a global interest financially. Not giving advice, but if we can limit our transmission rate here, this is what allows the medical professionals to not be overwhelmed.

If China is so solidly on the downside, I would say there is a reason so. Either they knew this was coming, or they killed enough people to cover the infection rate.

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China will end up benefitting most from all this. They can buy up shares of beleaguered American companies and either exert control or sell for a profit. But I doubt they are smart enough to hatch such a plan.
No one will ever convince me that best case they were playing around in a lab and it got out, worst case they did it on purpose. China plays the long game and they want us crippled.
My wife said reporters were saying we won't peak for another month/5 weeks. Is that correct?
One thing for certain the world knows our Achilles heal, the economy.

Its amazing what is occurring to our economy, businesses and to the workers of this country. If this virus persists for many months I don't know how this doesn't destabilize the next couple years.

It is apparent the U.S was not prepared for a pandemic and oversight of the countries vital needs have been sourced to the lowest bidder.

How could our leaders allow 90+% of our drugs to come from China. What's next we'll source our bullets from China?
I agree with Chummer that China plays the long game. And they DO want us crippled. So it begs the question …...…. is it smart for the U.S. to have factories and businesses there??? So-called "U.S. companies" put their people to work - instead of American workers - for cheap labor and by doing so, strengthened the Chinese economy. Is cheap labor in the short run, quarterly reports keyhole, a huge disadvantage in the long run?? It's a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, for God's sake!! They are NEVER going to play fair & honest with the U.S. We are the biggest roadblock to them dominating half the world. - - - - - And now we're TRUSTING them to give us accurate info on their corona status???? Are you kidding me??!!!!!

Freeborn has the idea with his comments above. Why have we sold our soul to China??? For cheap labor. PERIOD. In the very short-sightedness of our leaders for a few decades, we're now beholden to China - a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP and enemy state - for our most important supplies. Bring the businesses and technology back to the American shores. China is already making inroads into South American countries in a number of ways. Buying up land in huge blocks. Bases on our southern flanks???? They already have big dish antennae set up down there on land they now own. Bought outright.

We better wise up QUICK !!!
I agree with Chummer that China plays the long game. And they DO want us crippled. So it begs the question …...…. is it smart for the U.S. to have factories and businesses there??? So-called "U.S. companies" put their people to work - instead of American workers - for cheap labor and by doing so, strengthened the Chinese economy. Is cheap labor in the short run, quarterly reports keyhole, a huge disadvantage in the long run?? It's a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, for God's sake!! They are NEVER going to play fair & honest with the U.S. We are the biggest roadblock to them dominating half the world. - - - - - And now we're TRUSTING them to give us accurate info on their corona status???? Are you kidding me??!!!!!

Freeborn has the idea with his comments above. Why have we sold our soul to China??? For cheap labor. PERIOD. In the very short-sightedness of our leaders for a few decades, we're now beholden to China - a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP and enemy state - for our most important supplies. Bring the businesses and technology back to the American shores. China is already making inroads into South American countries in a number of ways. Buying up land in huge blocks. Bases on our southern flanks???? They already have big dish antennae set up down there on land they now own. Bought outright.

We better wise up QUICK !!!
Welcome aboard the Trump train!! :emoji_slight_smile:
My wife said reporters were saying we won't peak for another month/5 weeks. Is that correct?

anyone showing the charts for when this peaks is full of it. There are way to many numbers being plugged into modeling software that are pulled from thin air. Like climate change, ozone depletion, running out of oil, fresh water etc. these models can be manipulated to give an answer the people plugging in the numbers want.
So Walmart is closed after 8:30pm. Opens at 7. Yep, that makes sense. Cram everybody into those hours, and not let those of us who like to very late night shop have to join everybody else. I can see the need to restock more, but they can't be open until midnight or open at 3 or something?

I guess things could be worse...
I agree with Chummer that China plays the long game. And they DO want us crippled. So it begs the question …...…. is it smart for the U.S. to have factories and businesses there??? So-called "U.S. companies" put their people to work - instead of American workers - for cheap labor and by doing so, strengthened the Chinese economy. Is cheap labor in the short run, quarterly reports keyhole, a huge disadvantage in the long run?? It's a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, for God's sake!! They are NEVER going to play fair & honest with the U.S. We are the biggest roadblock to them dominating half the world. - - - - - And now we're TRUSTING them to give us accurate info on their corona status???? Are you kidding me??!!!!!

Freeborn has the idea with his comments above. Why have we sold our soul to China??? For cheap labor. PERIOD. In the very short-sightedness of our leaders for a few decades, we're now beholden to China - a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP and enemy state - for our most important supplies. Bring the businesses and technology back to the American shores. China is already making inroads into South American countries in a number of ways. Buying up land in huge blocks. Bases on our southern flanks???? They already have big dish antennae set up down there on land they now own. Bought outright.

We better wise up QUICK !!!

We couldnt possibly disagree more on Trump and at the same time AGREE more on China. They are the #1 threat to our way of life and future generations. The draining of America began first with NAFTA and continued with Bill Clinton pushing for China to gain status with the WTO. For the last 20-25 years I have watched as the two Titans of industry in my county (3M and Hutch Technology) outsourced every last thing they could to that shithole. I watched countless friends and family lose jobs and it was sickening. Those fires burning in the Amazon rainforest last year werent causing of global warming. That was China intentionally burning the land for soybean production in Brazil. Im so glad we finally have someone with the balls to stick up to them and call their ass out in front of the world.
If only Trump could stay focused on anything long enough to accomplish anything. The Chinese know how to handle him. Flatter him a little. Mostly ignore him and wait him out. Eventually he'll cave and then claim whatever the outcome is a huge victory.
And now we're TRUSTING them to give us accurate info on their corona status???? Are you kidding me??!!!!!

Anybody who has ever assembled something made in China knows full well that counting is not their strength. Always one bolt, one fastener, one screw, one part short. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
If only Trump could stay focused on anything long enough to accomplish anything. The Chinese know how to handle him. Flatter him a little. Mostly ignore him and wait him out. Eventually he'll cave and then claim whatever the outcome is a huge victory.

He’s accomplished plenty. Without the incredible economy the stock market would be 8,000 by now. We are surviving this due to the massive record employment...

The fear mongering has everything shut down—I understand most of it, but this has gotten overboard.

Trump was proactive and stopped travel from China and Europe. Biden was still criticizing him for that even 9 days ago.

Trump building the wall, limiting immigration was also “racist” according to Liberals.

ABC has his CV response at 55% right now.., which is very good considering that means some Democrats approve of him!
I just read an interesting piece on testing I hadn't considered yet. Some now advocate giving up on testing because it wastes masks, gloves, and gowns that will be needed to save people. Only test for the health care workers and maybe very sick patients. Otherwise, just assume that it is Covid 19 and act accordingly.
All this political bickering is nonsense.

The Chinese started benefiting from American greed about 20 years ago when American companies supported by politicians saw an opportunity for cheap labor and big profits. Citizens and particularly the middle class are now starting to see what happens when there interests are not taken care of. All those good paying jobs lost to Mexico and China because businesses, politicians and economists sold competitive advantage to America. It has gone to far and left good people without jobs.

It would be healthy if we stopped talking politics and talk about whats good for the nations people and economy. If we looked at it from that perspective we would agree on allot more issues.

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It's a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, for God's sake!!

I don't mean to nitpick, but they are neither communist nor a dictatorship.
I don't mean to nitpick, but they are neither communist nor a dictatorship.

You are technically correct. They are a thug regime that would make the Sopranos look like alter boys. They are snakes.

I just read an interesting piece on testing I hadn't considered yet. Some now advocate giving up on testing because it wastes masks, gloves, and gowns that will be needed to save people. Only test for the health care workers and maybe very sick patients. Otherwise, just assume that it is Covid 19 and act accordingly.

They did that in Norway several days ago. I think it's horse doodoo. People will not assume they have Corona unless they are told they have Corona. They will most likely assume it's just a cold if their symptoms are mild. People are selfish.
Last thing I'm interested in is getting into a debate on politics or economics regarding a medical issue. But here is another point of view.

I would point out that corporations move production to wherever offer the best economy for profitability to meet shareholder demands and corporate growth. The same shareholders that are individuals looking for gain, pension plans that many Americans benefit from, 401K's holding stock that many Americans benefit from, trusts..., and any other entity that looks to corporate stock for benefit. It could also be mentioned that we as a society have benefitted dramatically from lower priced goods across the entire spectrum of consumption by these decisions. All that production can be brought back home but for a very real price.

Certainly the decision can be made for we as voters to demand our politicians create policy to address the cost differential between goods made outside our borders vs. locally. That undoubtedly would require subsidies and tax advantages. We just need to understand that we as taxpayers will need to pay a price for that.
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