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I don't think we can make assumptions about young people one way or the other. Just like in previous generations, there are many who are self-sufficient and more than able to take care of themselves. There are also plenty who fit some of the stereotypes getting thrown around.
I am talking about what I'm seeing in my world. I have a business and we do metal fabrication(some manual labor and it has become a waste of my time to try and hire some under 35 years old. Automation is definitely the future for my business and that is because we can't find any workers so we are forced to by expensive machines(lasers) to do the majority of our work. These machines cost a small fortune but don't miss 2 days a week because their mom went to work and didn't pick out their clothes and pack them a lunch for the day. Every young person I've hired in the last 10 years has been this way in my area. Seems like we never recovered from the '06-'08 decline when 40 year olds moved back in with their parents because times were hard.
I think the writing was on the wall when the youngsters in college didn't get the president they were told they should get and they set up rooms for them to take a break from reality and pet some puppies or color in a coloring book---to me that is crazy! Things are NOT changing for the better. Why is that?
I don't think we can make assumptions about young people one way or the other. Just like in previous generations, there are many who are self-sufficient and more than able to take care of themselves. There are also plenty who fit some of the stereotypes getting thrown around.
Your right, there is no way to lump an entire generation as being the same. On the other hand though, one only has to look around to see the way the younger generation is functioning Not all of course but, the majority. And as someone said, try working with some of this younger group. It’s mind boggling the indifference to work, work ethic or time and money management. Seems many of us on this forum have raised our younger generation in a right way. Says a lot about our values and lifestyles of this particular group. Be proud of that.
I had a kid my right after my senior year in H.S. (Early 2001) Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Welcome to adulthood and the reel world.
As of 1105 15 year rates were over 4. Broker said she has never seen it like this. If they go below 3 again we are on her list to lock it. The world makes zero sense right now

Our schools are closed for the year. They are trying to set up online learning. Just got a message from our school asking people without reliable high speed internet to call so I did. He said they are working on a plan. Other districts are running into similar issues.
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Well something just dawned on me.

after following all the rules of social distancing for the last few days I’ve realized my wife and son are correct. I’m anti social!

Because my life is exactly the same as it was a month ago...
Well something just dawned on me.

after following all the rules of social distancing for the last few days I’ve realized my wife and son are correct. I’m anti social!

Because my life is exactly the same as it was a month ago...

Been in business dealing with people for a long time. Lots of travel, crowded airports, crowded planes, restaurants, hotels, crowded industrial plants, pissy customers, heavy traffic to and from work. That is why I am pretty good at this social distancing stuff. I like my space without people in it at times. :emoji_wink:
My wife works for a company the makes protein powders. This morning they started taking everyone's temperature before letting them in the building. She has had a low grade fever due to a sinus infection for a few days now, but tested fine this morning.
Well something just dawned on me.

after following all the rules of social distancing for the last few days I’ve realized my wife and son are correct. I’m anti social!

Because my life is exactly the same as it was a month ago...

Ditto. My wife said I've had social distancing down to an art for years.
crawling into bed i found a tick on the back of my leg last night. I'm never ever shed hunting again. Ever... #heaviestofsarcasm

it was just a dog tick. I can't afford to get the corona with lyme.

I legit had a tick tho...
crawling into bed i found a tick on the back of my leg last night. I'm never ever shed hunting again. Ever... #heaviestofsarcasm

it was just a dog tick. I can't afford to get the corona with lyme.

I legit had a tick tho...

I will fairly routinely get deer ticks while shed hunting, even with some snow left on the ground.
Time to frontline the dogs.
Are those itty bitty ticks you get this time of year just baby wood ticks or deer ticks?
This man thinks EXACTLY how I do. These Chinese bastards released this stuff into the world intentionally. It was no accident. Let it go in your own country lose a couple thousand people so you have deniability, and then one day a couple months later POOF... its gone and you go back to work while the rest of the world is getting hammered. Please take time to watch this from your bunker.

I think this is why the administration is pushing so hard to brand this the Chinese virus.

Are those itty bitty ticks you get this time of year just baby wood ticks or deer ticks?
The deer ticks are generally the smaller ones with the red rear end.

I had 3 on my jeans while shed hunting last week. I'll take the dog tick over the deer tick
Two things: First, how do we know if the CIA or any other nation didn't develop the virus, get it into China, and release it there? We don't. But if I were the CIA, that's EXACTLY what I would do. Second, when it comes to ticks, it's not their first name that concerns me. They all can transmit something or other.
The deer ticks are generally the smaller ones with the red rear end.

I had 3 on my jeans while shed hunting last week. I'll take the dog tick over the deer tick

I am only going off of memory here but I think only the females get the red spot, the males stay black and small. But I think only the adult females pose a risk because I don't think the adult males go for another meal.
Tics: Another thing i'm not going to let dictate where and when I go. I would also assume the amount of time I spend outdoors my risk for tic illnesses is MUCH greater than catching COVID-19
Hearing reports that China has stepped in and bought US grains for the first time since signing the trade deal.

China bought:
756,000 mt's corn
340,000 mt's hrw
110,000 mt's soybeans

Amazing timing by them since yesterday morning commodities were in the fricken toilet. Their theft of the western world continues.
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