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If he did better than every president before him democrats still would not give our sitting president any credit. I think Trump is the best we have had since Reagan. Lots of mind readers out there talking out of hatred not facts. Don't know how much longer I have to live so I'm trying to type fast. There is no hope.This is surely the end of mankind.
Wisconsin just banned any gatherings greater than 10. All bars and restaurants can only do take out or delivery. This goes into effect at 5 pm tonight. Glad I’m not working today. I’d be one of the cops having to shut down the bars in our bar district on St Patty’s day.
Trump should send out a nationwide TDS test...symptoms----fever, night sweats, hate, exaggeration, group swearing, mumbled sentences, scare tactics, blame, but never praise. All symptoms.
Im sorry but the president himself downplayed it for a long time until he finally realized he couldn't lie his way out of it. Rush Limbaugh said many times that it was no big deal, that the common flu had a much higher death rate. Everybody should ignore it and get on with their lives. I heard him say that on live radio. I cant for the life of me sit and listen to Sean Hannity so no clue what he said. Like I have said before Im no cheerleader for either party but I simply do not trust the current administration even for a second.

And they're probably right. The flu will probably kill more in the US, but you don't sound like the type to admit when you're wrong, so I guess it won't matter, you'll just pick another anti-Trump fight.
True. shutting down flights has helped. He didn't recommend people go to work but he did say people "... get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work...". So not a recommendation, just a sloppy statement in a conversation.

And people who do need a test right now still have trouble getting a test. Responsibility for that falls more on the FDA and CDC but they and others are working to fix it as quick as they can.

On whole, the president's performance has not been good on this. Regardless of my personal feelings about him, I hope he steps his game up because the country needs better leadership at the moment.

Working or not working has nothing to do with the virus or if you get it, for many. Many people are working from home, in their one man business, etc. I worked all day, guess I'm out spreading the disease? I guess the anti-Trump crowd can only read things one way.

On whole, the president's performance has not been good on this. Regardless of my personal feelings about him, I hope he steps his game up because the country needs better leadership at the moment.[/QUOTE]
Like Biden or Sanders who said they’re never close the borders. That would be racist. Yeah that leadership. Thank God we don’t have them in there
True. shutting down flights has helped. He didn't recommend people go to work but he did say people "... get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work...". So not a recommendation, just a sloppy statement in a conversation.

And people who do need a test right now still have trouble getting a test. Responsibility for that falls more on the FDA and CDC but they and others are working to fix it as quick as they can.

On whole, the president's performance has not been good on this. Regardless of my personal feelings about him, I hope he steps his game up because the country needs better leadership at the moment.

I get why some people are confused & always resentful of Trump's approach ... if you have been listening to folks like Obama, Hillary, Schumer, Biden, Pelosi, etc., you have never been exposed to real leadership.

You think real leadership is to add pork barrel funding, ridiculous 2-3 week mandatory leave, & de-carceration requirements to the Coronvirus funding bill. Or pushing false Russia collusion hoax investigations & wasting time on baseless impeachment trials. Or sitting back in the middle of this crisis and criticizing him for not taking control, then when he takes control, criticize him for acting like Hitler.

Leadership is hard, in a crisis like this there is never a clear obvious solution. Easy to be a critic a lot harder to lead. Politicians are great critics because they are experts at avoiding responsibility ... yet Trump is out there every day taking the arrows.

Imagine how much better of a leader & President Trump would be if the democrats actually supported him rather than taking cheap political shots & always trying to undercut everything he does?

Imagine if Pelosi & Schumer actually went to Trump and said Mr President, we are dropping our attacks and petty grievances and are here to support you. The american people are counting on you & us, what can we do to help?

Isn't this one crisis where the Democrats & Trump haters could at least let the crisis go to waste?
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On whole, the president's performance has not been good on this. Regardless of my personal feelings about him, I hope he steps his game up because the country needs better leadership at the moment.

Surely Shmuck Shummer who has been elected to Congress since 1980 could have done more.... Nancy Pelosi in congress since 1987..... Joe Biden as Senator from 1972-2009 and then VP from 2009-2016..... and Comrade Sanders who has been in Congress since 1991. But lets blame this all on Trump. He has been in office for a full 3 years and 1.9 months. I'm sure he was the one that outsourced all of medicine/drugs and manufacturing to China. Where was their leadership all those years while they were hitching our wagon to these communist pukes and selling out our country??? I'm sure Biden will be a great leader and the eloquent speaker that we need to get us through this crisis. I'm just glad he saved all his good ideas from the years he was a senator and VP for when we need him now....

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I personally think this has been the best thread on the forum in quite some time. Certainly the most active outside of maybe the cuddelink. Hell we are all supposed to be staying inside, might as well bicker amongst ourselves a little :emoji_wink:.
Trump should send out a nationwide TDS test...symptoms----fever, night sweats, hate, exaggeration, group swearing, mumbled sentences, scare tactics, blame, but never praise. All symptoms.
Only problem he couldn't get the tests made , no clue , maybe a couple months late
Habitat Forum---Thoughts on managing food plots, habitat mgt. generally habitat and wildlife oriented...and a thread on Coronavirus is at 40 pages and 786 posts. Fascinating and an interesting insight into the thought process of this particular demographic. Is the corona virus something to be aware of and thoughtful about ? Absolutely! There is much we do not know. I only know that my approach to life, including the corona virus seems different than mainstream.

I do not look to politicians for advice on my health.I don't look to the government for guidance on lifestyle choices nor definitions of right and wrong. I do not watch network news....any of them...for guidance on what I should believe or how or what to think about anything. I try to be as self aware as possible never to judge, blame, finger point, condescend...etc and I generally discount what I hear from those that do. I believe in focusing my attention, creativity and energy on things within my sphere of influence. To me the rest is mostly just noise creating distraction from what matters.

What I know is that the emotions of fear, anger, judgement, blame, victimization, hopelessness etc etc create hormones that compromise the immune system, take critical energy away from vital organs , stops creativity, narrows the focus of attention, and keeps us in a fight or flight mode which is great for escaping lion attack but disastrous to our health as a lifestyle. Could these impacts make anyone more vulnerable to disease? Add a bankrupt approach to diet and fitness and the problems multiply. Forgetting corona virus for a moment simply look at the disastrous state of western health from 'lifestyle diseases' and the results are obvious. Of course their are many vulnerable to a whole host of health issues.

The reciprocal is that joy, self empowerment, gratitude etc bolster the immune system strengthen our health, increase vital energy, improve sleep which releases hgh that heals and repairs. Couple that with a nutrient dense diet and intelligent fitness and the bodies ability to remain in a state of vibrant health is nothing short of miraculous. This true at all ages.

Am I concerned about the corona virus for me and my family? No. Is it a real issue for many that look to the medical community or govt to take care of their health by abdicating personal responsibility for their health ? I think possibly yes. I feel much compassion for the multitudes that are being harmed economically, for those that are vulnerable to the virus, for those that might lose a loved one, and for those that are angry and need to point fingers or blame . Its a miserable position to be in.

For me I'm going to continue celebrating life with every breath I breathe, be as creative as I possibly can, find joy and opportunity in every moment and only modify the lifestyle I chose decades ago to the degree the social environment dictates.
Only problem he couldn't get the tests made , no clue , maybe a couple months late
I don’t care who you are that there is funny. Inaccurate, but funny.
Well I’m eating my own words. Was planning on taking that flight to the farm on Thursday. I’m cancelling it.
No fear of dying. Just figure if everyone and their brother says don’t travel needlessly I shouldn’t log 1000 miles.
Don’t want to move a germ around. But this crap better not go on forever.....if it does I’ll lock myself in my hermetically sealed truck and drive.
Did she also say "older generations fought to wipe out communism the least we can do is not buy billions of dollars of products from them"?

The Chinese are not communist. They haven't been communist since the 1980s. Their current system is much closer to fascism or crony capitalism.
I’m concerned primarily because my industry is collapsing. I am a crew member for a major US airline, and we are getting absolutely HAMMERED. United told its employees that it expects a 95% drop in revenue for the 2nd quarter, and that they expect to cease flying in the 2nd quarter as well.

If that happens, my airline will be right there with them. Fortunately, we can handle a couple months without my income, and my wife will undoubtedly be working a lot extra (NICU nurse). Hopefully I have a job to come back to after all that.

As others have mentioned, I (as a young, healthy man) am not personally worried about the virus itself. I am, however, gravely concerned for the elderly and immunosuppressed in my social group. I worry that none of my grandparents have the health necessary to survive infection. I absolutely love them, but I will NOT be visiting them until all this blows over... especially with my high odds of coming in contact with the virus on the plane.

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I’m concerned primarily because my industry is collapsing. I am a crew member for a major US airline, and we are getting absolutely HAMMERED. United told its employees that it expects a 95% drop in revenue for the 2nd quarter, and that they expect to cease flying in the 2nd quarter as well.

If that happens, my airline will be right there with them. Fortunately, we can handle a couple months without my income, and my wife will undoubtedly be working a lot extra (NICU nurse). Hopefully I have a job to come back to after all that.

As others have mentioned, I (as a young, healthy man) am not personally worried about the virus itself. I am, however, gravely concerned for the elderly and immunosuppressed in my social group. I worry that none of my grandparents have the health necessary to survive infection. I absolutely love them, but I will NOT be visiting them until all this blows over... especially with my high odds of coming in contact with the virus on the plane.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That’s partly why I wanted to fly. Just to add some revenue to the industry....
Given that he now wants to label this the "Chinese Virus", my guess is he'll continue to struggle to be helpful

I think it's great that he is calling it "China virus", and I will start doing that as of today. China did this to the world. We got a warning with SARS, and now Covid-19 has caused a global pandemic and economic crash. We need to start pointing the finger at those who are truly responsible. China needs to get control of its wildlife trade. Otherwise this will just happen again and again.
I think it's great that he is calling it "China virus", and I will start doing that as of today. China did this to the world. We got a warning with SARS, and now Covid-19 has caused a global pandemic and economic crash. We need to start pointing the finger at those who are truly responsible. China needs to get control of its wildlife trade. Otherwise this will just happen again and again.
They also need to get control of their biological weapon program.
As far as airlines losing money im curious if there's some reason they can't just shut it down? If it don't make money it don't make sense right. Yes unemployment rates are lower than pay buy if it saves the business so employees have a job to return to it just seems logical. And we all know the airlines will be asking for some type of funding help after this. Could stop the spread too
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