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I think life experience has a lot to do with how you react to this. I have lost two family members in their 40’s this year that died horrible deaths. My cousin who was like a sister to me fought cancer and her cancer fought dirty. She left three boys under 14 behind. That was a real fight and she fought real hard even after the doctors gave up on her. I was by her side for a lot of those days. Going through that makes you kind of numb to everyone fussing over a virus. It will be what it will be. I am doing everything they are recommending. The political weaponization is what pisses me off. Trump haters are clinging to it. He said this he said that while they refuse to listen to all the experts he puts up there every day. If you can’t figure out what you are suppose to be doing by this part of the outbreak “what difference does it make” what Trump says. The single biggest thing he did was shutting off people coming from infected areas and the two idiots running against him said they would not have done that. I love when someone blames Fox News, it is the equivalent of blaming the Russians for the last election. To say Fox News has been down playing this from the beginning only means you have never watched Fox News and you just parrot the other networks. I watch it every day, no one down plays it. They have had medical experts on all day for weeks saying how bad it is going to be and what you need to do. I sold a bunch of stock three weeks ago because Cavuto had numerous guests on saying how bad it was going to get. Would they be saying that if they were down playing it. I have an extra $50k in my account today because they didn’t down play it. Yes we should have had more tests. Would that have helped, maybe. This thing spreads so fast and most people have such mild symptoms many wouldn’t have been tested anyway and would have kept spreading it. Everyone needs to relax, put your parents on lock down, avoid as many people as possible and enjoy the extra time with your kids.

Im sorry but the president himself downplayed it for a long time until he finally realized he couldn't lie his way out of it. Rush Limbaugh said many times that it was no big deal, that the common flu had a much higher death rate. Everybody should ignore it and get on with their lives. I heard him say that on live radio. I cant for the life of me sit and listen to Sean Hannity so no clue what he said. Like I have said before Im no cheerleader for either party but I simply do not trust the current administration even for a second.
The Presidents job is to down play and try to keep some kind of calm. He is not the best messenger when it to things that need a little finesse. I don't think he lied he was saying best possible outcome. When those outcomes didn't happen he doesn't look good. As he is trying to keep the calm his team of scientists was telling everyone what they needed to know. The media wants Trumps head so bad they were giddy when it started to spread and they could point to what trump said. They mostly stopped that now. I get it if you hate Trump he can do nothing right. However, most of the time he is right so that puts us in a bad spot when the media still has to say he is wrong. The post was about Fox down playing it. Rush is not on Fox, I have not listened to him, never liked him. You lump Hannity in but have not watched him. I am not a Hannity fan but usually get through a few minutes. He attacks the media for the coverage but he is 1/24 of Fox programming. If you want fair and balanced shows watch Dana, Bill, Cavuto, Martha, Brett. There is no Trump cheerleading on these shows. From an economic standpoint Cavuto is probably the best show on, and he doesn't like Trump at all. I also watch some NBC but the hatred is so obvious I do it sparingly. Time to go to work. My company still hasn't addressed what we are doing so I guess I will drive around and pretend to find some customers.

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, and while I've been flippant at times, I want all to stay healthy. Use your God given brains, keep yourself healthy, exercise, eat properly, and laugh more.”
This is my last post on this thread; don't need no spitting matches!
Funny as when I wrote that post on this forum, I was thinking how long it would take someone to bring that other post up to throw me under the bus. Taken out of context as one was referring to my trash talking the panic buying and hoarding of a group scared by the media. The other was directed to the conversation of death of which I don’t wish on anyone with this or any other virus.
The post was not directed toward anyone on this forum but to the pshyco analyst who love to throw out lack of intelligence when people in this country choose a different reasoning. Sometimes intelligence and reasoning are inversely proportional. I just think it is an unfair assumption made my many that is incorrect and thus my rather strong, but self censored comment that I made which I expected the Mods to delete, and they probably should have.

Anyway, headed out to breakfast before they shut it all down and visit with my much younger friend who begins his 3rd round of chemo after 2 surgeries in the last 18 months. We both know he is just buying time until his daughter gets her doctorate this year. But to quote him, he is at peace with what is happening. So that is my point. Don’t let fear control you.
Hope everyone stays well thru this mess and have a great day. See you on the dark side of the moon.
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They have stores open... Apple for instance has stores open in China. So they are not all welded shut... way more people, the hot spot, very unlikely we will exceed their death numbers. If we do they were simply lying.

China is past the curve. The measures the enacted worked, and most of China has gone back to work. My friends who live there are all back to work. They have their temperature checked 4-6 times per day and have to update their personal QR code each time. They also carry proof they have fulfullied their 14 day quarantine. Where else can you just create and enforce a system like that?

Our fatalities will depend on our response to the virus, not our proximity to its origin.

Revelations 13: 16-18

And so it begins.

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Hannity has done an about-face on the CV thing. He's gone from "hoax" and "this is media hype" - to "this is serious." Hmmmm.

I'll continue to listen to the real experts like Dr. Fauci. He isn't "Trump's expert" - he's been an expert for decades and for several administrations - both D & R. No ax to grind politically.
Boy you are full of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (also known as TARD).

it’s too bad all your thoughts are Trump hate. Good thing Trump didn’t follow the Dem playbook... open flights to China, Europe, open borders... no wall.

Bernie has called Pharma reps “crooks” same people that are trying to save lives right now!! Dems are just bashing because they know their platform is awful and made the CV crisis 20x worse!
Hannity has done an about-face on the CV thing. He's gone from "hoax" and "this is media hype" - to "this is serious." Hmmmm.

I'll continue to listen to the real experts like Dr. Fauci. He isn't "Trump's expert" - he's been an expert for decades and for several administrations - both D & R. No ax to grind politically.

So glad you will listen to Fauci. Now you can stop blaming Trump for the CV and the poor testing. It wasnt like they were sitting in the oval office putting the kits together and said phuck it and went golfing instead. The "experts" told trump a couple weeks ago the kits would be ready at a certain time, and now we know they werent. Hardly Trump's fault according to Fauci. Trump also took EARLY action and closed travel from China. He was called a racist and a bigot for doing that. Comrade Sanders and dementia Joe said they would have left the borders OPEN with the entire world and worked with the utterly worthless WHO who couldnt even do anything worthwhile in China 2-3 months ago. Read Fauci own words right here........

Actually read it. Oh, and we have also been taking cyber attacks from "hostile" nations over the corona response. I will give you one guess what that shithole nation is.. Not Russia like the BOTs told you.
its Much easier for me to let this thread live when things stay civil.

Just sayin.

I deleted my post because. Well because I try and stay neutral around here. At home, not a chance.
If you are in a burning building would you want to hear "please remain calm and leave quickly but in an orderly manner" or "building is on fire everyone run for your lives"? The people that are supposed to be leaders in this country should grow up and TRY to be leaders and not the problem.jmo
Hannity has done an about-face on the CV thing. He's gone from "hoax" and "this is media hype" - to "this is serious." Hmmmm.

I'll continue to listen to the real experts like Dr. Fauci. He isn't "Trump's expert" - he's been an expert for decades and for several administrations - both D & R. No ax to grind politically.
Trump is your president and the doctor does work for him so he is Trump’s expert. Four years ago he was Obama’s expert. What is your point? Guys you trust can’t be associated with Trump? You just proved my point. Trump makes these doctors available everyday and Trump and them stand there and answer every question. No other president has ever done that. I don’t think Dems should be throwing around the word hoax after three years of Russia, Russia, Russia.
Look, I think Kristen Bell said it best on social media. Older Generations fought in wars to save American lives. We can stay home to help save theirs.

I think those are the right words to live by in this crisis.

If you think that’s a load of crap than plain and simple your not an American.

Further more I don’t see anything more to gain here in this thread. other than more politics as usual and people going into their respective corners with the same talking points over and over. (myself included) for that reason, I’m out. Republican or Democrat. I wish you all the very best through all of this, hopefully life doesn’t change too much for any of you. Please all stay healthy and take care of your families and loved ones.
With things spiralling out of control and the states and local governments taking the lead, I think he finally gets that he ought to try to be part of the solution rather than be part of the problem. Trump thinks about everything in terms of image and marketing, mostly from his selfish point of view. So no, he's not inclined to believe what he doesn't want to hear and instead go with his often-wrong gut reaction. The actual facts aren't so important vs the feeling and perception. We'll see where he goes from here now that he finally gets that this is a life and death problem and not just about keeping the stock market up to help his re-election. After 3 years, I've given up on the idea that he'll ever act "presidential" but anybody can have a "Come to Jesus" life changing event. Given that he now wants to label this the "Chinese Virus", my guess is he'll continue to struggle to be helpful and he'd be more successful if he just introduced the folks at the new conferences and then step aside.
Look, I think Kristen Bell said it best on social media. Older Generations fought in wars to save American lives. We can stay home to help save theirs.

I think those are the right words to live by in this crisis.

If you think that’s a load of crap than plain and simple your not an American.

Further more I don’t see anything more to gain here in this thread. other than more politics as usual and people going into their respective corners with the same talking points over and over. (myself included) for that reason, I’m out. Republican or Democrat. I wish you all the very best through all of this, hopefully life doesn’t change too much for any of you. Please all stay healthy and take care of your families and loved ones.

Did she also say "older generations fought to wipe out communism the least we can do is not buy billions of dollars of products from them"?
As of right now the reports are just over 6500 deaths worldwide from CV although I think China and Iran are no doubt falsifying their numbers.
Deaths is USA are just over 70.
Keeping all that in perspective there are much more dangerous diseases and risks to public health.

The MSM has been proven over and over to have an agenda and been caught outright lying and telling half truths. Same with social media.
The curtain has been pulled back on the swamp of corruption in DC and they have been exposed for the biased self interest hacks they are.
Hollywood has been cranking out pandemic and apocalypse films and TV shows for decades.

So I’m just thinking out loud...who benefits for hyping up CV to get us to this point that we are at today, who stands to gain?
Who wins who looses?
Our country and the world have been through much much worse than this.

Do I think CV is a very bad thing...sure.
Is it as bad as is being said? The overall numbers of deaths don’t seem to warrant the current panic being spread by the MSM to me. But that’s just my opinion, I’m skeptical about anything the government try’s to force on me and I don’t believe 90% of what the MSM says anymore

Well said IMO. We must be brothers separated at birth, as these are my thoughts too. I will add this...this is a good time to be well familiar with your Bible.
With things spiralling out of control and the states and local governments taking the lead, I think he finally gets that he ought to try to be part of the solution rather than be part of the problem. Trump thinks about everything in terms of image and marketing, mostly from his selfish point of view. So no, he's not inclined to believe what he doesn't want to hear and instead go with his often-wrong gut reaction. The actual facts aren't so important vs the feeling and perception. We'll see where he goes from here now that he finally gets that this is a life and death problem and not just about keeping the stock market up to help his re-election. After 3 years, I've given up on the idea that he'll ever act "presidential" but anybody can have a "Come to Jesus" life changing event. Given that he now wants to label this the "Chinese Virus", my guess is he'll continue to struggle to be helpful and he'd be more successful if he just introduced the folks at the new conferences and then step aside.

It is a Chinese virus. Do you have any examples of his often-wrong gut reaction? I could name a couple but I enjoy hearing from those that think everything he does is wrong. Often that list is media driven talking points. I will give you his messaging on this was sloppy the first couple weeks. His press conference the last two days have been damn near perfect. Any other Trump haters can play along.
“We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
“We're very close to a vaccine.”
“When you have 15, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
“Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.”
“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
“And taking early intense action, we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the United States than are now present in Europe.”
What sounded like a suggestion that people with mild cases could still go work?
But I'll give him credit, telling people not to get together in groups of more than 10 is finally on the right track.
“We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
“We're very close to a vaccine.”
“When you have 15, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
“Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.”
“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
“And taking early intense action, we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the United States than are now present in Europe.”
What sounded like a suggestion that people with mild cases could still go work?

Ant the problem is where?
“We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
“We're very close to a vaccine.”
“When you have 15, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
“Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.”
“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
“And taking early intense action, we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the United States than are now present in Europe.”
What sounded like a suggestion that people with mild cases could still go work?
Shutting down flights from hot zones did limit cases. He did not say go to work if you have Coronavirus and they are testing vaccines(although a year or more away). Many that want a test don’t need a test but I conceded the early messaging on Coronavirus. Perhaps he should have lead with you are all going to die. So everything not Coronavirus related is good. Glad we cleared that up.
True. shutting down flights has helped. He didn't recommend people go to work but he did say people "... get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work...". So not a recommendation, just a sloppy statement in a conversation.

And people who do need a test right now still have trouble getting a test. Responsibility for that falls more on the FDA and CDC but they and others are working to fix it as quick as they can.

On whole, the president's performance has not been good on this. Regardless of my personal feelings about him, I hope he steps his game up because the country needs better leadership at the moment.
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