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As far as airlines losing money im curious if there's some reason they can't just shut it down? If it don't make money it don't make sense right. Yes unemployment rates are lower than pay buy if it saves the business so employees have a job to return to it just seems logical. And we all know the airlines will be asking for some type of funding help after this. Could stop the spread too

They already asked the government for $50 billion. And $25 billion in loans and tax relief.

asked for, not granted. Reaching for the stars....
The airlines run on a lot of credit. Think one huge mortgage payment. When the sky’s are full they make their payments and then some. Dry up the revenue on all those planes and costs and they are in a world of hurt. They will have to borrow more but, the credit is drying up also. The airlines pretty much keep this world we live in moving. theyre going to have to be rescued. The amount, still to be negotiated.
As far as airlines losing money im curious if there's some reason they can't just shut it down? If it don't make money it don't make sense right. Yes unemployment rates are lower than pay buy if it saves the business so employees have a job to return to it just seems logical. And we all know the airlines will be asking for some type of funding help after this. Could stop the spread too
Lets do a little math. A 737 depending on model cost $100-$140 million each Much of that cost is financed At most of the major airports an airline has to buy a landing slot. At Heathrow or JFK just to look at a couple one landing slot could cost over $50 million or more.... to get one slot. Most airlines prebuy fuel. I don't know how much but imagine how many gallons of Jet A may already have been purchased for future needs. Thats just a few of the big expenses without getting into the incredible infrastructure required to run an airline. Labor is a part of it but not the big part of it.
Well said IMO. We must be brothers separated at birth, as these are my thoughts too. I will add this...this is a good time to be well familiar with your Bible.

We actually have more in common than being habitat junkies/hunters/like minded....I was born in Maquoketa!
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At my airline, fuel has been the #1 budget line item for a couple decades. It is all contracted 6-12 months in advance, so that cost doesn’t go away.
Aircraft payments will continue as well, which is our #3 budget item. #2 is all personnel costs including pay/retirement/medical/dental.

As mentioned above, aircraft start at about 120 million, and take anywhere from 10-20 years to pay off. My airline has about 1,000 aircraft... that is $120,000,000,000 in airplanes ALONE. That doesn’t mention ANY ground equipment or facilities. With investment barriers like that, it requires massive amounts of debt to operate... especially since deregulation raced prices to the lowest possible price point.

I believe that if we let our airline industry die from this, it will drastically effect the rate of recovery after. Our industry isn’t nearly as important as our farming/ranching community, or the healthcare community... but I don’t think you can just let the whole thing go up in smoke either.

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I guess they won’t miss my $300 fair.
I agree we can’t let the airline industry die.
Did you get a refund? I’ve got a ticket to cancel but have to wait inside 7 days to find out what I can do about it
Habitat Forum---Thoughts on managing food plots, habitat mgt. generally habitat and wildlife oriented...and a thread on Coronavirus is at 40 pages and 786 posts. Fascinating and an interesting insight into the thought process of this particular demographic. Is the corona virus something to be aware of and thoughtful about ? Absolutely! There is much we do not know. I only know that my approach to life, including the corona virus seems different than mainstream.

I do not look to politicians for advice on my health.I don't look to the government for guidance on lifestyle choices nor definitions of right and wrong. I do not watch network news....any of them...for guidance on what I should believe or how or what to think about anything. I try to be as self aware as possible never to judge, blame, finger point, condescend...etc and I generally discount what I hear from those that do. I believe in focusing my attention, creativity and energy on things within my sphere of influence. To me the rest is mostly just noise creating distraction from what matters.

What I know is that the emotions of fear, anger, judgement, blame, victimization, hopelessness etc etc create hormones that compromise the immune system, take critical energy away from vital organs , stops creativity, narrows the focus of attention, and keeps us in a fight or flight mode which is great for escaping lion attack but disastrous to our health as a lifestyle. Could these impacts make anyone more vulnerable to disease? Add a bankrupt approach to diet and fitness and the problems multiply. Forgetting corona virus for a moment simply look at the disastrous state of western health from 'lifestyle diseases' and the results are obvious. Of course their are many vulnerable to a whole host of health issues.

The reciprocal is that joy, self empowerment, gratitude etc bolster the immune system strengthen our health, increase vital energy, improve sleep which releases hgh that heals and repairs. Couple that with a nutrient dense diet and intelligent fitness and the bodies ability to remain in a state of vibrant health is nothing short of miraculous. This true at all ages.

Am I concerned about the corona virus for me and my family? No. Is it a real issue for many that look to the medical community or govt to take care of their health by abdicating personal responsibility for their health ? I think possibly yes. I feel much compassion for the multitudes that are being harmed economically, for those that are vulnerable to the virus, for those that might lose a loved one, and for those that are angry and need to point fingers or blame . Its a miserable position to be in.

For me I'm going to continue celebrating life with every breath I breathe, be as creative as I possibly can, find joy and opportunity in every moment and only modify the lifestyle I chose decades ago to the degree the social environment dictates.

The voice of reason

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I personally think this has been the best thread on the forum in quite some time. Certainly the most active outside of maybe the cuddelink. Hell we are all supposed to be staying inside, might as well bicker amongst ourselves a little :emoji_wink:.

Too bad we couldn't do this at a nice pub with a few beers and shots of adult smart juice ... we would settle all disputes on the pool table or dart board and drink happily ... at least thats my vision :emoji_grin:
Did you get a refund? I’ve got a ticket to cancel but have to wait inside 7 days to find out what I can do about it

I'm booked with American Airlines. They sent me an email yesterday that said don’t call our phones are swamped. It says I don’t have to show up for the flight and they will credit my account.
Habitat Forum---Thoughts on managing food plots, habitat mgt. generally habitat and wildlife oriented...and a thread on Coronavirus is at 40 pages and 786 posts. Fascinating and an interesting insight into the thought process of this particular demographic. Is the corona virus something to be aware of and thoughtful about ? Absolutely! There is much we do not know. I only know that my approach to life, including the corona virus seems different than mainstream.

I do not look to politicians for advice on my health.I don't look to the government for guidance on lifestyle choices nor definitions of right and wrong. I do not watch network news....any of them...for guidance on what I should believe or how or what to think about anything. I try to be as self aware as possible never to judge, blame, finger point, condescend...etc and I generally discount what I hear from those that do. I believe in focusing my attention, creativity and energy on things within my sphere of influence. To me the rest is mostly just noise creating distraction from what matters.

What I know is that the emotions of fear, anger, judgement, blame, victimization, hopelessness etc etc create hormones that compromise the immune system, take critical energy away from vital organs , stops creativity, narrows the focus of attention, and keeps us in a fight or flight mode which is great for escaping lion attack but disastrous to our health as a lifestyle. Could these impacts make anyone more vulnerable to disease? Add a bankrupt approach to diet and fitness and the problems multiply. Forgetting corona virus for a moment simply look at the disastrous state of western health from 'lifestyle diseases' and the results are obvious. Of course their are many vulnerable to a whole host of health issues.

The reciprocal is that joy, self empowerment, gratitude etc bolster the immune system strengthen our health, increase vital energy, improve sleep which releases hgh that heals and repairs. Couple that with a nutrient dense diet and intelligent fitness and the bodies ability to remain in a state of vibrant health is nothing short of miraculous. This true at all ages.

Am I concerned about the corona virus for me and my family? No. Is it a real issue for many that look to the medical community or govt to take care of their health by abdicating personal responsibility for their health ? I think possibly yes. I feel much compassion for the multitudes that are being harmed economically, for those that are vulnerable to the virus, for those that might lose a loved one, and for those that are angry and need to point fingers or blame . Its a miserable position to be in.

For me I'm going to continue celebrating life with every breath I breathe, be as creative as I possibly can, find joy and opportunity in every moment and only modify the lifestyle I chose decades ago to the degree the social environment dictates.


I gotta shotgun,a rifle, and a 4 wheel drive..........

I just got 2 ladder stands delivered few minutes ago. So no worries of me and food.:emoji_sunglasses: Freezer already full of venison and angus and my one staff has prime trout stream in her back yard for fresh fish. Daughter started her garden in NC this week so veggies on the horizon. Priorities, hope I don’t die before I get those stands up this week, but there are no guarantees.
Rivers Edge Lockdown Bow Pro??? Inquiring minds want to know. Carry on and be safe!
Did you get a refund? I’ve got a ticket to cancel but have to wait inside 7 days to find out what I can do about it
I had to cancel two trips. Disney Cruise and jet blue flights refunded without taking the insurance. Delta flight with insurance they would not refund, would only give me a credit because they said the virus was not a covered reason to cancel. They said I can appeal. I would imagine they have changed that policy in the last two weeks.
This corona-virus thing sure has made something stand out starkly in America. It has made it alarmingly obvious just how many families are dependent on their schools (government) just to feed their kids breakfast and lunch each day. It has also illuminated just how many Americans have absolutely no savings whatsoever.
This corona-virus thing sure has made something stand out starkly in America. It has made it alarmingly obvious just how many families are dependent on their schools (government) just to feed their kids breakfast and lunch each day. It has also illuminated just how many Americans have absolutely no savings whatsoever.

Ya... that's foreign to me. We have destroyed the family and replaced dads with the govt when it comes to relying on a provider. But that's a whole nuther thread.
Wife just got laid off. When you work 6" from a person's mouth all day, probably a good idea.
This corona-virus thing sure has made something stand out starkly in America. It has made it alarmingly obvious just how many families are dependent on their schools (government) just to feed their kids breakfast and lunch each day. It has also illuminated just how many Americans have absolutely no savings whatsoever.
I bet a lot of them have $800 phones, cars and houses they can’t afford, cable and phone bills for $200/month, maxed out credit cards, student debt from useless majors, and too many kids to begin with. I work with a couple of these, all they do is complain about not having money and then tell you everything they buy. One has a 100k in student loans and a theater degree, a one year old and another on the way and might make 30k. Says all her friends are in the same boat. At some point you are held accountable for the choices you make. Of coarse she doesn’t think it’s fair she has to pay her student loans back.
Edit: she also shows up everyday with $10 dunking donut order and goes out for lunch.
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^^^^ You are right. Couple years ago it was published that most Americans cannot come up with $5000 on an emergency basis. They are so far in debt with cars and mortgages I’m not sure how they sleep at night. I think that is the main driving force as to why this country has not shut down with most businesses thru this event. Many People simply cannot afford to miss one paycheck at any income level.
3 “Chinese virus” tweets in an hour this morning. Part of me says we are preparing to go to war with China. They are threatening to withhold our meds, cyber attacking CDC and HHS, telling the world that our military is responsible for corona, have expelled our journalists, having outbreaks of bird flu now, threatening to dump $2 trillion dollars in US Treasurys, still haven’t bought one damn thing from the trade deal. Oh to be a fly on the wall in a National security briefing.....

Rivers Edge Lockdown Bow Pro??? Inquiring minds want to know. Carry on and be safe!
I hate to say as I’m sure I’ll get some grief on here but got 2 Field and Stream Overlook XL for $129 marked down from 280 and free shipping. One is replacing an ancient hang on I shouldn’t even be climbing in to. Both going up this weekend, already have trees chosen. I’ve got another been ususing for 2 years and for the money its the best and quietest and most comfortable. And fairly easy to put up on my mountains sides.
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