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^^^^ You are right. Couple years ago it was published that most Americans cannot come up with $5000 on an emergency basis. They are so far in debt with cars and mortgages I’m not sure how they sleep at night. I think that is the main driving force as to why this country has not shut down with most businesses thru this event. Many People simply cannot afford to miss one paycheck at any income level.

But at least in high school they learned about obscure chemical reactions and the biology of the amazon rain forest (somewhere they'll never get to go)

Maybe learn compound intrest works. Learn how to balance a checkbook and live on less than you make. Learn that some day, you'll wanna quit working, so plan ahead now, prepare for it, and be ready.
I bet a lot of them have $800 phones, cars and houses they can’t afford, cable and phone bills for $200/month, maxed out credit cards, student debt from useless majors, and too many kids to begin with. I work with a couple of these, all they do is complain about not having money and then tell you everything they buy. One has a 100k in student loans and a theater degree, a one year old and another on the way and might make 30k. Says all her friends are in the same boat. At some point you are held accountable for the choices you make. Of coarse she doesn’t think it’s fair she has to pay her student loans back.
Edit: she also shows up everyday with $10 dunking donut order and goes out for lunch.

Many days I walk down to the Kwik Trip gas station to grab a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday I am standing in line and there is a 25-30 year old young guy at the counter. He has 2 packs of smokes, the king size Butterfinger candy bar, and a tall boy energy drink. He hands the cashier a $20 then says wait, grabs a lighter, hands her another another $10 bill, and says given me scratch off lotto tix for the rest. So $30 spent at lunch and all the while he complaining to the cashier that he is not getting paid enough and getting screwed by his boss.

Meanwhile I am standing there with the 2 hot dogs for $3 deal. I walked away reminding myself that most people have the life they deserve ...:emoji_wink:
Many days I walk down to the Kwik Trip gas station to grab a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday I am standing in line and there is a 25-30 year old young guy at the counter. He has 2 packs of smokes, the king size Butterfinger candy bar, and a tall boy energy drink. He hands the cashier a $20 then says wait, grabs a lighter, hands her another another $10 bill, and says given me scratch off lotto tix for the rest. So $30 spent at lunch and all the while he complaining to the cashier that he is not getting paid enough and getting screwed by his boss.

Meanwhile I am standing there with the 2 hot dogs for $3 deal. I walked away reminding myself that most people have the life they deserve ...:emoji_wink:
I don’t know what is more troubling, that story or that you are eating gas station hot dogs. Come on man
I don’t know what is more troubling, that story or that you are eating gas station hot dogs. Come on man

I have seen hot dags made and a hot dog is a hot dog wherever you buy one. I do draw the line at gas station burritos ... after one of those, better stay close to the bathroom ... :emoji_fearful:
I have seen hot dags made and a hot dog is a hot dog wherever you buy one. I do draw the line at gas station burritos ... after one of those, better stay close to the bathroom ... :emoji_fearful:
Especially with the current toilet paper situation
I have seen hot dags made and a hot dog is a hot dog wherever you buy one. I do draw the line at gas station burritos ... after one of those, better stay close to the bathroom ... :emoji_fearful:

I'm right there with you. I have a soft spot for gas station junk food. Roller dogs...

Also, i've cleared the drain under the hot dog stuffer at the local mass chicken butchering plant... That is another kind of nasty.

I'll still eat em. Its probably why my immune system is so good. I've built up a heck of a tolerance
I'm right there with you. I have a soft spot for gas station junk food. Roller dogs...

Also, i've cleared the drain under the hot dog stuffer at the local mass chicken butchering plant... That is another kind of nasty.

I'll still eat em. Its probably why my immune system is so good. I've built up a heck of a tolerance
I eat at gas stations 2-3 times a week. I do the pizza and subs but I can’t bring myself to eat the “roller dogs”
I bet a lot of them have $800 phones, cars and houses they can’t afford, cable and phone bills for $200/month, maxed out credit cards, student debt from useless majors, and too many kids to begin with. I work with a couple of these, all they do is complain about not having money and then tell you everything they buy. One has a 100k in student loans and a theater degree, a one year old and another on the way and might make 30k. Says all her friends are in the same boat. At some point you are held accountable for the choices you make. Of coarse she doesn’t think it’s fair she has to pay her student loans back.
Edit: she also shows up everyday with $10 dunking donut order and goes out for lunch.
Wish I could like this post x a million!
I'm in debt up to my eyeballs...

I have seen hot dags made and a hot dog is a hot dog wherever you buy one. I do draw the line at gas station burritos ... after one of those, better stay close to the bathroom ... :emoji_fearful:
I love KT burritos. I wish I didn't work so close to KT. I eat there way to much. It's cheap enough If you just eat the daily specials like I do. With six of us in the house there isn't usually much for leftovers to bring into work.
I have just returned from our 8 day cruise, that was extended 2 days, so it was a 10 day, because Puerto Rico wouldnt let us back into the ships home port. A little background, the ship we were on was in dry dock for the past 2 months in Spain getting re Amped, basically, all new carpet, paint, redone a quite a bit of stuff, and a major cleaning to make the ship sparkle. We were the first group to take a cruise after it was done. Life on the ship was as normal as any other cruise we have been on, except for the fact of them pushing for people to wash their hands, and use hand sanitizer as you walk into, or out of any public area, bars, restaurants, activity areas, etc.. No one got sick on our ship, none of the crew tested positive, and none of the guests went in for any cold, or flu like symptoms to the dr, which they encouraged you go in, if you have symptoms, for no cost. As I said we were scheduled to dock in Puerto Rico on Sunday morning, but the Puerto Rico governor would not let us port, even though about 1/3 of the guests were from Puerto Rico, including the Captain of the ship. So they decided to port in Miami, which is a 2 day cruise from Puerto Rico, now when you have about 4500 guests scheduled to disembark in Puerto Rico, now all are told we are headed to Miami, and now 4500 people need to cancel their airline plans from Puerto Rico, and try to reschedule it in Miami, but with the scare going on in the states, we have no certainty that we will be able to port in Miami either. The Florida governor was asking Trump to shut down the ports.

So the next days were spent trying to cancel a flight from Puerto Rico, which was about $1900 round trip. Then trying to book an uncertain flight out of Miami, anyhow Royal Caribbean was great, they gave us all free amenities for the extended 2 days, free drinks, Wifi, plus they are paying for anyones transfer fees, motel fees, transfer to the airports, and airfare home if needed. Which unsurprisingly was very cheap compared to pre histaria. Anyhow we all go home last night, all healthy, and after seeing what the world has turned into in the last 10 days that we were gone, I want to go back!

The biggest lesson I learned from this, is I can never vacation again, I no longer trust you guys, I leave for 10 days, and you guys break the world!
You can fly anywhere in the US right now really cheap, but actually getting off the ground and returning are highly unpredictable. Hopefully the car rentals will not shut down so you can at least drive back.
bwoods, BuckSutherland, and Chummer in posts #765, 766, and 769 - When I said Dr. Fauci isn't "Trump's expert", I was rebutting what someone else had already called him. Someone else tagged him that. Dr. Fauci is his own expert ……. once again …………. once again ……………. no political ax to grind.

As far as Hannity doing an about face on corona virus ……...………. well ……..... his own videos are evidence enough.

For the record - if Trump was a Dem, or if another Dem was president - and said the things Trump has said concerning corona virus, and downplayed it as nothing to worry about, contradicted what Dr. Fauci and other experts were saying from the start, and delayed a national plan to combat it - I'd be calling that Dem an idiot. Arrogance knows no boundaries - D or R or I. This virus has no political leanings. It'll attack D & R & I equally.

Also for the record: When Obama made the "line in the sand" comment - he blew it by NOT doing anything to back it up. Stupid move is stupid move regardless whether it's D or R or I. Defending an action (or lack of action), or comment that's indefensible is just being willfully blind. And - there is no such thing as "alternate facts."

Dr. Fauci said this, " If, when this is over, we can say "we over-killed" our efforts, then that's a win." The idea being - get ahead of the virus by taking extraordinary steps to combat it. I don't want the positive case numbers to climb to gloat over them. I want us all to do what the experts have been saying and keep the numbers low. If some disregard the warnings as Trump DID (he's on tape saying what he said) then you'll do what you want to do. I hope none of your loved ones are affected by your choices.

I can say one thing with ALL SURETY - if it WAS a Dem in the White House when all this hit the fan - you same guys would be throwing up blood and calling him every name in the book. Ranting about how he should have acted sooner & listened to the real experts instead of flying by the seat of his pants. You KNOW you would. (Remember "Obama wasn't a U.S. citizen", he was "a Muslim terrorist", he wasn't Christian, "Obama shouldn't get credit for getting Bin Laden", etc. etc.)

I'm nice and calm as I type this. I hate no one. I didn't call anyone on here a name. I just want this CV thing to have a good ending, that's all. I think the experts are the ones to follow.
Setting politics and media aside here is a point of view from a couple of quantum physicist. Interesting observation on the physical condition of the infected where corona virus has been deadly. And some easy to apply advice for what one can do for themselves today as preventative.
bwoods, BuckSutherland, and Chummer in posts #765, 766, and 769 - When I said Dr. Fauci isn't "Trump's expert", I was rebutting what someone else had already called him. Someone else tagged him that. Dr. Fauci is his own expert ……. once again …………. once again ……………. no political ax to grind.

As far as Hannity doing an about face on corona virus ……...………. well ……..... his own videos are evidence enough.

For the record - if Trump was a Dem, or if another Dem was president - and said the things Trump has said concerning corona virus, and downplayed it as nothing to worry about, contradicted what Dr. Fauci and other experts were saying from the start, and delayed a national plan to combat it - I'd be calling that Dem an idiot. Arrogance knows no boundaries - D or R or I. This virus has no political leanings. It'll attack D & R & I equally.

Also for the record: When Obama made the "line in the sand" comment - he blew it by NOT doing anything to back it up. Stupid move is stupid move regardless whether it's D or R or I. Defending an action (or lack of action), or comment that's indefensible is just being willfully blind. And - there is no such thing as "alternate facts."

Dr. Fauci said this, " If, when this is over, we can say "we over-killed" our efforts, then that's a win." The idea being - get ahead of the virus by taking extraordinary steps to combat it. I don't want the positive case numbers to climb to gloat over them. I want us all to do what the experts have been saying and keep the numbers low. If some disregard the warnings as Trump DID (he's on tape saying what he said) then you'll do what you want to do. I hope none of your loved ones are affected by your choices.

I can say one thing with ALL SURETY - if it WAS a Dem in the White House when all this hit the fan - you same guys would be throwing up blood and calling him every name in the book. Ranting about how he should have acted sooner & listened to the real experts instead of flying by the seat of his pants. You KNOW you would. (Remember "Obama wasn't a U.S. citizen", he was "a Muslim terrorist", he wasn't Christian, "Obama shouldn't get credit for getting Bin Laden", etc. etc.)

I'm nice and calm as I type this. I hate no one. I didn't call anyone on here a name. I just want this CV thing to have a good ending, that's all. I think the experts are the ones to follow.

You shouldn't be spreading those rumors about Obama. You shouldn’t be ranting and throwing up blood either. Nice to know you don’t want to gloat over rising cases. You should be happy the economy is being destroyed everyday and Trumps chances of winning re-election are going down. We both know that any honest Trump hater would trade the economy and as many cases as it takes to get rid of him. No worries we have Dementia Joe waiting in the on deck circle. He thinks he is still fighting Sars or Ebola, he can’t decide which one it is. Obama was so hated he gave us Trump. Trump is so hated he is going to gives us a guy that cheated is way through college, said don’t go after Bin Ladin, says China is not our enemy, son is indebted to China and Russia, supported every bad trade deal we have, wants to take our guns, give free health care and college to illegals, deport no one including felons, and probably won’t know his own name by election. It is all worth it though because Trump says mean things.
The economic impact of all this is going to far exceed the impact of life had we done absolutely nothing. Maybe this is just natures way of saying the world is over populated. In nature it's survival of the fittest. Is it pretty? Hell no. It has however worked since the beginning of time and has kept the "breeding population" in good/better health than past generations.

Don't worry about Trump. He's going to get 75 million votes and isn't going anywhere.
Social distancing update:

Only anglers on the ice.

Walleye bite is on fire at the moment.
Even got to experience the mythical 3 tip up flags going off at the same time.

Ended up two short, got enough for a good fish fry.
I bet a lot of them have $800 phones, cars and houses they can’t afford, cable and phone bills for $200/month, maxed out credit cards, student debt from useless majors, and too many kids to begin with. I work with a couple of these, all they do is complain about not having money and then tell you everything they buy. One has a 100k in student loans and a theater degree, a one year old and another on the way and might make 30k. Says all her friends are in the same boat. At some point you are held accountable for the choices you make. Of coarse she doesn’t think it’s fair she has to pay her student loans back.
Edit: she also shows up everyday with $10 dunking donut order and goes out for lunch.
2 guys were making fun of me today because we are looking to buy a used Chevy Traverse. I have $19k set aside and thats what I am willing to spend. They were just telling me how it makes more since to spend $35k on a new one with 0% interest. I know for a fact one of them is broke because when he bought his house I had to go through his finances to help him find $2k dollars to put down on a $375k house that sits on 40 acres. We got on the dave ramsey kick a few years ago.

Currently looking to refinance my house to 2.875%.

78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck
That's probably what the salesman at the dealership told them. Taking any advice financially from people that don't have two nickels to rub together might not be the best course of action.
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